An idea for Hanzo to bring back one shot ability

I was just thinking, as someone who used to main hanzo an ability that could be added to give the hero part of his identity back.

My idea is to have a second E where you can switch between storm arrows or a critical damage arrow. The critical damage arrow would do a large amount of damage, giving the ability to do 250dmg and one shot mostly every hero, but the trade off will be you only get the one shot and it would cycle on a cool down. So E would give you the ability to spam storm arrows or fire one critical damage arrow.

At that point, they might as well just bring back scattuh. It was misunderstood.



best part of it was when he would say that and instant kill orisa, truly epic ngl


yea, orisa standing behind two shields just holding left click, hanzo flanks and fires scattuh, killing them instantly. Great times.


Well, for one, they wouldn’t be able to put it on the same button, at least not in the way you described. They could make it like Moira Orb where you select which one you want, but that would require a lot of inputs and would more than likely result in the players death.

The problem with this is that you’re asking players to have 100% critical hit accuracy when using this ability for it to be meaningful. Considering your average Hanzo at any rank would typically have no higher than 10-15% crit accuracy with 30-35% body, that thing would have to be massive to make sense.

I much preferred the idea of threshold breaking with an overcharged arrow that I’ve seen elsewhere before.

Regardless, one-shots were not a problem, and they should just buff his primary fire damage, reduce projectile size, and nerf Storm Arrow count to reduce tank-busting.

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yea I guess im just looking for something that when played correctly I can set up a one kill shot. Like radar a wall wait them to peak and fire the critical damage arrow. Or when someone isnt paying attention running out of spawn can land a long range critial headshot.

Hanzo’s “idntity” aren’t oneshots, never have been,

he’s a guy with a bow, not a Sniper, leave that to Widow,

another note, players hate oneshots for some reason,

I know it’s a skill issue but shhhhhhhhhhhhh

anyways, if anyone should get their oneshot ability back, it’s Junkrat. (and nobody else)


A hero’s identity can be summed up with, “the reason they are chosen”, or “what makes them good or feel good to play”. It’s shaped by both the hero design and player expression/perception.
That difficult to hit one-shot is 100% what made Hanzo fun and incredibly satisfying to play, hence why it was his identity. It’s why we played him, and in fact why we still play him. He’s just incomplete to us.

He was and is still classified as being in the Sniper class.


I lived for the mine+airshot. I miss it.

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that what you call “satisfying skill oneshot” others call Spamzo that gets rewarded with lucky headshots after spamming arrows at enemies/choke.

does he hold a sniper rifle?

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This is a little semantic. Snipers sometimes don’t one-shot irl either lol
Either way, it doesn’t matter. We just want our hero back.

Well, seems that the devs don’t agree with you. In the recent interview, alec directly said that “hanzo lost his identity”.

So bascially, the devs also think oneshot is his identity. If his identity is a guy with a bow which he still is now, then how did he “lose his identity”?

he doenst need it back honestly he needs further nerfs he has one of the largest maybe even the largest hit box or whatever in the game

Maybe check the facts before claiming something? His arrow is 0.175m radius, while there are tons of heroes have larger projectiles.

Junkrat, pharah, venture 0.35m
Weaver, Mei 0.2m
Kiriko, lucio, zen, Orisa 0.225m
Mercy, 0.3m
Genji, Sojourn, Torb, Echo, Ana same as Hanzo

Just wondering how Hanzo has the largetest hitbox in the game?

Ok heres the thing. I do not hate 1 shots as much as ghe rest ofnthe forums but!!! Sistain has been weakened across the board while damage was not. What was supposed to offset that was the changing of breakpoints. If everybody is getting their s8 breakpoints back then idk seems like power creep.


i think they lie about soem of the projectile sizes

ironically his current play style is use storm arrows on squishies and spam primary on tanks, so that wouldn’t really solve much

Why would they? Please, this is just a game, not some kind of conspiracy. There are workshops people can directly test it.

hanzo can still technically one shot ive seen it happen and from what i seen on kill feed it looks bigger than others

He can’t. 240 can’t oneshot besides dva, widow and tracer.

And I don’t think feeling should be used as evidence if people have already tested the projectile size.

Kill feed/replay are not accruate represent of what actucally happened in the game at that moment. Especially considering that this game doesn’t have the best netcode.

If you want to talk about the arrow bending in the replay, then I can tell you tha is just a visual effect. Hanzo’s arrow has a visual effect that it will stick to the target once it hits. Also arrow’s hitbox a sphere at the end of the arrow, not at the tip. Secondly, replay is not accurate representation, it only has 1/3 of the actual ticks. Combine these things, the replay will create the “bending arrow” so that the arrow can stick to the target it hits. You can find many other ridiculous hitbox for projectiles with the replay, as I said it’s not accruate representation.

But none of these things changes arrow’s hitbox. It’s 0.175 m radius currently, and it’s on the smaller side of projectiles.

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