Already Being Flamed For Picking Mercy

I haven’t been flamed for picking Mercy in games since … since she had 50 HPS. The last two years of OW1 while she’s had 55 HPS I’ve picked her with no complaint, even though she wasn’t always meta.

Now though, I’ve been yelled at/asked to swap off of Mercy several times this WEEK. Sometimes even in QUICK PLAY.

I mean, I know she is the worst Support in OW2, as she has seen 0 OWL playtime and all the content creators and pros rank her as the worst, but I didn’t realize it was so bad I was going to get flamed for picking the hero at all.

Praying she gets some sort of changes next Balance Patch so I can play my favorite hero without getting yelled at. :pray: That is Blizz’s new balance philosophy after all, no? That all heroes should be viable so we don’t have to swap?


I will never actually say anything, but I find myself filled with dread every time I see someone pick Mercy on my team. Especially when I’m co-supporting x.x

The woman needs buffs/a rework hard. And while they’re at it, if they’re going to stick to the stupid GA changes, can they at least make her feel less like she’s swimming through quicksand?


i hate res being an ability now and not an ult, the way it freezes you in place to cast

there is almost no way you can get this off verse any competent team because you are just making yourself a free kill.

I SHOULD be able to use it any time it’s off cooldown though I almost never can do


yea she’s def the worst support imo, or atleast the most boring and one without individuality

it just doesn’t work well in ow2.


Mercy does need some attention. Luckily most of my Mercys have been decent.

When I’m on support I make sure to keep an eye on her and we usually do well.


Because Kiriko is almost a direct upgrade to Mercy.

  • Able to dish out a lot of damage and even kill Tracer with one combo (kunai followed by animation cancelling melee)
  • Able to just go to teammates through walls, usable for offense and defense
  • Has an ult that actually changes the tide of battle and she’s able to do stuff during the ult
  • Has an AoE cleanse which counters every anti-heal and even ults like shatter. Also, during her ult Kiriko can do her Suzu 3(!) times in a row
  • Has an auto-aim healing which nevertheless can be utilized at any range if the team steps into the healing particles.

Why mentioning Kiriko? Because of her better mobility and utility, yes - but also to show what a hero designed in OW2 for OW2 looks like. Mercy… I would not use the word “bad” necessarily - although there’s a (big) grain of truth in that. Better to say she’s outdated. And extremely so.


Imo, if only I could just get Mercy players to stop standing in the middle of the road to get a rez off, my complaints would be minimal. I think they get 1 out of every 7 or 8 they attempt in my games because they never rez out of los and just stand there as a big ‘shoot me’ beacon.

I’m also not fond of the fact that doesn’t not contribute any meaningful damage when the current game is all about spewing as much dps across the map as possible, but I know Mercy players are dedicated and she has a lot of appeal for the healers among us, so I will settle for being more careful about rezzing.

Like, if I’m out of position and get my face blown off, please don’t come to the same spot I just died in and do exactly the same thing I just did because your rez button was glaring at you :stuck_out_tongue: It’s ok to leave me to my shame and regroup with the others.


OWL doesn’t reflect reality, they exploit heroes to their max.

Just like they placed Cassidy and Junkrat and look

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Mercy is my favorite support I’ve always liked her. Though I do wish they would get rid of the need to press crouch to execute the “Super Jump”. Its very uncomfortable to do on controller and on keyboard. “But my complexity, My character depth. How will people recognize my ability as a Mercy if I can’t press a fighting game combo to super jump.” Before that crowd comes for me. I will say and i’ve told my BF this many times and maybe have said it here once or twice.

Mercy as it stands is the only support who has to weapons swap to do dmg. Lucio? wub wub. Ana psshh…psssh…Moira SUCC…throw healing orb…SUUUUCC.Brig bonk…bonk…bonk…bonk shield bash. Zen shwing…swhing…take orb…swhing…Baptise…pew…pew…pew IMORTALITY FIELD…pew…pew…Kiriko…I GOT THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE!! BELIEVE IT!..

Sorry I just woke up so i’m a bit animated. What i’m trying to say with all that whatever the frick that was. Is None of the other supports have to choose to completely cut off healing outside of Mercy and she doesn’t fit into OW2 when supports are supposed to be in the midst of everything dealing dmg as well to win the teamfight faster.

I hate that. I hate that I feel bad for picking my favorite support when I have the other choices who contribute more to the fight then maybe a risky rez. Sure she can dmg boost or her ult allows that to extend to others. But Idk I just feel like i’m letting my team down whenever I lock in Mercy over Kiriko or Ana or Moira.


You see? It’s good to know at least someone understands this but that illustrates a problem with resurrect - in a game where people are “out of position and get my face blown off” it just cannot be used. And you know why you’re “out of position and get my face blown off”? Because you understand the gist of the game and try to flank the enemy like any decent player would try to do.

So - good play, but it means that in the vast majority of cases Mercy’s resurrect is just a pointless ability. Every second she does not resurrect you it’s a 4v5 which is almost a guaranteed fight loss. This really shows how overestimated the value of resurrect is in OW2.


OWL is 99.9% not the player-base. Don’t believe what you are reading. Mercy is perfectly fine.


Despite how I felt about her revamped movement in OW2, I’m actually coming around to accepting the GA changes slowly. My main issue is the cast time for res. Such a slow mechanic for an ability, in a fast paced game setting, feels so awkward and bad.

The amount of times I see a potential res in OW2 and simply say nah, is actually quite funny. And even when I feel like it’s safe, I’m still pretty nervous unless the fight over.


Mercy is still great. So many solid spread-out comps is great for her. And Valk means free kills for me now that there’s only one tank to worry about. I think, as usual, most people are just bad at her and spend the whole match holding down the heal button.

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Have not encountered this issue yet regardless of whether I’m the Mercy or my teammate is, but I’ll keep you posted.

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If only lmao. The amount of suicide resses I see make me cringe. Just because somebody died doesn’t mean run to the exact same spot they died that has 3 people around it and hit the res button lmao.


Yeah rez simply does not work in 5v5, her kit is visibly outdated and the ability needs to be reworked if she is to have any hope of being viable in this new gameplay envrionment.

I play in GM so I would like my hero to be viable there tyvmn :hugs: And the Devs said they balance around GM and OWL so :person_shrugging:

I agree but also you gotta understand how much harder rez is to pull off in 5v5 than in OW1. No more shields, no more second tank, no more CC to ward off people from jumping you, way more damage flying around and faster paced gameplay. Most rezzes that would be safe before are now suicidal. And as a Mercy player it’s frustrating to not be able to use your E ability except for like 3-4 times a game. That’s how ults are supposed to be, not your E.

That’s why I want them to remove rez and give her a new E ability


The problem is that people take what these pros say to heart, if you are good with her then play her. she is personnaly my favorite healer.

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I am good with her. Doesn’t change the fact that she is still bad and the worst support. I am less good at Ana and Moira and Lucio and Brig but I can go them and do 10x more value than Mercy can.


Probably because she sucks in OW2 due to the change to 5v5. Any other support>mercy because they can defend themselves better/contribute more offensively.

Yeah damage boost is good but a zen orb is just better because it gives the damage boost to the whole team, and you can continue to damage too… and you have good damage…

Sadly unless they rework her it’ll stay the same…


Yep. I don’t complain about picks on game chat but I feel like we’ve already lost the game when I see queen or mercy on the hero selection screen. They both need serious buffs