Alt accounts have to stop

Wow. This entire thing just got even worse. Makes me wanna say "How about FireBender creates his own game that utilizes his ideas of perfection in matchmaking (that is totally impossible at such scale) and throws it at Jeff Kaplan himself while screaming stuff like “TAKE THAT, OVERWATCH!!!”

No, seriously, dude, what you ask is a utopia. A utopia that I highly doubt even our great-grandsons will ever see. Also, you now sound like a douchebag who has a twisted belief that literally everyone is evil because they “just can’t sit on one acc and climb their butts with what winrate they have” or whatever you wanted to say. Sorry, but you do.

think about 5 years in the future, overwatch will probably be free to play, meaning unlimited alt accounts for anyone

I like to think about this problem in that context

Always a good idea. When I’m thinking about whether or not I want to eat out today, I always consider how much debt I may be in 5 years from now due to factors completely outside of my control.

What debilitating disease might afflict me later on? Should I go out tonight if I get into a car accident on my 30th birthday?

would you be interested in playing a game of overwatch with me?


overwatch will be free to play eventually

I think it’s more interesting to think about OP’s question in that context.

and besides, PS4 players can make unlimited alt accounts, so how do you solve that problem for them?

Daaayum, PS4 players be like “We’re gonna ruin this man’s entire career” and go “Boom bam bop, badabop boom pow!” on him.

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I think Overwatch should be free to play and everyone starts at zero SR and you should be able to shed SR with the click of a button

the better you are, the fewer the smurfs

that’s the way it is anyway, so why hide it?

Well, maybe they’ll reach it someday. Maybe not. I mean, WoW is still not entirely free yet and how long it’s been here?

yes, but WoW has Game Masters and it requires more maintenance.

I would guess it costs maybe 10x or more to run WoW than it does Overwatch. I could be wrong though, I don’t know much about the subject.

With OW2 coming, maybe they will use the expansion model like WoW.

but anyway, everyone should start at zero SR. I mean $20 per account isn’t outrageous. And $100 for five accounts is all anyone would every really need.

Also, Overwatch has OWL, that would be what would cause OW to go free to play. OWL will provide funds for Overwatch’s development, and they’ll sell more lootboxes if it goes F2P. I’m interested to see what happens.

And we still hope OW will become better, haha.

I think Overwatch is awesome. Everything that touches Overwatch is lacking

here’s my wish list

Individual Hero SR QoL for the LFG How to Perfectly Balance the Game

Sounds kinda legit, but one thing I would like is a SR-less version of Comp. Or an actually Comp-like Quick Play. Whatever you want to call it. So I could just enjoy the Comp-length matches without this SR/MMR/PBSR/ranks/throws/deranks/all that other crap looming above.

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yeah, I’d be in favor of being able to turn SR of on comp games. Although I’d never play it :slight_smile:

How would the matches be created though? Just the first 12 into the queue?

Hell if I’d know, double if I’d care, triple if… just forget it, I’m no programmer, I don’t even need to know that stuff as far as I see how the game treats me. And you. And all of us.

I mean, really, I keep this example up.
Character select screen. Tanks. Damage. Supports. That’s all, click a portrait, press select, play. Simple, right? WELL, WOWZERS, one would never guess that there are more classifications. Like, “main” tanks? “Off” supports? Hitscans?

That was me on the day I received an explanation. Got Boom Bam Bopped, yo.

no but wait, let’s talk as if 222role queue wasn’t a thing yet.

how would the matches be created in a Comp format mode with no SR?

you would just match people up as fast as they queued up and randomize the teams.

The games would be very different because there would be people in the same game from vastly different skills levels. I’m not saying that’s horrible, I’m just wondering if that’s why you had in mind when you said a “No SR Comp Mode”

Bro, you do get I don’t get it, right?

What I want is that Quicks would finally receive that map length sizes that exists in Comps (like 2,3,4 rounds, you get it), maybe have a lock on roles, I don’t really know if it would be alright, and get rid of that “people come and go all the time” thing and the backfills for like what, 3 seconds before team’s defeat? I don’t know, just some fusion that wouldn’t bring people who constantly want something that Blizzes maybe can’t or maybe don’t want to give. I dunno, I just can’t explain it, I’m dumb for you folks.

bro just play Comp

just. play. comp.

I was trying to but apparently compared to many, like players I’ve met directly in game or here on forums, I have a brain of a goldfish to “T R U L Y U N D E R S T A N D” this mode, let alone “E N J O Y” it, yet everything else is just a heavily castrated and thus are less… idk, interesting?

play 75 games of Comp per season, that’s the best advice I have for you

Eh, maybe. I played over 200 back in… what, season 14 it was? Had time, had interest, maybe had fun sometimes, still had no connection to any character beyond “okay, shift does that, e does that, q makes magic”. Call me a stupid blind noob and tell there’s more to it than meets the eye and that I should’ve found a main by now and you will be pretty much right. Call me cancer that should delete this game or rot in quicks for being bronze and again you might be damn right. But it won’t change me much. Just lets me keep in mind there’s one more person who somehow knows more shtuff than me.