An example of the sustain creep

Among all the other dumb creeps we have like healing, CC and even damage creep.

This video goes into the math of why Orisa is going to be busted AF when she already was. The whole counterplay to Orisa is to either break her barrier or go through it to frag her but Fortify for some reason removes that weakness and now it’s just stronger.


In some way yes, they’ll just play differently and more aggressive. It’s kinda like double shield GOATs where they just charge ahead and then use a combination of shields and natural cover while brawling.


they don’t listen to the pros, they don’t listen low ranks

that’s why double shield, one shot heroes are meta


They are destroying the game and waste more time on pve than balancing the gameplay…

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Fortify doesn’t remove Orisa’s weaknesses, it just shores them up so she doesn’t get blown away the moment anything gets through the shield

You really have to take the deployable shield aspect into consideration. Orisa’s playstyle is what Winston’s would be if he were made to be defensive rather than offensive, and fortify coincides with Winston’s jumpack as far as purpose to their kit goes.


Of course Orisa is gonna be hella tanky when her barrier is pretty much non-existent on PTR.

And you got her weaknesses wrong. It’s the fact that she’s probably the 2nd slowest hero in the game while also having one of the biggest hitboxes.


The downside of having a shield that doesn’t move with you is that the enemy team can just go through it, that’s why her kit is based around keeping people away. She’s also not that slow anymore because they decreased her movement penalty for shooting.

Closing the distance is meant to be her counterplay.


Wait until you hear about how much damage reduction Mei and Reaper get when they use their shift abilities!


a tank that can survive an ult? crazy!!!


Honestly with the crazy BS things heroes can do, the game would be better suited to PVE. You can just as easily make the NPCs do similar BS things, also they don’t complain when they get sniped down instantly or CC’d repeatedly into a slow death.

Didn’t we have Orisa before the armor got reduced? The only thing different from back then is that she gets +50 armor.

Not really sure, i kind of doubt she’ll be that op, considering her head is probably the easiest to hit aside from dva.

Other than the 50+ armour and the 2 second decrease on Fortify it’ll be Orisa before the Goats armour nerf

That’s the frightening part.
I legitimately think the PTR changes for Sigma are slightly overnerfing him (if they reverted the 1s cooldown it’d be absolutely fine tho) but his synergy with Orisa, who will be the best tank in the game by a country mile, is so good that Orisa-Sigma will survive and thrive.
Because let’s be real, the next meta tank composition will be Orisa and whoever works best with her (might be Reinhardt since Reinhardt’s the strongest non-Orisa tank, might be Sigma or Roadhog since they have the best synergy with her). If Orisa-Sigma doesn’t die this patch I’m very concerned for the future of my floaty boi.
Welcome to Orisawatch everyone. Enjoy your stay.

From what I’ve followed of OWL teams/ scrims and stuff it’s actually every tank seeing play except Zarya and (No surprise there) and every support seeing SOME usage

The DPS roster is pretty much the same as live though sadly ;_;

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Good thing they have no shield and far less hp.

They also can’t attack.

That’s also why no one complains about take a breather.

Good times on the tank front, although I do like Zarya I’d rather be able to play Ball and Sigma because god damn it feels nice to play a tank with some serious agency. Also Hammond-Winston makes me happy as a potential comp.
DPS… that’s a shame, Reaper, Mei and Doomfist are all pretty miserable.

expect plenty of fake news “orisa was f-tier until 2-2-2” posts

But I don’t think you understand.
2-2-2 bad, therefore whatever I say about the events around 2-2-2 magically comes true.
2-2-2 killed my family with a spear to the neck. 2-2-2 set my house on fire. 2-2-2 ate my coworker’s lunch and blamed it on me. 2-2-2 rejected Hitler’s application to art college and told him to look into politics instead.


Yeah, could you imagine if they were actually killable? What kind of dumb game would that be, they should obviously never die!

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What this clip demonstrate is that when using the tankies ability in the game, you survive an AOE ultimate that is known for not being the best against tanks.
What a crazy concept