Ana "buff" on PTR ? that's it ? that's all you think she needs?

ana should heal through shields

doesnt need anything else besides shooting through maxed out allies

really dumb to have a sniper healer that cannot heal through shields so it forces ana player to be near allies at all times


True, I actually do this a lot I didn’t even think about that

It’s a really good buff actually. Ana will need less repositioning.

Less repositioning. Less danger. Faster heal on intended target.

A very good buff…

Yeah they should allow ana to nano herself in any game mode.
My guess is that they dont want ana player to nano herself by mistake in team based mode.

Yeah that and for people to troll with it, so they are just making sure that it’s impossible to do

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Hey, I’ll take a little something over the vast expanses of nothing we got before.

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That is very true about prehealing. I do really enjoy the FFA change as that’s pretty much the ONLY gamemode I play now.

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But nano’ing herself on purpose to benefit from the damage reduction when she is getting harassed by flankers would be a good option.

Yes…but let’s be honest people will use it to troll

Or to contest for example. I don’t think they don’t allow it for trolling reasons (otherwise Mei’s wall would need to work differently too) and you could troll already now by boosting the ulting Zen.

I will certainly play a lot more Ana on FFA!
She is my fav. character for a reason.

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Sadly…yes, i know.
I can already see ana player be like:
“You guys can’t kill anything so i might as well boost myself”


I mainly play her to goof off but now I can actually do 1.02 times as well now!

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it doesnt say specifically, but it means her shots can go through allies that are fully healed. Idk if its enough cause i dont play ana.

That’s a really big QoL buff that Ana mains have been asking for, for a while now.

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I know Ana has been garbage for millennia, but are you guys seriously satisfied with just that? Wow…

Did you read the post Jeff made?

This is only one of the changes coming. Since he said he wasn’t sure if any would be added to this PTR patch. Lets just be happy that something was added so we know what to expect.

Being able to shoot through full health targets with her rifle is a big buff.

Also Ana can now nano boost herself In Deathmatch. So there is that.

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I mean it’s not nothing but it doesn’t change the two fundamental problems she has. One, that she has no mobility/self-sustain. And two, she still can’t heal through barriers. They’re so afraid of buffing her that they’re neglecting what she was always supposed to be; a main healer. As it stands now she’s ill-equipped to fill her own role. Until the impact she has in a capable player’s hands is comparable to Moira and Mercy it isn’t enough.

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This is way bigger than you think it is, no more fat Roadhog’s blocking shots he doesn’t need so Genji can finally get his healing! Just kidding, he will never get enough healing XD

She can nano herself. That’s the most amazing thing yet.