An inside look at the ping system in Overwatch 2

Probably yeah. I mean… the updated visuals can help a lot too. I mean look at the barrier shaders in current OW which are not that transparent compared to OW2’s barriers shaders / visuals in general.

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Sombra’s team can still see sombra’s location with her silhouette and sombra can ping just as effectively with voicechat.

It might be different if we couldn’t see silhouettes but we do and we can see teammate locations through walls.

The issue that you are going to face is the amount of PING abuse from players. It is a nice idea. But you are going to have players that SPAM it.

Silhouettes are TTLs so they fade after awhile you can’t always see them

Regardless, ping system is good quality of life for sombra, but you’re assuming players will actually follow through on the ping commands.

Players don’t even take teleporters from spawn or group up for tp from spawn or react to commands like “I need help”.

It will be helpful for supports to identify targets and pinging flankers going on routes, for instance or ana sleeping a target, so your teammates have little excuses of ignoring a slept target anymore.

Seems pretty good. May help out lower SR players finally get comms to teammates

I doubt anyone around my SR will use it, considering we are almost always in Comms

It is confirmed there is a cooldown


Is Overwatch 2 also introducing the highly requested hero balancing system too?


And thats actually a good thing because they didnt add a whole new system to further clutter the gaming experience.

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Wow! You really are making nice decisions now!

Awesome, the ping system is very useful and a lot of games could use it.

Nicely done, Overwatch team! :purple_heart:

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Finally! Now calling out the solo dive players wont be hard right now.

Looking good, will make it a lot easier for teams to organize themselves.

Their initial concerns at the time was the amount of spam a ping system could have. Here is the original quote.

Right now there is no recent hints that a mini-map will ever be a thing in Overwatch.

Source: Overwatch Forums Developer Post Archives


but sombra can already do that to an extent. The difference it’s easier without having to rely on everyone on the team having a good mental map or knowledge of the locations you’re mentioning (especially when many locations in ow are user created terms not everyone knows.


Same. I turned off my microphone and in-game voice chat off a long time ago. There’s too many people who will become toxic and become the worst types of people over the microphone. I also almost never got any good advice or feedback with voice on. It almost always affected my performance the moment the team got toxic. Glad I can at least ping where an enemy is, that’s the most important part of communication.


See I think this is fair but slightly misses the point. Even when I have games where literally my entire team is using comms sometimes it’s hard to describe where someone is. I know at the very high end of the ranks especially there are many terms to describe areas and almost all the players know what they are because they play with the same small number of people. But also some people just don’t want to talk like you said. You see it at every rank.

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Ping systems are rather new to games. We’ve had slight early variations of it before in games like Left 4 Dead, but beyond that they pretty much only popped up around 2018/2019 with Deep Rock Galactic and Apex to my knowledge.

Apex had one of the best ping systems for competitive multiplayer games - however it’s implementation only works as smoothly as it does because Apex can have at most 3 players on a team, meaning UI clutter can be kept to a minimum even if there is spam, and deaths are semi-permanent, unlike in OW where you technically have the leeway to goof off with lighter punishment.

This actually sounds pretty cool.

You’re just like…never happy with anything, are ya?

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This is awesome. In a game that requires so much communication, having randoms in voice is just going to be inevitably toxic. However, if you change the way players communicate with each in-game, you can minimize a lot of that negative behavior.

Then, on top of all that, contextual pings are just so freaking helpful. When there’s a Reaper behind me, sometimes the words that come out of my mouth are jibberish bc I’m so stressed. Now, I can just point him out while screaming :slight_smile: