Ana is the only sniper that can't run away

Ana’s sleep target disengages from 1 person if she hits a skill shot on a 12 second cooldown.

Mercy’s guardian angel disengages from everyone, takes no skill, and is on a 1.5 second cooldown.

You don’t see a problem here?


Clearly the problem is that Guardian Angel should be up every 0.5 seconds.


Yeah I can definitely agree she was over-nerfed. I think everyone agrees to that one. I mean if they want high-skill pro-only Ana back they can always revert a few nerfs until she gets back to the area where OWL can use her. Personally though, I’d rather see her get a redesign, so she’s more of a balanced character with a defined role, as opposed to just being the queen of skill-shots.

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Ana can duel 1vs1, and kill better than Mercy though. Ana has a higher kill rate? You don’t need to disengage someone you just killed, but you probably need to disengage you can’t kill. That’s what teamwork is for at times.

If Ana want’s Mercy’s mobility then she would probably take a hit on other offensive abilities.

If Mercy wanted Ana’s CC or more offensive abilities, she would probably lose out on heals or mobility to balance.

She can duel, but at equal skill level flankers have always the upper hand.

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Well, as I posted above. She’s a “status effects hero”, so why not give her an escape tool using status effects.

No rework needed.

good positioning saves ana :smirk:

The thing is that Ana may become very OP with too much mobility, I mean she’s never had mobility and yet she was meta. if the only purpose is just to get pros using her again, they can just revert some nerfs. That way we know the potential consequences of that anyway.

Of course if we want common players to use her effectively as well, then rework is a better solution.

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Jeff! Why aren’t you acknowledging all of Sombra’s bugs? I’m calling you out which is against the forum rules! Ban me so I know you’ve read this!


Good one

Game is design with flanking routes.
Positioning is always relative to the environment, enemy team position and your team position
There is no place in the game where you are save from flankers

The problem with this is that if Ana is focused on killing someone she’s not healing her team, outside of Moira (and even then she has her Biotic Orb), all of the other Supports can heal their team whilst dealing with an attacker.

Meanwhile, Mercy has the mobility that allows her to disengage and keep things constant.

You usually don’t want to break off from healing your teammates too long as a healer, especially considering that Ana already has so many periods of pauses in-between healing.

Honestly, at this point I’m about ready for a rework of sorts…her state on Console frustrates the life out of me.

Okay. Then i’ll propose a very similar malformed question.
Is Torbjorn viable because Nano boost exists?
I mean… technically it boosts his damage AND damage resistance, right? So that must mean that Torbjorn gets a little damage from Nano boost, right?

Spoiler: No. Because he’s not the ideal target for a Nanoboost.
And this logic applies to everything else too. That’s why Reinhardt and Orisa’s existence don’t make Bastion a viable hero, and this is why Sym’s teleporter won’t make Ana a viable hero.

Being an active detriment to the team means that they have to spend their resources on you, instead of maximizing the value they could get out of their resources.

I dont see yours either. I didn’t say that the ability doesn’t work.
I’m saying that it’s not going to mean jack @!# for Ana.

You’re asking malformed questions again.
That is not how the game works. You don’t Nano boost a Torb in a serious match, do you? Because that would ‘‘technically’’ make him more viable too.
But Nanoboost merely existing doesn’t do that for him, does it?

If you’re playing Sym around Ana, you’re playing the game to a sub optimal level.
A Reinhardt doesn’t babysit a Bastion to Hanzo levels of viability, does he?
In fact, being such a detriment to the team makes Bastion one of the least played heroes in the game. And he has consistently been so for over a year.

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Well her lack of mobility is kinda supposed to be her weakness and I don’t think the devs will budge on that, if you learn to land the sleep dart it’s not too bad.

The problem with sleep dart is that your teammates can screw you over which I really don’t like considering that landing a sleep dart takes skill and you shouldn’t be getting punished by an incompetent teammate when you manage to land it.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been screwed over by some dps twit who thought that sleeping target = must shoot because easy target even though Ana is low health and trying to run away, it’s the only thing that I absolutely hate about sleep dart.

All that said, sleep dart is still a pretty powerful ability , a lower cooldown on it or charges would be cool, but that would inevitably require the max duration of sleep to be decreased.

I just don’t know if many player play against player below their skill level or they are like Ryu

Sleepdart is not reliable
Genji has more than enough time do deflect or dash, tracer has enough time to blink.

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I see what you are saying. Let’s make Ana the new Junkrat of support, easy solution.

Maybe Blizzard should completely revamp and gut Ana. Make her easy mode and accessible. Like make her bullets the size of tennis balls so its very easy to aim and bullets that miss will ricochet once. So you can hit Allies with heals around corners with trick shots or just spam away. Enemies would be easy to pick off too, you miss them once, you get a second chance on ricochet. Ana would be flooded with more Play of the Game.

Ana won’t be a sniper as much as a spammer. She’ll be the new Junkrat of support. More people will enjoy her, instead of the tedious pin point accuracy that only niche player enjoy. But as a spammer her pick rate would rise much more than just buffing her current kit. That’s what big changes like that, might make her much more popular.

Except it is not a stun, if anyone damages the target it is a brief .5 second stun with a 12 second cooldown with an extreme small hitbox with an extremly slow moving projectile.

I’ll quit this game if they actually rework her and dumb her down, she’s the only support in this game that I enjoy playing and being a flex player I get forced into that role a lot.


ffs, just answer the questions 1-10 scales instead of dodging it.

If you think it’s so bad for ANA, the she would maybe “1” on scale on the teleporter. Pretty simple. Reading comprehension.

It honestly needs a lower cooldown.

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I can’t be arsed with typing all that AGAIN because you dont want to listen and propose a real argument anymore.