Ana – Ghillie Suit Passive

verry interesting buff idea. I gues she would still keep the visual of her hitscanshots so there is still a way to find her.

I like this, I think it’s very much going in the right direction for old girl. But would it encourage camping?

It sounds really interesting, to say the least. This won’t break the game since her healing output will still be in check, while opening up new cheeky playmaking opportunities.


A reasonable buff that wouldnt make her powerful, but would give her enough suitability to be able to contribute? Love it, take my like.

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Sounds like a good idea, but Blizzard hates anything balanced.

I love this idea! I’d be so good for ana and i’d fit her character too, also they should make her damage 75 instead of 70 she shouldn’t be nerfed just because she can two shot two characters in the whole game, and they should also make pre healing a toggle i’ll never stop asking for that last one😋

Don’t let this post die people, granny needs some love❤️

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F###ing yes please!!


i guess some one here playing too much pubg,

I don’t know what they have in pubg but i was thinking about the obscuring ring in dark souls.

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Team sport. Most comps have dive heroes in them today anyway. I imagine they’d be be fielding out to hunt for her much the same they do with Widow today. Whereas widow gets an escape this would put the onus on Ana in not getting caught in the first place. She wont be able to stay in the same spot for long.


Good points. And it could go a long way towards freshening gameplay up for both sides to boot.



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I really love this idea!!

Widow can headshot. Ana can’t. No.

Would rather she have more mobility and lower cooldowns, really.


I say 30 to 40 meters is fair. That’s a large local area of where you can be seen and you pretty much have to be outside the area of contention for the passive to apply — most likely outside the ability of anyone to peel for you too.

This is precisely the point where this ability should kick in and where it shouldn’t — the practical maxim past where anyone could peel for you. At that point you’re on your own and the cat ‘n mouse game begins.

great idea, even tho i’d prefer more movement abilties due to my teammates always being out of sight. but having stealth would fit better with lore and her age!


Honestly just give her Ult back the speed charge it had. I played the game when Ana came out and I didn’t really think it was too bad it kind of felt unique rather than now when her ult does the same thing as Mercy’s empower which is a regular ability.

You’d have to get rid of the ultra obvious trail on her darts to make that work

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