Almost Leaving Game Due To Tank Balance

so ur the type of person that plays mystery heroes and never get value from any of ur ults

What idealistic virtual world are you living in where everybody on a team works together and counter picks for the teams benefit? Have you not played OW before? This story is as old as time. Pick a season and meta and what you just wrote can be applied to that. Hello?

maybe hes living in gm

Even is GM 1tricks giveth and 1tricks taketh away. He must be an OWL player.

I highly recommend finding people to play with regularly. It’s amazing how many tanks and tanks combinations are suddenly viable when you have even a semi-coordinated team.

We were running different combinations against Rein/Zarya all night, and were pretty successful. We even ran the maligned Dva. It’s pretty cool seeing a Dva dominate because she had proper healing and fire support.

So what you are saying is that you realised you were useless on dva so afk’ed payload and let your team 5v6? K then.

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Yes LOL, unfortunately I really wanted to play D.Va, but instead of trying to play aggressively and try to carry with D.Va, I realized I couldn’t, that would cost my teammates a lot of effort, then I started playing defensively gave more room to my teammates to do stuff and carry me.

you can mitigate damage without going afk

I only play tank, and it’s really grinding on me now that we have a small pool of hero’s and some are totally out of bounds.

Orisa is a complete dumpster pick, I have not in the last 10 hours of play seen an Orisa comp steam roll a Rein/Zarya comp. Rein is better in almost every way possible.

You get shouted at if there is no shield and Rein is the standout Shield with no other pick. Sigma is the only other option, but even he has been nerfed into the ground recently.

Dva is a no go, because the other tank has to play Rein, and so you may as well pick Zarya.


Seeing play in pro play isn’t the same as being meta. Pros are players too and like other ranks have their own tendencies when it comes who to pick and what not. Just because you reach top ranks doesn’t change the fact you are more practiced and better on one hero over another regardless of meta. Just because you go pro doesn’t catapult your ability to play say Sigma who you hardly touch over Hog who you play the most by far in a Sigma meta. is the more popular character to one trick so its only natural the top ranks reflect that as well. People are going to try to get the most popular one trick characters to work for a variety of reasons even if the situation isn’t exactly the best idea.

But people mistake that for being balance way too much. And be like see this charcter is good while forgetting just how much people support a particular hero. Also people tend to give experimentation a little to much credit when what really propels the new stuff for a bit is the fact its playing differently itself that is the key. And the adaption would work with the current comp as well and maybe even better.

Look at how many times people at higher ranks have tried to say Winston/ is going to be the new meta after balance changes to the other tanks. It has been a recurring thing for years now at this point. Only for that to go nowhere as people realize that it still full of issues.

It’s weird how the Rein seems to always be in your enemy team and the D.Va/Orisa always being in your team.

That’s pretty unlikely. You have to be a very unlucky person. Or you are biased. I guess biased.

Anyway, balance doesn’t really matter once you get SR into the equation, it only matters in very high ranks. If you main D.Va and rank up to Masters, you are a Masters D.Va and can deal with other Masters players that are not hard-countering you (which Rein doesn’t). If you lose you most likely didn’t lose because of the D.Va pick (but it might be very comforting to blame D.Va for your loss).

I’m this tank player you described…

Orisa, D.Va, and Winston are my go to tanks to play.

I refuse to play Reinhardt. I hate playing him.


Don’t you know that OWL is 100% of the playerbase in this game and majority of the players who actually know what changes are good for the game are not stuck in platinum?


The amount of stats they would have to give dva so players who play her like a discount sigma or ball instead of actually utilising an effective dva playstyle would be insanely broken when given to a player who is actually good at dva.

The issue is Dva seems to appeal to new players despite being a mechanically difficult hero who has to know all ability interactions and be in the right position at the right time to eat cooldowns and ults with her matrix, she has the low cooldown mobility to be able to do that but most dvas either never use her mobility and might as well be playing sigma or winston, or only use her mobility and never focus on eating cooldowns and might as well be playing ball or again winston.

She’s a very strong hero her skill floor is just above the skill level of people who play her.

There’s also the huge fact that Blizzard refuses to tone down the top performing DPS because they want those heros to always be meta, and alot of those heros have absurd tank busting potential considering everything else they are good at.

Negative. I am a QP filthy casual. I just also happen to have played team sports from a very young age so I know that a group trying to minimize their weaknesses and remove the opponents’ strength has a better chance to win. Winning is priority #1 in a team competition. Everyone feels better when they get a W even if it comes with some personal sacrifice.

I mostly play Bapt, but if my front line is getting bullied I will switch to Brig to fight in the trenches. If we have a Ball or Tracer living in the backline I can go Brig and be a body guard for the other healer. If the other team is out healing our damage I’ll switch to Ana and try to get the 'nade off at the right time to secure kills.

I guess that puts me in the minority of the player base.

You must just notice this more being a support player :man_shrugging: because players in all roles are equally guilty of using crappy comps, particularly in QP.

Like others have said some people just want to play their favorite heroes whether they are meta or not.

Yes, but if you pick anything else we’ll lose because of it. If you won’t pick Rein or Zarya you need to not be playing tank right now, period.

Are you talking about Quick play too, or just comp?

Quick Play is a place where you can play anything. I pick Orisa and defeat enemy Rein’s from time to time, it depends how good my other teammates are and what heroes they pick to synergize with me.

I like playing all the tanks except for Rein and Ball. I have the most time on Dva and Orisa.

It’s not my fault that DPS whined until all the tanks I like to play were completely trashed. So, I’ll just stick to Dva. Trust me, I’m not going to do much better on Rein anyway.

I mean, it effects both. Comp is more likely to be a sure loss (because you will be up against Rein Zarya every time) but there’s a lot of games you’ll lose in QP with non-meta tanks that you could have otherwise won.