Ana is the only support without self heal

So…what you’re saying is roadhog is the better healer

Agreed she needs some sort of self healing if not then give herself the chance to defend herself more and lower the cooldown a bit on her sleep dart and or revert her damage to 80 so she has a fighting chance since no passive healing is supposed to be “her weakness”

From far away, Mccree does 21 damage, or 42 if he can headshot from that distance. Ana damage and healing doesn’t change depending on the distance and it is the highest healing per second from all healers outside ults.

Mercy’s abilities are only viable around teammates. That’s her weakness.

Try playing her in DM and see for yourself how helpless she on her own.

As an Ana main, I have to say that I don’t think a self heal is overly necessary. I mean, it would be nice, but she is already in a good spot. Like, people talk about her team needing to baby sit her, but a sleep dart can guarantee a kill for your team early in a fight. Also, A lot of teams run double or triple healer, so she can easily get healed if she takes chip damage.

Rare is the Ana far away when the opposing team has but one dive hero in it. If she strays to far from her team she’s dead.

If ana is getting targeted switch to another healer, problem soved

Ana’s ult charges fast though and is powerful when

Also Blizzard have said Ana provides benefits other healers do not so therefore doesn’t get self heal or mobility.

They need to revert those Ana PTR buffs and give her instead:

75 damage per shot (increased from 70).
Self-Nano on every mode.
Nano now heal targets for 100 health.

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Yea, like being useless and easy to kill. I agree.

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Or how about letting Ana shoot her own feet.

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Omggggggg. That’s on purpose.

Mercy wasn’t too strong back to season 3. It’s not Mercy fault if Ana’s bad. Despite lies people like you keep spreading. ^^

The thing is, all you need is another healer, like a Brig or a Lucio, then she doesn’t need self sustain. A good Ana is a real pain to kill, and I agree with Geoff. I’d rather they make her be able to heal through barriers, shorten her CDs, etc., rather than give her self sustain

If only Ana had some ability that allows her to disable the enemy that has surprised her away from her teammates… Maybe some stun, or I dont know, sleep dart, that would make players not complaining about her being defenseless. Too bad she does not have anything like that

In that case, she can can heals from the other supports. Also, see can throw a grenade at her feet and heal herself even while taking damage, as opposed to Zenyatta or Mercy

AOE heals, autoheal, self regeneration, CC, spam damage, spam heals. these should be nerfed to restore ana’s position in the meta, not the other way around. the last thing we want is 5 minute fights with no one dying.

Many interesting ideas in this post. Maybe Blizz is just trying to buff her one step at a time and see what happens?

Ana can cc from a distance and prevent healing.

She has her powerful upsides. The reason she’s not used is because people like to min/max

That’s actually a lie. In Theory Ana is actually alot more powerful than Mercy and the best Ana’s in the world are more effective than the best Mercy’s in the world, Ana is supposed to be a hard character to master and hard to pick up whereas Mercy is supposed to be an easy character to learn and hard to master.

I don’t know where you guys came up with the whole Mercy is making Ana unviable theory but it was proven completely wrong because after every Mercy nerf you guys were like Ana’s gonna be viable now and she still isn’t.
Overall Ana can actually be better than Mercy if you put in the time and skill because her skill ceiling is infinite while Mercy’s isn’t. It’s just that Mercy is a low skill floor character which is why her pickrate is higher, also it is a complete lie pro Ana players are playing Mercy now, they actually either play Zen or Ana.