An inside look at the ping system in Overwatch 2

Hmm…well I guess I’m going to have to see it in game in a few weeks cause I’m still not convinced this is going to make much of a difference (based on this article anyway)

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Well, that was the reason they didn’t add it in OW1. But OW2 will have one less player shooting particles. I imagine they’ve tested it, and found it’s reasonably visible.

And if anything, making strategy easier to access makes the overall game harder. That means both teams will be expected to strategize more, can’t get away with just blindly holding W through choke as much.

Sombra scouting gonna be OP though. Then she will be hit by nerfbats again so they can’t take advantage of the ping system cuz pro players are too strong with it or something. :joy:


No but seems to be the only thing that is being given attention to. Don’t mind all the people asking to know how many heroes can be expected at launch.

That isn’t an excuse not to mention not true at all.
If you are making a game that is heavily team oriented, it is up to you to provide the tools to make the game work.

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If a ping stays suck on a person while in your LOS you can stay invis as sombra prefight and ping everyone to give your team a free widow ult. The system in that article seems kinda busted with sombra

Oh wow it’s communication.

They just have to make it so the pings stop moving if anyone on the team doesn’t have los on the enemy. It’s an easy fix

This is something that Overwatch needed for a long time and i’m glad that its finally been added!


I get that you want to see new heroes and heck I want to see them too, but it’s unrealistic to believe they will show that before they finish showing what will be in the first beta….I wouldn’t get your hopes up on anything being shown beyond the little beta feature breakout graphic between now and beta……and then we will likely hear about other heroes before the beta that they will appear in.

I do think we will get more every week or so on the reworks, maps and sojourn prior to the beta since they are in the graphic

can we at least wait till we see it in action before being sure our assumptions are right?

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The ping sticking to the hero is broken, especially since it says which hero it is. What is this, easy mode?

I might be wrong, but what they described in the article would be busted. I’m just going off the info I have right now.

To be fair, the whole game is easy mode. But as described, this will have significant overlap with actual wallhack abilities, which devalues an entire set of abilities as every hero will have them for free, without cooldown, likely with a generous targeting mechanism, and no projectile travel time.

It doesn’t completely obsolete things like sonic arrow or Widow’s ult, but it certainly encroaches on their function and reduces their value somewhat.

The ping system idea was initially rejected by the overwatch team.

It was stated that having such a system in a game like this would clutter the screen.

I wonder what changed to have the developers change their mind?

Apex Legends


And yet if sombra can ping while in stealth, this creates the split between actual game sense and game play.

A sombra being able to ping a hero within the enemies backline that shows the general location of that players location + a icon creates a visual feedback for the flankers on the team of the sombra player to quickly pounce that player… Thus creating a unfair power dynamic within the game that the better sombra “pinger” will win with a proper coordinated team.

Thus it also becomes unfair to heroes that relay on staying in the backline EX support players because there general location can be “leaked” at anytime visually because of that…

Audible callouts don’t have a visual tie in thus the item of a “leaked” position becomes mute and lower and easier to counter over all. Where as a visual locational marker even if general becomes wholly unfair

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Maybe the main defining feature of OW3 will be a mini map.

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I mean 2 less players on the map, updated visuals, which are now more clear and transparent + the ping system can’t be spammed (according to the article)


That’s true, maybe having one less player on each team makes it more viable to have the ping system.

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Good to see a bit more of how the ping system is going to work.

As a support QP warrior where team game sense is entirely optional, a ping system is going to be a fantastic new addition to the game. Not sure on the sticky aspect of the pings, prefer Apex’s ping of location or enemy location remaining at a fixed point rather than the ping following an enemy that has been pinged and is still in LoS.

See how things continue to go with it, but won’t be upset if it gets changed to static pings only and doesn’t follow enemies around.