Almost Leaving Game Due To Tank Balance

-Dva/hammond main here
Firrrst off DVA can be REALLY good alot of times i am silver dmg most of the time if not gold whileeeee keeping their healers dead.

Ive noticed a trend. I tend to win alot of games when no one is bashing on my dva/hammond pick but soon as someone cries that im not rien or zarya i usually have to block or leave chat which hinders communication. Id rather have silence than hear someone constantly telling me to play glass wall. In fact dva/hammond melts heroes that our DPS cant reach. Ive turned games so fast just going hammond and harrasing healers because they were pocketing good players. Maybe its just my crap SR that im running into “know it alls” but its so demoralizing to have other teamates think that shields win a game(before a round even starts). Symetra basically makes a any shield hero run… if you dont know a counter to rein. Im not masters or anything but from my experience if you lose to rein because its because no one is breaking the shield. That shield can be broken so fast by most dps characters. hell i go orisa to break his shield as long as dps knows what their doing.

ANd yea i almost want quick this game because people like you tell me how to have fun in the game. Try learning the hero’s that you think suck and you might realize that each hero has a role what its great at.

He is asking for tank balance. Not Rein 100% of the time.

Rein has entered Mcree status. Good most of the time, and good all of the time.

if you like to melee rein to death then yea. otherwise if rein’s team is dead he’s dead too. he’s an aggro tank so dont give him what he wants and he’s a useles tank if you have high ground against him he cant do his job. most smart dps play high ground then sigma because the better tank as soon and you break the X axsis… as in any game melee is amazing inmelee range but once your out of that range your a dead fish in time. I used to play him alot because i liked him for his voice lines but when they go reaper/mae/doomfist/symetra and many others i just gave up being constantly picked on - done with this thread though just wanted my imput after ingoring 10 people today telling me that i should play rein or nothing at all

Can I add here as another Dva mian often your in a situation where the meta guys aren’t great choices. Like they have a widow bodying your healers, what can Zarya do to help here?

As a result your faced with a choice, persist with meta heroes that aren’t great right now, swap to who might be better but you may not play well yourself or swap to the trash hero who your actually good with. Not always but often its a good idea to just play what your good on, if in doubt pick your best hero.

The issue is tank balance is so trash that if your forced into this kind of situation it’s basically a loss. Like I shouldn’t be putting this out there but if you want to climb on DPS pick heroes and comps that counter Rein Zarya but lose to Monkey, Dva, Orisa, Sigma or Hog, as you will just beat them anyway, these heroes are such trash in modern OW.


Not every forumer is like this. But I am pretty quick to cry foul too. The forums have been witchhunting whatever tank is popular. 2 months ago, I posted about how Zarya was going to be the next witchhunted tank, and the responses I got were “No way, Zarya is super balanced!”

Now, I posted about how they should buff other tanks and not nerf Zarya, and the responses I got were, “Dude, Zarya is super broken and she always has been.”

As a tank main, I’ve pretty much left the game (occasionally play with my brother when he gets on just so I can socialize, but we’ve mostly transitioned to Paladins instead). The main reason is because I was tired of having every tank get dumpstered. The nerfs during goats hurt, the Orisa/Sigma nerfs were nasty, the hog/Sigma nerfs were also painful, and the Ball nerfs were the nail in the coffin.


Unless said professionals are EVIL. You shouldn’t listen to people based on rank you should listen based on logic.

Therein lies the OP’s issue. Too many people like you play “your favorite hero” despite the fact that there are 6 counters on the other side (exaggeration of course). For example, 99% of the time if there is a ball I’ll switch to Sombra and their life becomes a living hell, especially since the NEVER switch the entire game after that. THEN after the match what do I hear? “Sombra op”, “Hack hack hack thats all I was is hacked the entire match”, “Let me play sombra”, etc…No, I will not let you play, my goal is to win. If you’re dumb as a box of rocks and won’t switch that’s you and your team’s problem. Dummy!

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My b. I hear it is because I have bad game sense, so you can hardly blame me.

They’re gaming my guy.

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It is really more my team’s problem. I win enough with Dva despite Zarya’s dominance. If it ain’t working, it is because someone else is not pulling their weight. And I am not about to swap just because I see a loss coming if I don’t compensate for the dead weight. I am fine with an L because it makes the games even easier to play even when they have 6 counters.

Summary: “I’m selfish”.

Naturally, why should I bend over backwards for a team that refuses to adapt? I would swap if other people made adjustments, but it is really more a scapegoat situation which makes me want to change even less.

I actually found ways to switch it up, for me at least. These are primarily in QP with RQ.

This account for tanks I play primarily Roadhog, Zarya, and D.Va, mostly in that order, however sometimes I will go shield tank if we simply aren’t making headway against the enemy DPS.

My tank games go good and bad.

Example of good tank game for me:


I also play on another account, and I treat QP there as if its mystery heroes. Meaning whatever the game gives me, I play it. Even if I’m being countered, as playing against my counters also teaches you how to sometimes work around or deal with counters better. Might suck sometimes, but I stick it out. And other times I get wins on heroes that I think I suck playing at.

Those that see I’m a Mercy main, well here was a dizzy game where I played her if anyone cares:


Feel free to check these out, be interesting to hear perspectives on how bad or good I did or things I could do better.

Game on.


She is no where meta on OWL.

She was played obiviously, but she was swapped out quickly for zarya.

Zarya gets more success with winston more than dva now.

Even ball/dva is worse than zarya/ball :joy::joy:

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This is a TEAM game and you’re seriously, with a straight face, saying all this stuff? LOL

I fail to see the problem, I would play as a team if my team would. I am not about to be the only one compromising, that ain’t how this works, fam.

As a main tank player, you can’t fathom how much I hate this original post and the entitlement that it’s full of.

Just because a tank is low ranked doesn’t mean he should forego enjoying himself exclusively for a team that won’t play to fit him when it comes down to it. As Jeff himself said in a recent interview, “Maybe I didn’t want to spend my night holding up a shield.”

People may yell about a DPS who plays something off meta or something that doesn’t synergize, but not nearly to the level that a tank gets. And supports? They can pick anything they want, and no matter how much you groan inside, don’t you dare say a word in chat about needing more than a Lucio and Zen against a spam comp, or you’re guaranteed never to get a heal.

But tanks? You better pick EXACTLY what they want, or you’re throwing, no matter how little it makes sense. Your DPS went Genji/Doomfist? Hold that shield and shut up. Your healers deciding Widow duels and pocketing their friend is more important? Don’t care, shut up and don’t you dare swap.

Wanna know what really drove tanks away? A combination of the devs and this toxic community. How dare people try and main tank to enjoy themselves? The nerve.


Ah, this is how you don’t sell Ibuprofene, you alway sell Morphium and well, the pros know how and when and how much to use, scrubs should just adapt, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean it’s really not difficult to see how ~nothing in the world works like that.

You always design for the consumer. That’s called “good UX”. If your game has 98% casual players that require a completely different balance approach than the 2% pro level players, you don’t balance for what the latter need.
Granted, in this case “the consumer” is the monetary source and I suspect the OWL is where the money is generated. So in turn it makes sense.

But as a general approach it’s terrible. Just because someone is better than you doesn’t mean they ought to get all the attention. Any web designer can tell you why that is a bad approach.

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Yeah this is really what breaks me about this. DPS in particular expect they can just YOLO-I-Am-Genji-Main every match, throw as hard as humanly possible, and their supports and tanks are supposed to pick perfectly around them so they might still won.

All just so that when they lose they can blame it on the tanks not picking the “right tanks” and if they win, it’s all them having single-handedly carried the team.

And you know what? Once the “correct” attitude Genji shows up in a game, it’s totally worth explicitly avoiding healing him, even if it costs the game. They will rage hard. Don’t respond, just keep going, they’ll rage endlessly. Then report them with the rest of the team.

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It is true, if people dare question my Zen pick, I force them to SAY MY NAME. With Dva, all I can do is desperately hide behind a wall and pray they notice a critical tank in front of them.