Alt accounts have to stop

This has to stop.

This can be controlled, Blizzard, so control it. Seriously, I’m growing so insanely tired of this BS that it’s not funny.

This last match has a Genji player with only 3 hours of play time. His win rate over 18 games? 17 of them. That’s a 97% win percentage. The guy is insane and in silver rank.

Stop this crap. Anyone with a 97% win rate should be automatically banned just for being at that level of win rate. It’s an obvious alt account.

Do something about it, period.


I’m sure he just got an alt account to learn a new hero (sarcasm).


Should be bannable for all the accounts this player owns or plays on. Play Quickplay.


I agree with you 100%. My above response is the BS players use to justify smurf and alt accounts.


You’re talking about a smurf

Alts and smurfs are not the same

Stopping talking like they are.


Don’t waste everyone’s time with semantics. I don’t care if you call it apple banana bumblebee. Everyone knows what I mean.


Actually, your wrong

I myself used to not realize there was a difference. So no, not everyone knows what you mean.

So, how about you stop complaining about alts and actually complain about smurfs(Which literally everyone overexaggerates how common smurfs actually are, espically you).


Alts aren’t the same as smurfs. An alt account is an account that you try still your best on, and use for several reasons (use other heroes, use to warm up etc). Smurfs are accounts purposefully placed/kept low so they can stomp other ppl. I’m a masters dps, but my healer alt is in diamond. I try my best on both accounts, but maiming healer would be throwing for me (on my main)


The difference is a difference in semantics. A smurf is a player purposely deranking so they can play at a rank lower than their own. An alt account is any account not your main account. There is only one purpose for an alt account, and that’s so you can play in a rank lower than your own.

Making an alt account so you can train up on another hero is irrelevant. You clearly will be better than where the account is currently placed. If I only have time in the day to play 2-4 matches and I lose even 1 of them because of someone who shouldn’t have been in the match, that’s not acceptable.

If you want to train up on another hero, go play Quickplay, or play your actual account. If you lose because of it, then LOSE. Don’t come and impact MY games because YOU don’t want to lose. That alone should be bannable.

In essence, they are both the same thing–to play in a rank below your actual rank. Actual rank means the rank you would be if you played to win long enough for the system

Both should be unequivocal and permanent bans. In fact in Korea, certain behaviors like this are actually set into law and you can catch a little jail time and a hefty fine. It’s a real pity we don’t do that here in the States.

Then we don’t need to ban you. We need to ban the players who have 17 wins out of 18 on an alt account. In fact, I have no idea why you don’t just get a perma ban for that alone.


I 100% agree with you, I think there should be a system in place to flag these accounts for review or something


Earlier today I played against Seagull and Pupper123 (streamer, #1 Genji overbuff at one point). This was on a masters account. The difference between myself and seagull is way, way more than that of a diamond player and a silver player. I have no sympathy for you playing against the best of the bad players if I go against actual pro players with a much bigger skill gap.

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Yet I’m proof of the contradictory

I have an alt where I always play to win but am only playing my worst heros such as Solider. That account has been plat for seasons and no one has accused me of smurfing… cause I’m not.

This account is also an alt(Where I play Roadhog and a little Pharah) that placed at the same ranks(High diamond/Low Masters) as my main(Junkrat 1 trick)

So, everything you just stated couldn’t be more false otherwise if what you said were true my plat alt would be High Diamond by now.

Are you gatekeeping fairness?

Just lost another match where we had a Tracer with an 84% win rate on Tracer. You have to be kidding me, Blizzard.

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OK then, remember that the next time a healer main is on your team and decides that they’re going to play DPS.

Remember, you can’t yell at them if it’s their only account.

There’s no such thing as a “main”. Just means you won’t play other heroes in a game with 31 heroes and thus, you should go play QP.

lol, whatever you say

I think I know why you have a Season 1 icon but still in low silver

What does what rank someone’s in have to do with making fair matches where all of the players are of your skill? Sounds like some elitist, self-centered BS to me.

And I’ve been in gold, and played perfectly fine in plat. The match making system is garbage.


You’re only reinforcing mine (and probably anyone else who is reading this thread) opinion of you

“everything and everyone sucks, except me”


POINT: People who are better than other players in a given rank are not meant to be in that rank. If they are there, there’s a problem. If they are there on purpose, ban them. End.

Lost another match. Guess what? Reaper with an 88% win rate out of 20 games played (2 lost) with 4 hours played on Reaper.

This is the 3rd time in 6 matches now. That’s 50% of my matches have this in it. Everyone appears to be playing on their alt accounts now to prep for 2-2-2. Blizzard, BAN ALL OF THESE PLAYERS HOLY CRAP. This player is 1541 out of 1541 (season high). OBVIOUSLY they are better than where they are on this account. DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.

I’ve gone from over 1700 - 1541 now due to crap like this. This isn’t competitive anymore, it’s the high school team playing the Dream Team in the Olympics, but where the refs keep telling the spectators that everything’s perfectly fair.


I always wonder how good pro players actually are in comparison to ladder players. You have somewhat answered that question.

Likewise, I have no sympathy for you. Being good doesn’t give you the right to ruin the game for others.