An anti-reverter mercy main's response to Aria Rose's mercy bingo

please watch the first video result to “mercy bingo” on youtube.
i’ve only written my responses to Aria’s points here, you wont have the proper context for my responses (i.e her points, which i’m responding to) if you dont intend to read this post as you’re watching through the video

(thanks for linking to the video, CreamFraiche ^^)

first of all, i’d like to remark that Aria is really ill-equipped to talk with people she disagrees with (as is obvious in her intro). i dont want to target her for that though, because many people in this forum and in general share this problem.

  1. i generally dont have a problem with this point, but i’d like to point out that “impactful” is a key word here that a less charitable person would interpret as “OP”.

  2. it really doesnt help that you’re hardcore pushing for a very particular kind of fix that the “fools” already thoroughly considered.

  3. :+1: (in posts where i agree with her or otherwise just have nothing to add, i will just use this emoji)

  4. :+1:

  5. for something to be successful it needs to achieve its intended goal. the intended goal of the rework was not to make mercy “more fun and engaging”, it was to remove mass-rez. they tried adjusting it, but since it hasnt solved the problem people had with mass-rez they decided to rework mercy.
    i’d recommend not framing the rework in terms of success or failure, because that rework had the aforementioned really low bar that you’re not actually bothered about. (i assume) you’re not bothered about mass-rez itself being in mercy’s kit, but about how mercy’s overall playability and fun. attaching that to an ability that the devs considered and decided should be out of the game is only detrimental to your goal.

  6. the devs’ way of dealing with the “her kit was simple and thus she deserved a fantastic ultimate” was the spread out the power level of mercy, which they deem to be more healthy for the game (and i agree with them). but i do agree with you about her ultimate and general healing being too weak currently.

  7. you could’ve presented a counterpoint to this argument, but not doing so only makes people who disagree with you about this think you dont have any actual counterargument. refer to the paragraph i wrote before listing my responses.

  8. i would phrase this in a way that i deem more persuasive, but :+1:

  9. her current E is far from just being her previous ultimate. it has a long cast time, significantly slows her down for the duration of the cast, and can only rez one target. it may be a bit too strong in it’s current state, but it’s far from causing an imbalance so strong that she’s restricted from having a properly powerful ultimate.
    also, she’s less bland than she was before the rework. she has 1 more ability than she had before. as boring as her current ult is, having an extra ability more than makes up for that.

  10. but mercy got an incredible amount of attention compared to most heroes (i’m excluding symm and sombra here) that are having problems right now. even if her kit isnt solved, it’s time for the devs to give other heroes at least a third of the attention mercy got.

  11. A. pointing out mercy didnt outshine other heroes before her rework is worthless.
    B. butchering a hero is required when it’s too powerful though. the other solution to this is the buff every other competitor for her role, which would be a power-creep so steep that DPS mains would be maligned.
    C. refer to my 5th response.

  12. huh, for a video that’s meant to be “light-hearted” this sure is a heated response.
    also, trashing people who play the game a lot and are ranked high (“i dont have the time to sit on my butt all day, i actually do things”) is antithetical to convincing them that you’re correct. you could’ve deflected that statement without adding pointless fuel to the fire.

  13. :+1:

  14. my 7th response somewhat applies here as well, but generally :+1:

edit 1: pointing out and thanking CreamFraiche for linking the video
edit 2: apparently CreamFraiche deleted their comment that linked to the video. i edited the first paragraph to reflect that


Yeah, this has been bugging me for ages. Impact = effect on the game = power. Asking for more impact is asking for more power. You could ask for your impact to be more concentrated, I suppose, but that just means most of the time you will have even less impact than now. I’m not sure that’s better.


mercy’s pre-rework kit had a lot of its impact concentrated on her ult and they changed that (maybe a tad too much) with the rework. seems that the devs reached their conclusion

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That’s a good point, I didn’t even think of it as an insult at first but it’s totally a passive aggressive remark.

I just saw it as a flimsy argument in general, there’s people with less playtime than her who are higher ranked.

Also, I don’t think I’ve seen any Mercy’s diamond or above agree with her (with the exception of a couple points). This is just my experience, I could be wrong, but it’s a pattern I’ve noticed. Her most devoted followers seem to be plat or below


This thread is going to be very interesting to read…
Anyways, there are valid points on both sides
I’m confident a middle ground can be found.


I can see why others would interpret “impactful” as “OP” when Mercy mains don’t really expand this point well, or they use the wrong wording,but from what i get, what they mean with “impactful” is that Old Rez didn’t need protection from the Mercy’s team.
A full 5man rez was always on the Mercy player and nobody else. It was your input what got you the rez.
Now a single rez depends mostly on Mercy’s team enabling her to Rez.

All characters get re-worked for balancing issues, either because they’re too strong in all fronts, they’re too weak in all fronts or because something on their kits doesnt works as intended anymore.

Mercy is no exception. It’s just that Mercy mains think Mercy was reworked for their enjoyment for some reason, and since the majority here doesn’t enjoys her it means the rework was a failure.

This is entirely on them though.


Did they try ? Did I miss the PTR where they tried adding LOS to Mass Rez ? The charge timer ? Removing invincibility ?

I seem to remember them just dumping the steaming load that was Valkyrie onto us and pushing rez to an E


admittedly they gave up relatively quick, but they did toy with it quite a bit before the rework.

i welcome you to take a look at the patch notes leading up to the rework. if you’re using chrome on PC you can CTRL+F and type “mercy” in order to navigate it more easily. (not trying to be condescending)

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I generally disagree with the way she frames her arguments, yeah. Some of her statements I agree with on a basic level, but her argument skills seem more directed at other mercy mains than actually convincing other people of her point. Why try and convince people who already agree with you?


i assume that she’s either knowingly incapable of convincing her opposition or just unwilling.

shame that just emboldening a supportive, loud minority is not conducive to her alleged goal.


To OP:

as soon as I see someone mention an Aria Rose video as the basis of a post, I am done with it

just FYI

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Mmm it is difficult to ascertain what exactly she hopes to accomplish. It could simply be her letting off steam. If she’s unhappy and just needs a place to vent then by all means, she should post until she feels better.

But I think if she truly wants change, she will have to engage people who disagree with her in a moderated discussion where the “win condition” (so to speak) isn’t dictated by who slogans the best.

This whole situation is frustrating. I don’t like playing Mercy anymore. And it’s not inherently because of her rework. It’s because the mercy crowd (not everyone. But too many) act in a way that alienates other players. And plenty of other people act in a way that’s lacking in any attempt to reach a middle ground as well. I don’t want to be associated with either extreme.


We wanted to put a lot of focus and attention into improving the Mercy play experience.

We feel like Mercy will feel a lot more engaging to play than standing around the corner, hiding,waiting for that moment to press the ultimate.

Source: Transcript of

While, I’m relatively negative towards some of the staff of Team 4, I don’t think so little of them that their goal going into updating Mercy was just to get rid of Mass Rez.

(If that was the goal you could just get rid of the ultimate and call it a day)

My guess is that they tried a couple tweaks and during that process someone had an idea for a different ability and they liked it so they tried it then pushed it to the PTR without much testing. Something went wrong with their internal stats and they didn’t really bother reading feedback much when they saw most of the early stuff wasn’t terribly related to PTR performance.

I’d argue that solving Mercy in this case is important because a fair portion of the problems the hero is currently having are due to issues with the rework process and we saw similar issues with Hanzo and Sym. If you’ve got a process for fixing things that breaks things you need to diagnose the problem with the process rather than continuing to use the process. Mercy happens to be the most blatant of the problems so it would potentially be the easiest to attempt to figure out what went wrong and how to avoid repeating it.

I’d rather Team 4 stay away from any of the heros in the game until they fix their process. As frustrating as the state of some of the heros can be at the present time in either balance or game-play it is entirely possible for things to be made worse.

It’s not so strong that she can’t have a more powerful ultimate but, it’s likely that balancing for that would take away significantly from other portions of her kit (Like the 17% healing nerf she just took). She can probably remain balanced at the top with a small buff to her ult but, at lower levels and on consoles I don’t think she’s got much room to be buffed at the present time. Her pickrate is dropping across the board with occasional bounces mixed in but, the drop at the bottom and on consoles is significantly smaller.

I’d assume that the purpose of the videos is to gain traffic rather than to persuade. It’s much faster to read something than to watch a video about something.


Honestly I tried… I really tried finishing the whole video but I just couldn’t and stopped at number 8… sorry…

She mentioned “no aim no brain mercy main” saying she wont comment on it… so you basically agreed they’re right?

She went on saying Junkrat is an easy hero that his ult is way impactful, mind I remind you that his ultimate was speed nerfed and it puts the user in an immobile situation and I also wouldn’t call junkrat “easy” he still does require some sort of skill and you still do technically have to aim with him espcially as they decreased the size of his projectiles if I remember correctly.

“some fools ruined her” Those “fools” were the reason you’re actually playing this game to start with, you believe she’s ruined others don’t.

“Most of our complaining is constructive” umm errr well… if you consider the forums? I guess…since there’s mods even still I wouldn’t call half the stuff constructive… out side the forums ohohohooooo my man… I was told to kill my self so many times Aria… how do I reply to such people? :3

ehh this youtuber annoys me tbh and they just seek drama, they’re simply using Mercy right now to get views and promote their channel… but hey obviously it’s working out, but that’s what I gotta say can’t comment on the rest which I’m sure I’m gonna listen to more flawed points I just can’t withstand it.

Edit: shoulda done them in an organized way sorry.


I appreciate this post and the time you put in to it. It feels odd when even the group that follows Aria is the same group that thinks every Mercy player shares the same opinion as them. When the reality is, there’s actually a lot of Mercy players who don’t agree with them, and I also find it interesting that most of the ones who do not agree with bringing Mass Resurrect back are in a much higher rank.

At some point we have to consider that some of the reasoning may just be solely dependent on the different experiences people have in their ranks.

This part did seem really passive-aggressive (I mean, there’s already a lot of that in the video, which isn’t the best way to gain the opposition’s support). I also find some irony in it because she clearly has a lot of time on her hands to be making all of these ranting videos about the same exact topic.

Overall, good post. Thanks for sharing.


If you could use the bullets to bring in their argument for those of us that don’t care to watch the video?

I’m down for debate, but as Kiwi said, they seem to be using Mercy as a pawn to elevate their platform.

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It’s literally the same argument as the other ones, if that helps any. There’s a few points that are slightly different, maybe? But if you’ve seen one already this one is the same thing but with a different baity title.

That doesn’t really help the discussion, or really do anything for anyone.

We (Blizzard included) have already addressed these main points that everyone keeps throwing around. They (including Aria) are ignoring them and saying that them never specifically saying “Mass Rez isn’t coming back” means that it will.

Almost as if the entire purpose of the rework was to get rid of mass rez right? It was the only part of her kit that was changed significantly, so that was the purpose.


No they didn’t try anything with Mass Rez. THEY HAD TO BUFF IT BECAUSE IT WAS TOO WEAK… do people not remember that???

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ill simply respond with a question i posed yesterday…

Does anyone in the revert mercy crowd/camp REALLY believe that blizz is not aware that you do not like her as is?..after a years worth of daily “reminders”…they KNOW

but if they havent changed her yet…what makes you think they will??..actions (in this case a year of no action) speak louder than words sometimes…they dont believe its a problem…

and furthermore…if they come out and say they feel that way…its not going to help you feel ANY better…(and its easy to see because they already have before…)