Alright fellow console players : RIP

Target Mercy

Have you played console? Hitscan is impossibly hard to play on it. Not to mention the fact that you need an accurate widow to take down a pharmercy. Or get a keyboard and mouse and join the hated scrublord’s ranks.

I play mostly on console.

Target Mercy

Not when the enemy team has a Brig and a Winston to ruin your life.

Just because you hate Pharah doesn’t mean they should pour their time into making a useless passive ab. You don’t drastically change a character because it doesn’t work on another console.

Look, just give her a nerf to her boosters on flying on console, then it’s pretty good for both sides.

She is way easier to kill than Bastion (for me). Well Bastion would be easy too if I didn’t end up solo healing all the time.

Anyhow if I’m not stuck solo healing I can get McCree and knock out Phara pretty easily. But yea it seems like no one wants to hitscan swap. Some days it feels like a lost art on console.

I guess I could always solo heal as Mercy and handle Phara but that’s not as easy as Mercy vs Widow dueling unless you got ult then Phara is screwed.


With the Mercy nerfs and all of the damage falloff changes, she isn’t really much of a problem anymore. I’ll have to see what the changes are but I’m not opposed to small buffs/quality of life changes.

When I play Phara I always feel like she doesn’t have enough flight time.

I also wonder if her splash damage should be reduced in favor of a larger mag (+2?) and slight fire rate increase. Maybe max dmg adjust so her DPS stays flat.

I don’t want to increase her dmg output but rather force her to be more accurate.

I play both. Higher ranked than you, too.

What a special cooky you are haha.

He didn’t say buffs. He said changes. Let’s wait until we know what they are.

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When you’re 2100 and QQ about Phara and call people special because they disagree with your opinion, hehe.
2100 on console too… feelsbad

I’m hoping for flight mechanic changes. Very curious to see what is coming.

I called you special because you think my argument about aim assist is less valid because of my rank. Are you a jerk or just plain stupid? Someone who play on console and PC should know that even if he doesn’t play OW at all.

No amount of aim assist makes up for the difference between a controller and k/m. That’s just a simple fact.

I can also tell you to look at the top 500 on PS4 so you can realise that the majority of the players in it have Pharah in their top 3 most played heroes while it’s not the case at all on PC. But you know " hurr durr it’s surreally easy to kill Phara even in high diamond / low masters".

Of course all those logical arguments are invalid because you graduated top of your class in the Navy Seals, and you ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and you have over 300 confirmed kills.

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You don’t even know what the change is yet…

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I didn’t mention your rank previously when you called me special, it seems you’re just making up anything you want to attempt a salvage operation.

Not sure what 90% of the population being better than you has to do with you imagining me in the Navy Seals but it appears to me you’re just coming up with nonsense because you’ve got nothing ptoductive to the topic to say.

For a man who hates Phara and there’s “No counter” and it’s “Impossible to deal with” you’ve certainly got a lacking of play-time on Mcgree or Soldier, but then again, you’re in gold, so do you even know what counters Phara?

That’s your comments. I didn’t made up anything.

But I did made some “productive” arguments about the difference between a controller and k/m plus the overwhelming presence of Pharah in the top 500 on PS4.

But as I expected you disregarded my points and came back with the classic “hurr durr you re bad and I’m so good” comment. Hence my reference to the navy seal copypasta.

The majority of the player base is in gold. Again, this isn’t an opinion but a simple fact.

  1. I don’t hate Pharah, I’m saying she is in a good position on consoles atm and not at all “surreally” easy to kill like you argued.
  2. I mostly play healers and tanks because if I don’t nobody will. I often try to pick Zen to discord and pest Pharah when possible, but it’s true I don’t play Pharah’s counters.

I could play your game and inspect your profile to highlight your own limitations and prejudices, but it’s private. I can only say that for a guy in plat you sure ride a %4?*ing high horse.

not sure why Pharah’s head hitbox isn’t increased on console.

I don’t think it has to be any bigger.