Already Being Flamed For Picking Mercy

I truly do not understand how so many people are experiencing Mercy’s movement as slow. I have been having the exact opposite problem, where I’m careening off in some direction faster than I anticipated and sometimes accidentally losing LoS onto my teammate and getting isolated because of it. I’m making that mistake less often now, but in general, I’ve been finding her flight to be very speedy, and I can cover so much more ground than before. Literally, I can do movements with a single GA that would have taken 2 GAs (with a pause for the cooldown in between) in OW1.

Are you exclusively standing within 5m of whoever you’re trying to fly to or something? The new system does punish positioning close to teammates pretty hard, but that was never a good place for Mercy to be anyway.

who is the worst then? every other support seems stronger

Moira. Terrible damage, no utility in a game entirely reliant on utility supports. Mercy gets insane movement to stay alive with super jump spamming, damage boost and Rez.

ehh for the average player moira is really good and not as bad in high ranks as she was in ow1. rez isn’t particularly good in 5v5 anyway-it’s way harder to pull off

I don’t think this rings true for OW2 or whatever you’d like to call this update.

Mercy is hands down the least valuable Support IMO.

100% of the time when I go Mercy I always outheal the other healer.

I know OW2 isn’t just about healing but the only time people complain about healing is when they are dead, otherwise they dont notice that they are taking massive damage and are getting healed back up.

I do think she deserves some changes, she just doesnt work on OW2

I haven’t had anyone complain yet. I have an 80% wr so far in comp with Mercy and have only gotten compliments. I don’t think she’s as trash as people think. I think it’s just about relearning her movement which is actually pretty good. Her problem right now is her ult. It’s too long and too low impact because it drags. 5v5 has fast team fights so her ult lasting forever and not having much initial impact is making her lack luster.

problem being if you balance the game based on the top 1%…

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shes pretty trash because this isnt ow1 anymore and while she can heal she and revive, she brings nothing else to the table. there are just better options to play rn even those one of em isnt unlocked for everyone.

that said i dont care too much what other ppl play as support aslong they can make it work.

The game’s pacing has severely affected her playstyle. Since there’s one less tank to protect her, it makes it really difficult to kite if you’ve got multiple people focusing her.

Not only that, but because the game plays more like deathmatch, Mercy is already suffering because she’s entirely team dependent. Every other support can offer utility and land kills on their own except for Mercy.

She lacks independence, and is entirely chained to team performance, rather than having any significant carry potential.

bring back rez on Q. Its time

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Yeah I mean it’s probably hard for people not to do this with the scoreboard. They just see the mercy has 0 damage most of the time or much less than the enemy supports but the same amount of healing roughly. Maybe if damage boosted were counted as mercy damage which I mean it kinda should be. Mercy is not the best support but she’s… okayish

She’s pretty trash at the moment, someone on my team goes mercy it’s pretty much done.
I’d be up for any change to her that isn’t more healing or more sustain

Thats because you can only rez when close enough. They need to re-work it because you can’t stay far enough away out of LOS to rez anyone…ever. Not to mention the fact that you’re frozen in place until the rez completes.

I stand by what I said in beta 1: rez is worse in 5v5, not better. There are three main reasons.

  1. When Mercy rezzed the first death in a fight in OW2 it briefly became 6v4, since both Mercy and the fallen teammate aren’t actively contributing to the fight. Mercy’s team still had at least 1 tank – maybe 2.

In OW2 it becomes a 5v3. Mercy’s team has at most 1 tank and there’s a chance they have 0. At least in my matches, it often doesn’t matter if she gets the rez off. You can do so much irreparable harm to her team during those few seconds of 5v3 that they can’t recover.

  1. Mercy herself is easier to kill when going for the rez due to less protection from tanks. Even if she gets it off, you’ve done enough damage to her that she often dies shortly thereafter, so ultimately she’s merely traded with the rezzed teammate.

  2. In OW1, we’d have 90s+ standoffs at chokes. During this time, we’d build Q while waiting for a fleeting window of opportunity to get the first kill when the enemy experienced brief downtime in their sustain CDs. If Mercy got the rez off, gg – the standoff is forced to continue until someone presses Q.

In OW2, kills tend to come more easily now. They require less patience, less resources, and thus it’s less devastating to see a kill reversed. You’ll get another soon enough.

I wonder how people would feel about a new version of mass rez ult that functioned more like dragonglade and overclock. Instead of an AoE, she has maybe 6 to 8 seconds to perform as many single target rezzes as she can get off. Just a thought.

EDIT: what the hell is this formatting? Thanks, Obama.


I won plenty of matches with Mercy though. If you feel countered, switch.

Rez while ulting is faster, and it’s easy to get away from the mess.
Rez while falling from high ground is possible, and doesn’t get cancelled.

You can ask for shields or bubbles or immortal matrix or (soon) protection suzu

The situation for Mercy in 5v5 is a really strange one. One of the problems is that you dont want to have a HEALER on you team. Because thats what Mercy in general is for most people a healer with a damage boost. But in OW2 supports need to be able to deal with flankers and other DPS on their own. Thats why Bap got the DPS and burst heal, Zen the kick, Ana more ammunition and so on.

Mercy was in every beta the problem and all they got from it was “lets change her movement” where they created more problems for the character and to be fair: the only part of her kit that was no problem! So now what does Mercy has:

  • Healing beam that is to weak in OW2 for critical moments
  • Damage boosts that can break some DPS
  • Rez that is terrible to use, clunky and people that finally got a kill hate it
  • GA is now changed and while I personally like it, it still has more limitations than the old version
  • Valk is a waste of space of an ult that has no where near the impact of any other support ult

Great. Now we have problems in every single part of her kit.

Like others said, you dont type “switch Mercy pls” but you think it, especially as the second support.

Kiriko is also a very good example. I see Kiriko for most people mainly as a healer and less a damage dealer, but if flankers duel you, you can hit them with some juicy headshots pretty hard. If not then you can teleport away. The heal is stronger and you have to aim but its in a lot of cases better than Mercys and dont get me started on the cleanse that is a game saver in some situations vs hard CC or DoT effects and the ult is really make you happy that you enable your team to do stuff.

Kiriko is Mercy 2.0 for me. The view as “Kiriko DPS” is wrong and you then rather play Bap or Zen.

Mercy needs a complete overhaul because like Sym she is not “weak”. She is “outdated”.


in which case you’re more likely to lose because of your negative attitude from the start rather then those picks…you assume from the start you will lose so you don’t try as you normally would.

trust me it makes a huge difference.

Her rez is what makes her the worst support in 5v5 rofl.


Let her maintain her momentum like she could before :sob: