Overall, I actually think the idea of double shield is not a bad one as long as it is done right, the problem is that it’s so unfun to play against because of high health shields. Sigma is an off tank with a good shield, which makes it incredibly unfun to fight.
An off tank with a shield is fine, but the health needs to be far lower so you don’t have to be breaking barriers 24/7.
So here are my proposed changes:
Experimental barrier:
Recall cooldown removed
Health reduced from 700 to 350
Cooldown once destroyed decreased from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
Kinetic Grasp:
Now cancellable (you gain shield health even if cancelled)
yeah 450 would be good. but the main thing about double shield is it’s high sustain. it’s really only good because of high sustain being protected by barriers. so i think it’s better to reduce sigma’s sustain
I dont mind the enemy running two shields, but if they are going to have high range defense (two shields), AND long range offense, then there needs to be up close dropoffs. But we have immortality field, fortify, grasp that denies that.
There can’t be good close range defense, long range defense, and good poke all in 1 comp
Why would nerf an already overnerfed character. Off tanks just need to be buffed since wrecking ball and zarya got nerfed into the ground recently and hog has never been the same since they mega buffed his damage with nerfs and never reverted the nerfs
The thing is, I dont know if the comp itself actually needs a nerf. It just needs to be less hated. Less shooting barriers would help a lot.
The thing is, lots of people do mind. I dont think double shield is OP right now, so maybe just make it less unfun to fight. And also make sigma actually feel better to play + higher skill ceiling.
People didn’t mind rein/orisa, rein/winston, or winston/orisa because those comps had high drop offs. Rein winston had almost no ranged offense and could only brawl. Rein orisa wasn’t bad and had 2900 effective shield HP, but it was very situational because rein could only hold up a shield and do nothing until he got in close range, so he might as well just go hog or dva.
With orisa sigma both tanks have good range potential with strong ranged defense while being able to do both at the same time, while having answers to close range comps
That’s just too much, Sigma still is just too fragile on his own to warrant a trash shield
I just want one second recall cooldown with 500 health barrier. Just lowering the health you gotta chew through is the biggest thing, that way throwing lots of damage into them is a viable option.
Any Sigma combo without Orisa is just weak to dive wholesale, and with an Orisa, a Ball combo works against them. We don’t need Sigma combos to be weak to everything because they are already weak to dive. We just need the playerbase to improve snd pick up the dive characters more often.
I think removing the recall cooldown with less shield makes him fit the off tank role more as he can block key cooldowns with it. If he has any sort of cooldown he can’t block key cooldowns as effectively. It also increases his skill ceiling and floor a lot, as you have to use the barrier effectively, rather than as a team shield.
Rein/Orisa is what they go when they are scared of my Widow enough to not let me play the game, but also they don’t want to go dive to kill me. Such a strange phantom zone of uselessness…
I would argue he’s one of the most durable tanks in the game. Kinetic grasp (Along with shield gain) + Shield makes him incredibly durable, plus he has the longest range out of all the tanks. Keep in mind also he is supposed to be an off tank. He’s supposed to be more fragile than main tanks. Imagine if someone like zarya could solo tank like he could!
You can barely use it as a team shield now. It has a regeneration rate lower than Brig’s so if you let it burn down you lose it.
Letting him spam the shield is frustrating because there is no counterplay to it other than Sigma being bad. I can’t decide when to use my nade or dynamite if at any moment Sigma could throw his shield out then immediately do it again. It gives him too many options.
A reduced cooldown to 1.5s minimum I could get behind. But I think his shield cooldown is wholeheartedly necessary to give it counterplay.
I also think 350HP is too low as it can be burnt down far too quickly. Even putting it out briefly could result in its death. 500HP I think is best to prevent this while giving the higher regen rate to give it the frequency.
I just think the cooldown on the shield is necessary and the cooldown when destroyed is a negligible change overall considering his regen rate.
No he isn’t.
Mega Hog did 7 damage per pellet, with 6 ammo and 0.75s rate of fire.
Current hog has 5 ammo, 6.6 damage per pellet and 0.85s rate of fire.