AMA responses Feb 21

Can the mercy players please just chill now? He literally said it how it is.

The changes were necessary to make her more vulnerable and help people kill her whilst giving her more solo impact

And yes we all know it sucks for you to lose that mobility since it was fun but it was the cost needed to make her healthier for the game as a whole

Some of us have been saying this since day 1 of the changes. It was a necessary evil. She is still very much pickable and an extremely strong hero


I think widow is fine they just need to look at the maps where she is dominating on and add some more cover

I am betting havana, rialto and junkertown are the 3 payload maps and im guessing kings row and blizzard world are the 2 hybrids? On all of them she feels like she just stands miles away and can see everywhere. Adding some more cover or alternatively removing some sniper spots on these maps would go a long way to making her feel better. Maps like havana she just has way too many places to stand where you cant get to


Yes, she is pickable and strong. Many would argue stronger than before.
But is she still enjoyable to play? Not everyone likes to stick to the ground and pocket, even if it is stronger now.

And not everyone likes to fight a tank, only for mercy’s new healing to keep them perpetually at like a quarter health.


Holy… someone call the police, THICCassidy just murdered an entire department. :joy:


Quick Baja needs a crown! :crown:

Considering new skills for Sombra? I’m excited! There’s a lot they can do but I hope she stays as an utility DPS rather than a full damage one.

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This is a bit how I feel about Mei right now… She kinda feels fine to play after using her for a while and good enough, but just doesn’t feel as fun as she did before. I don’t expect to see much being done to her though as she’s pretty much a problematic hero lol, but I’m having to bring out my pocket characters much more often.

No need to be rude to the guy. Maybe he or someone on team was putting something like this together but Baja did it first. There are certainly improvements to be made, but there is no point in being an a$$ about it.

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I don’t like this idea personally. I think it’s very skillful to know ur surroundings and use it to your advantage to be able to make plays or get kills. I see most Junk players, and they are very straight-forward with Junk. Good Junk players get more creative with their surroundings, using the bouncing mechanics and the surroundings to attack from different angles, especially when playing around things like Reinhardt’s Shield. It might sound frustrating at times to be able to attack around a wall or surface to attack an un-seen target, but in reality, it isn’t frustrating when you realize it’s all skill to know the trajectory as to where the Grenade is going to go. A Pro Winston can use his Bubble with Big-Brain skills to deny something like a Lucio Beat or deny healing output from Supports like Ana or Bap. If you can’t get frustrated with that, then I think you can’t be frustrated with Big-Brain tactics of using trajectories and the environment to ur advantage. Just my take on things.

Man, I rly wanted at least a small taste of something about the new change… I’m constantly thinking about that Ult change right now if it’s anything related to Brigitte…

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I say this unironically.

I really hope anyone who comes onto the forums that don’t frequent it knows to disconnect you from the Mercy player demographic. You are embarrassing. First complaining they didn’t answer any questions about Mercy (despite having done so already), then complaining about the answer you got and saying “the answer equals nothing”.

You give us Mercy players a bad name. We don’t claim you.


Special note: these thoughts are for the devs, not Baja who was kind enough to post all this. :slight_smile:

So go revert the changes. If there’s no change in power level, it’s now just about fun.

Because she’s less fun to play. Mercy players don’t want to stand around being forced to pocket because you gutted mobility by like 67%.

I feel like most Mercy players do not like the GA changes. I don’t think that’s going to change.

How about you look at all the qualitative data all around you?

At least you’re acknowledging both sides.

But I’ve seen far more negative than positive.

You and I both know Sojourn is the only reason Mercy rose to any significance last season.

Mercy should be hard to kill. She is absolutely terrible in terms of damage and kills contributed compared to other supports.

How do you justify the most passive and team dependent character in the game having lower HPS than those who regularly get kills and have damage rivaling DPS?

Since you guys love stats so much, why don’t you comment on that?

The one thing she had going for her was mobility and being hard to kill. Not only did Kiriko take Mercy’s hardest support to kill title, but you gutted her mobility as well.

The healing changes are ok. I think most players are pretty neutral to those.

But please, fix GA.

Remember when the support changes were supposed to make the game more fun for the support players?

I’m SO sick of the support experience being trashed because of whiney DPS players.

And you guys do it all the time. I do not feel valued as a support player.

From my perspective, the GA change is a direct contradiction to the dev statements saying they were going to prioritize support fun.

You lied to us.


As usual. I were accused of not being positive in other thread, but I am not one for positivity, when things clearly aren’t great.

They are right, you know. Answers were rather pointless and not acknowledging any actual issues.

“We will keep an eye on it” sounds great, but doesn’t mean anything, besides observation. It’s like “we are working on it” when you want to know, when something will be done. It’s an answer, yes, but it’s useless answer.

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Lol I get you two mixed up all the time btw.

…or, y’know, Blizz could just show SR at all times so we can quickly asses both teams…? :thinking:


It’s ok.

Mechanical skill, I guess. And consistency.

To this day I have no idea, why developers keep balancing around unlikely scenario aka “teammates know, what they are doing”. It’s F2P game now, teammates being completely clueless is normal thing and not result of unfortunate events.

Higher HPS would reduce team dependency a bit, allowing to work with worse teammates, but apparently it’s something that should be avoided.


Hmm, not really anything much new.
But regarding the answer where they said “imagine if some of the original heroes were put in the game now, how would the reception be”

Imagine if Rein was put in the game now. Underwhelming when compared to the last 3 heroes.
Same with Soldier, Cass, Mei at the very least.
And I dont think that is because they are underwhelming. I think its because the newer heroes does 10000 things, all very well.

Also, I wish someone had asked about Overwatch losing it’s uniqueness and identity.


why is this pinned instead of having proper official thread?

Nice “communication” there.

You should be happy Baja got their post pinned.

WyomingMyst helped- why are you bitter?


I’m sure someone did- but they avoided hard questions like that which is pretty typical of a AMA.


Because they are boasting how they are going to improve communication and yet the community still has to do the lifting to get anything out of them.

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The reality is totally different from what you say, no Mercy main agrees with these changes and with the generic response of the devs, manipulating data, lying, etc :wink: .

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