Her ultimate is meant to heal not only teammates, but do a little damage to any enemy foolish enough to cross the ultimate’s path. You shouldn’t use Moira’s ultimate to do damage. Use it to keep your team alive. As a last resort, you can use it in an emergency since Moira is healed for the duration.
At best, you might clip a low damage enemy and get a kill. But a smart player, even a tank, will have the sense to get out of the path of the ultimate.
You’ll normally want to top off your team first, but if it’s used aggressively then your best bet is to search out who your DPS or tanks are focusing. Pressuring them with Coalescence is a good way to get any team to either disperse or back off.
semi-anti push sustain ult: combine heal orb + coal to heal is pretty good hps (65+140 = 205hps). e.g. sometimes I use this to counter zarya combos depending on what’s being combo’ed.
push/zoning ult: combine with damage orb to achieve 120dps unblockable to target enemy backline (supports) simultaneously with whoever’s in front of them to get them to back off (otherwise most squishies would dies in like 2s). supports backing off —> less healing for their font line —> they get zoned. if you get a pick on their backline, even better. get multiple picks then great.
it’s not meant to be as impactful as a dps ult, the benefit is moreso being able to target enemy backline at the same time as being able to provide higher hps to your own allies simultaneously.
It’s really not a fight swinging ult. That’s why the general advice is to charge it quickly and use it immediately. If someone on the enemy team gets their ult first, you’re probably gonna lose the fight, but if you’re the only one ulting I gives your team an edge
Well it combos with grav decently enough. However as previously stated it it does more healing than damage so it is primarily a means of keeping your team alive for an advantage in sustain similar to lucio,brig,zen. Ots
Zen - grants massive healing & personal speed boost , but cannot attack, requires you to be within range, and short lived
Lucio - largest amount of initial protection that slowly degrades, however can attack, it does not require you to stay in range if buff is recieved, and a little longer than zens
Brig - low amount of initial protection yet longest duration sustained, can attack, slight speed boost, has a slow buildup, requires you stay in range for maximum benefit, not as good as zen or lucio to quickly bail you out of tight
Moira: good healing, also damages and can be used explicitly for offense, hits multiple enemies once and goes through enemy players and barriers, speed boost, largest range, largest range, must targeted, easiest to interrupt.
It’s well used at the own and enemy team at the same time. It also adds pressure to the enemy team because multiple targets get hit. Supports do not have that much self-heal and they might pump ressources into themselves and neglect other teammates or the opposite.
Your damage also adds up nicely with your team and it might be enough to lower the HP of some enemies to a specific breakpoint for a firestrike or Hanzo bodyshot or so.
It’s also one of the best ultimates in mystery heroes from my experience.
It does 70 dps with a 30 metre range for 8 seconds. It does twice as much healing but honestly it’s probably best for hurting vulnerable enemies and positioning yourself so you can hit allies at the same time.
It’s also in my opinion, the worst support ult in the game and it’s not close.
Her ult can hit multiple targets. I think the best way to use it is to line up all friendly and enemies at once so you’re healing + damaging as many people are possible. Her whole thing is being the AoE healer so it makes sense this is the best way to use her ult.
Moiras coalescence is best used if you have multiple people in your beam. Use your higher movement speed to position yourself to hit the enemies and your team at the same time.
exactly. if my teammates are dying then ill obviously use it to heal them. im not that braindead. and if everyone id doing good living their life then ill just use it to maybe get a kill or 2, and i know i will get it back decently fast as i feel like i get a moira ult every team fight.
Use it on cool down.
Charges super fast.
Focus squishies with it to pressure them out/confirm a kill
Keep someone alive while damaging the enemies if possible
If there’s no emergency try to use an orb just before you use it
If you watch pro players and want to go based of high level like that try to stack both your team and the opponents in the coalescence to keep your team up and help whittle down your enemies