An anti-reverter mercy main's response to Aria Rose's mercy bingo

Well… this thread is an interesting read, especially compared to regular mercy ****storms.

Reworks take time and resources, in company that’s already notoriously slow. They already gave those things to Mercy - and opened can of worms. There are many heroes that deserve rework over Mercy, because they are actively disfunctional, while the worst you can say about her is “boring” opinion. I wouldn’t count on seeing her rework in any foreseeable future


It’s against TOS calling out forum users in any form


I’m not saying they should do it right now, I’m saying at this point a rework would be better then what’s been going on. If it takes a while then so be it.

She’s a youtuber though, and goes by different name here. Not like mods care anyway.


So are a lot of forum users.

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are you actually her…cause good lord im picturing someone naming themselves after her…gag reflex just kicked in

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I have to respect the OP for this, and I’m not targeting them at all, but this thread took a pretty gross turn right away. OP made a counter argument to my video, yet people are bashing me left and right. It’s one thing to discuss the contents of my video, but it almost always turns into attacking my tone of voice or things that aren’t even related to what I have to say. Very disappointed.




she has several accounts on the forums

I can’t stand her. Sometime’s I watch it and i’m like:


i suggest to stop giving her attention… its not like her videos are any good.


This was me watching her videos


No? It was to make her more fun and engaging… They literally say it in the developer video announcing her rework.

~ Sincerely,
:smiley: someone who likes to play old Mercy :smiley:
HamzzzXO :orange_heart:

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Oh hi it’s BadWidowUS


I’ve mained Mercy for ages and I gotta say her rework made her more enjoyable to me. Mass Rez would always be problematic and in fact rez in general will always be problematic as it rewards stupidity more than anything. Honestly I would love it if they removed Rez and replaced it with some other kind of utility, maybe something to prevent CCs or something. Maybe preventing CCs would fit better on another character or Hero 29 or whatever we’re on but either way I don’t think Rez fits into a game like Overwatch.

Mercy’s rework didn’t even drastically change her play style that much since her primary, secondary, guardian angel and blaster were barely changed. All they did was make rez a single target and move it to the second ability slot, which was previously unused, and gave her a more engaging ultimate that actually required you to do something beyond fly in and reward stupid/sloppy gameplay or deny the enemy team a good play on their end. If anything the change rewarded Mercy players who were good at keeping their team alive while giving them the ability to cover someone’s sloppy gameplay.

Videos like this always come off more of a salty main who’s mad that their main character got changed in a way they don’t like more than anything else.

Also in phase 12 she calls the game boring, if you find the game boring and your favorite character was reworked in a way you don’t like to the point where you don’t enjoy playing them much then you don’t have to keep playing the game. There’s literally nothing stopping you from playing some other game. You can move on, plenty of people unhappy with OW have.


I’m sorry that’s the case if you are the person in question. Personal attacks from either side do very little to actually further discussion.


It’s fine, I appreciate it though. These types of toxic comments give me motivation to keep putting my thoughts out there. Many other Mercy players who share my thoughts have had to struggle with this type of toxicity and kept quiet due to fear, people who personally attack me show that I’m doing something right in giving them a voice.

Thread probably could have been consolidated to a post in a different thread. I mean, it’s tea but. Yanno. I’d be wary as it might be removed. Maybe copy and crosspost to a thread just in case.

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