I swear everytime I use this ult I get nothing out of it. it feels like it’s just tickling the enemies instead of sucking the life out of them even when I target an individual person. it’s good for healing but for damage ehhhhhh.
also can someone tell me how much damage her ult is meant to actually do? is it meant to do 50 like her primary fire?
IIRC her ult does 70 damage and 140 healing. So its healing is stronger, but ideally you want to be hitting multiple targets at once to take advantage of both. It generates a lot of pressure.
It’s still not bad vs a single target since it’s hitscan, has a big hitbox, and is 100% unblockable. But healing can stop you from focusing a single target down.
If you want to use a good damage coal, try using it to punish a rein that is trying to escape with his shield up.
Essentially, it’s for finishing people off, scaring off flankers/fliers, or doing a really sexy brawl engagement that POURS healing into your team, while taking about 2/3rds of enemy tanks health
generally the only time i try to use coal to try and kill a specific single target is if there is someone who is extremely vulnerable to it… otherwise trying to force a kill just results in half health enemies disengaging and wasting 1-2 sec of your ult (fine if ur goal is zoning tho). usually it’s one of a few conditions: they’re in the open and can’t get to cover within ~3sec, they’re already low health, there isn’t a significant source of healing for them, people are already looking at them
don’t need all of them, for example a flying character is in the open with no cover and doesn’t have a significant source of healing so its an easy kill. or a genji is already taking damage in your backline and people are looking at him is an easy kill. etc
its also super effective to supplement other damage. like if your frontline is fighting theirs and you coal you’ll probably kill a tank, its even better if you can hit your main tank, their main tank, and their main healer because the amount of pressure that creates is huge
Timing. Watch the healthbars of enemies or predict if your team is putting lots of pressure. Toss a Orb and Coal at the same time for good team wipe. But preferably I’d use it for its healing
I often use it very quickly after getting it (as it’s quick to earn) and I generally use it from the back of the team, it’s very unusual for me to go forward much when I am using it. It’s long so you don’t need to, more useful to get all your allies healed up and do some damage.
Did just this last night in comp.
My play of game was quite funny.
Genji ulted on my team and I activated Moira ult. Genji comes flying at me and was dead before he got to me ‘thankfully’ . I did chuckle but he was probably mad.
Op. It can be a great ult to use to make space if team struggling to push.
You can get kills often using it and it is also great for finishing off lower health targets…
if their supports are alive you’re not going to kill anyone with your ult. target supports first, but tbh you’re never supposed to use coal for damage unless you’re pushing up with your team
Its great for finishing off a low level team, not so much for killing a team at full health.
You wanna go for low mobility heroes if you can, Rein is a main priority for damage.
Ive found its fantastic on a rein duel to keep your Rein alive and finish off the enemy one.
Combo with damage orb of course. If it looks like you’re not going anywhere it may be a good idea to swap focus from doing damage with it to keeping a teammate alive.
Precisely. You are using it wrong.
It’s for healing, not DPS.
In the off chance enemies are extremely low when your team is pushing then MAYBE you can get a few picks. But Moiras ult should really be used to heal over anything else.
How others use Ultimate:
Throw Damage Ball and go to town…
The ACTUAL way it’s meant to be used:
Use your ally as a pivot point of the beam so you heal said ally AND damage enemies. The more of each you get, the more of effect you will have.
Moira ult does 70 dmg per sec .
even if u didn’t get any kill with it , in the end of ult duration, if ur teammates didn’t die , that’s a value there .
if the enemy didn’t get killed by it , simply b/c they got healed .
to higher ur chances for kills , throw a dmg Orb first then ult immediately.
It works pretty good when you combo with other ults like Grav.
With the increased movement speed it can be used for zoning and pressure - doesn’t really do all that much damage but seems to have a psychological effect on people. The big bad beam.