Ana is the most picked hero in GM

So what about people in gm who wanna play Mercy?

Wasn’t that one of the problems with Mercy, she had to always be picked and picking any other support was a throw pick?

Also shes high skilled so she’s get to be the most picked is silly, people should be able to play their favourite character, no matter the skill of the character.


Pick one:

  • Play whatever is meta
  • Play Mercy on specific maps/objectives/comps
  • Don’t play GM, and derank into Masters/ Diamond

Realistically though, wouldn’t one expect that the least mechanically challenging healer probably shouldn’t be the best healer for the top 1% of players?


I wouldn’t jump the gun here…

Think about how hard brig counters flankers and… If you think she will continue to be so overturned…

Then think about how little healing ana does if she has to constantly duel flankers

The meta is just enabling her

“Doing fine in Plat”. You can see she has the lowest winrate. Which would be fine if it wasn’t a sub 50% winrate.


I agree she shouldnt be the top pick but I don’t think people can say its not okay for Mercy but okay for Ana.

It’s like people who play Mercy aren’t aloud to be top 500 because their favourite character isnt as skilled based.


I mean, there have been plenty of top 500 Symmetra mains, Doomfist mains, even some Torb mains, and one or two Bastion/Mei mains.

You can get Top500 with whatever you want. It just might not be easy.

Also, it’s not like Mercy is dead. Ana will be more predominant, but she has still bad maps where Mercy is a better pick.

So youre advocating that Ana is OP currently compared to other supports and this is fine because we will always have 1 OP healer, cause this is how balance in this game works and by your standards its best for that op healer to be Ana.

Aw thank you for explaining to me what I am allowed to worry my little head with. Let me check, :thinking: Plat: Mercy the only healer below 50% winrate; 2% time on fire; second lowest 9% of time on fire; highest tie rate. So picking Mercy in plat means you have a higher chance of losing or tying the game than picking literally any other healer, not only that you will probably lose more than 50% of your games. Works great and is super viable.

Lets go through the low ranks real quick since this is such an important argument to you and its very important:
Gold: Mercy and Ana have the same winrate below 50%
Silver: Mercy has 1% higher win rate but both are under 50%
Bronze: Mercy has a higher win rate by 2% both are under 50%
In all 3 ranks Moira has a higher win rate than both of them.
So by the numbers it would seem that picking Mercy or Ana in lower ranks gets you more or less the same result, in higher ranks picking Mercy makes you more likely to lose the game and picking Ana is better. So where does:

come into play? Cause the numbers tell us Ana is better for the high skilled but Mercy isnt better for low skilled, in gold and lower they perform the same (if we dont take into account on fire time which affects how much SR you gain in lower ranks, making it easier to climb on Ana since her on fire time varies from 8 to 10% and Mercys from 1 to 2%).


Wow, what a terrible, biased opinion


Cree is dead now because of no more Mercy. If ana fails the heal shots he dead. I hate how fragile he is.
I wish he was a bit more able to survive by himself rather than needing babysitting.

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Uhh no


he was always like that.
its not a reason to rework him. there are plenty of ther dps heroes you can play when you think your ana is bad.

I agree with almost everything except for the stuff that Ana should be the most picked hero in GM. When was this decided and why?


Aim is everything to people apparently, so they associate aim with skill.

Mercy honestly needs a rework, she needs more fun interactive abilities.


Technically Ana was still high skill high reward. Though compared to where Mercy was, it was just not worth running

Mercy still heals more than Ana in every elo by 1k+. It was ridiculous when she was healing 4k more in GM while having the utility she has now.

It’s almost as if people were sick of playing Mercy, so they are playing Ana more now that she got a nice buff to her nano.
Mercy will more than likely rise in pickrates again soon, no reason to cry because Mercy isnt the most picked as she has been for sooo long.
That said, should it not rise again, it isn’t fine, but I don’t think any supports are op right now. It’s more balanced than it has ever been.


But where is Moira, Zen, Brig, and Lucio in all of this?

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So if, for example, 60% of the player base was in bronze, you think the game should be balanced around bronze?

The game should be balanced around all tiers. It makes me laugh that you actually think this game should be balanced with gold and below in mind.

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Also have to remember this is the first time in 2 years that Ana has a 50% average winrate as well

Before the Hanzo rework; Sombra, Ana, and Hanzo were always the bottom 3


One could argue it was balanced around bronze-gold with a low skill high reward hero being dominant in every elo.

If the game were balanced around all tiers, naturally the high skill high reward hero’s would be more prevalent in high elo as those players can get value out of those hero’s that the casual player wouldn’t.