AMA responses Feb 21

How is that typical, when AMA is Ask Me Anything. Not Ask Me Only Easy Stuff.

Oh I knew it, I knew the response about Mercy would be that or max they would revert 0.5 sec CD to GA because the stats … are there to support the changes.

" There has been positive sentiment around players feeling like they can more fairly try to counter Mercy in ways that were difficult with her extreme mobility before as well as Mercy players having more agency in their ability to save low health allies."

Yep. On point, they made something BRUTALLY forgiving less forgiving while also giving a boost that incentivizes and rewards decision making.

However, at the same time the reduction in mobility is going to feel bad for Mercy players needing to adjust to the new timing.

Yep. Like we all knew, people used to spam X won’t like not being able to spam X but in the end, its an adaptation that everyone has to go through. Mercy is not different than any other hero, nor she (or anyone) is entitled to better or different treatment so yeah, when a nerf comes, everyone has to adapt. Just like Sombra users, Bastion mains to its rework etc.

Nailed it :rofl:

My bad, I should clarify it is if it’s blizzard or any big corporation doing the AMA-

Yeah you can ask anything but doesn’t mean it’s going be answered.

A lot of the difficult questions were avoided. >.<

Fair enough. Though it defeats whole point of AMA, just like Uber initiative to refuse to pick up drunk passengers defeats whole point of Uber.

Lmao, you just made me think of last night.

Ordered Burger King on the phone app and when I went to the drive through they told me to park out front and they’d bring it right out. (Not a big deal).

I waited a good 7 minutes.

Defeated the purpose of ordering in the app. XD

Anyways totally random off point comment :joy:

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Every time I hear about corporation redefining stuff, it brings back that EA comment about lootboxes being “surprise mechanics”.

Sometimes I wonder, if such defense would work in court - it wasn’t robbery, just surprise generousity. Probably won’t.

since when is reinhart hard to play LOL

Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_tear:

Except he literally said her deaths havent increased. So she’s just annoying people by healing more and pocketing harder because they dont wanna die using ga, and they have less fun playing.


Except he said the stats didnt change. Thats shes not dying any more than she did. So shes just boring to her mains and even harder to kill her targets.

What decision making? Shes now forced to healbot during valk or she dies. Her regen doesnt kick in in valk and shes shot down far too easily if she does anything else.

All the changes did was force her into hard pocketing MORE, and shes still not dying.
Not to mention people are demanding they nerf her healing more because she can now heal low health tanks better.

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Oh the stats did change and for good. Again re-read the Patch notes and see that what they wanted to do, worked.

Having to decide where to position carefully now because you cant bounce back and SJ your way out of every bad situation every 1.5 sec mate. Do you play the game? Valk is literally more powerful than before lol (except where you just use it to boost and your entire team is full HP ofc).

She is dying more where she should , less if they are more careful (which balances it out) and players, once adapted to the changes, stopped flying around so much so yeah, the changes proved to be correct. Healing is just the cherry on top : If you choose targets carefully instead of just ultra pocketing 1 DPS with DB, you will be able to save team mates more than before.

Its a Win-Win for them, people refusing to adapt and getting upset for some underlying entitlement that doesn’t exist changes nothing.

It’s worth noting that it is only more powerful when you are actively healing allies. As you noted, damage boost in valk is weaker along with pistol mercy (lol) and weaker when you are going for a clutch rez.

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I thought that too. Another Liao creation? Liao secretly alive?

But nah I doubt it; it is just a common phrase lol.

I never said they do. I genuinely don’t think you’re well - now you’re making up arguments i never once made lmao


At this point, nobody likes Hawnu with them negative nancy attitude, even to Mercy mains.


i think both can be true at the same time. on the scale of all the matches that are played, in ranked and unranked, there aren’t really issues with widowmaker/pharmercy/etc. on the scale that people are reporting (anecdotes are not data and all that!) BUT that human perception is a powerful thing, and those perceptions still have a tangible effect on player’s attitudes towards the game and their abilities within a match to deal with the perceived issues. maybe i’m being a terrible idealist, but i didn’t take josh’s responses to be dismissive of the impact the second part can have, and most good game designers understand that they are designing for silly humans, and may want to design for their feelings as best they can. or they may not! fromsoft games are famous for the amount of friction they generate in their players, and is one of their core design philosophies.

To summarize:they are doing nothing but they may one day in the future do something to something.

tldr just kidding. Many thanks for this work, it’s well readable

I read this and immediately knew it was GreyFalcon. :rofl: Something about the phrasing I guess.

Duplicate teammates?