Ana has a Higher Pickrate than Mercy for the First Time since Season 3

I think what he means is that Ana still needs to aim decently well to heal. Mercy doesn’t need to.

Symmetra was originally a support, and overbuff uses the original categories.

I’m Grandmaster, I don’t know about you. Making hero roles subjective to how people play heroes at different ranks is just plain wrong, however.

e.g. Torbjorn shouldn’t be considered a support just because Torbjorns at lower ranks don’t know how to peel, and only know how to throw armour randomly on the ground.

It’s just the first week after the changes, let’s wait for another 2 weeks to see what will happen

LOL - trouble in the forest (healing/support team) it appears… seriously, you guys actually begrudge other healers for not enough “skill”? Man it never ends in OW…


There’s no point in not talking about it. Also, teams should be looking at different comps now. Ana is totally viable high, Moira is viable low, Brigitte is good everywhere, Lucio is decent…

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Yes, I bet you have so much experience with torbs on your team since torb is such a popular pick with his 0.22% pickrate being the second least played hero in GM.

All I’m saying is I remember in early February when Mercy’s GM pickrate was down at like 3% and Moira was ruling the roost for a couple of weeks. She always rebounds.

It is a concrete fact that Ana is one of the highest skill ceiling heroes in the game though.

There is only so much you can learn and improve upon as Mercy before she reaches her maximum potential.


Yes, and I bet you have so much experience knowing that overbuff stats are pulled globally, and not solely from EU servers. You’d be surprised at the number of Torbjorn one-tricks there are over here.

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But yea, I’m gonna contain most of my excitement until the numbers stabilize, But I’m liking the fact that Ana has a higher pickrate over Mercy at higher ranks, which is the way it SHOULD be.

Perhaps so, my point (as someone who has recently decided to devote themselves to Ana for healing flex since to me she’s the most fun healer) I just think it’s funny that no matter what, there is some attitude to segregate and compare… I thought at least among healer mains there would be more of a supportive attitude between them for the role they play on the team.

Ana rising is the most displeasing thing I can see right now.jk

I think a lot of support mains are extremely bitter about Mercy’s long-term dominance of the support category.

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Today, 16 august 2018, a true miracle has happened. We shall gather every year at this date to commemorate this beauty.


Overwatch will probably always be like that unfortunately. I get a lot of stick from other DPS mains because I’m a Mei main, and I get accused of having no aim (even though I have one of the highest average weapon accuracy playing Mei)

Groundless stigma gets meaninglessly attached to certain heroes, it’s not a problem unique to Overwatch.

There is a HUGE difference between Mercy mains and the rest of the support mains.


About time. Skilless heroes deserves to fall down.


Yeah too bad Blizz didn’t just tweak mass rez and we could’ve had this all along instead of an unnecessary rework that makes her awful to play huh?


To be fair, Mercy isn’t “skillless”. If she were, Every Mercy main would be a Top 500.