Almost Leaving Game Due To Tank Balance

…and I’m not even a tank player. I’m a Support player.

Let me explain: I’m sick of them masochistic players, whether it’s on Comp or QP, picking garbage stuff like and refusing to switch even when we get steamrolled over and over again by enemy Rein. It is affecting my psychological state during matches and ability to stal cool in general. Why are these people so stubborn? I have no idea as I’m the kind of player who switches all the time, but I know they’ll always exist.

For the last time: PLEASE buff these garbage heroes so they aren’t a burden to everyone anymore. Especially because she is so popular, has a giant playerbase and is picked ALL. THE. TIME. even with trash stats. The idea you can’t buff them because of OWL or whatever is insane. You will lose more and more players if you keep catering to this tiny minority that doesn’t even matter in the scope of things. You can profit and have a somewhat sucessful game without OWL, you can’t profit without your ladder plebs.


Is it really that hard to understand why people don’t want to play the same hero ad infinitum? I like Reinhardt and I’m sick of being forced to play exclusively him.


Disclaimer: I do switch and I do play all the tanks.

That said, I consider myself a D.Va main. And sometimes, I just really want to play my favorite hero. I really like some of the other tanks, but I’m just not going to be content being forced on to a specific hero. I will play Rein. And I love playing Ball. I even like Winston. But I don’t enjoy Roadhog. Zarya is fun in spurts, but I do not like playing her day-in-day-out.

So, I agree that we need to make all tanks good. Because D.Va is very popular. And yes, I will play her even when she’s garbage. But I enjoy the game much more when she’s not.


Sorry bro!

These are how you wanted these tanks to be! You can all deal with us playing them in their current useless form now!

Thanks for listening!

-Tanks that don’t like playing whack a mole


Just focus on your gameplay and support your tanks.

Besides, constantly switching also doesn’t help the team. Best to actually focus on the heroes you’re actually good at in order to support and win the team.

selfish? definitely but it’s thanks to that, I’m able to actually enjoy the game far more than worrying about other pick, Sure, I’ll grumble privately at times but if the tanks doesn’t want to switch, it’s best you just roll with what they pick and do the best of what you can do.

Also, top down balance is the way to go. Especially for e-sports and worthwhile gameplay to look forward to when you climb the ladder.


Playing D.Va really depends on many things.

I mostly play QP and I was playing D.Va in Numbani on attack once, our team was decent, but I could recognize that whenever I went front I’d feed a lot and draw too much the attention of my supps and my Tank and DPS companions would suffer and die for the lack of “supportiveness”. Instead I just understood it and played passive pushing the payload behind and everyone was able to go ahead and pressure the enemy until the payload got close to be delivered. I avoided damage and release my healers from the payload duty and to go support my other teammates. Ez win.

Crazy right?

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try to understand that tanks in general aren’t given support from the dps.
and that’s before you include tanks who want to flank or high ground.

ive even tried to do an all rein week once and got insulted just asking for a group up.
you have to learn to do your own thing for the sheer sake of knowledge, and make wining a bonus.
if you focus on wining alone you will find overwatch to be a bad experience long term.

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I find it just kinda funny how none of your points had anything to do with what OP was saying.


More like ad nauseum.

Plenty of players want to see Reinhardt in every game because it is very easy to play against reinhardt. He’s a very exploitable hero with significant weaknesses and is incapable of multitasking.

Any tank who can multitask gets complaints and nerfs because they can “do anything.”

Blizzard have really painted themselves into a corner with this aggressive nerfing policy because it seems like they just follow the complaints and nerf any hero who pops into relevance…Except for Reinhardt and Monkey.


Sometimes i have to take a break from tanking because of this.

Finally getting a map where i love playing Ball

Team instapicks Ana Zarya and Genji

Switching to Rein again


The OP seems to be having trouble with the tanks not switching and sticking on to the weak tanks. In turn, it’s affecting him mentally since he can’t seem to accept the decision that his team tanks chosen, thereby, asking these tanks be buffed so they aren’t a burden.

OP is also saying that the reason these tanks don’t get buff is because of OWL, and say that Blizz should actually focus on the ladder. I.E a Bottom-top approach.

My point is that the OP should just chill and actually focus on his gameplay because Blizz isn’t going to do that (And frankly, they really shouldn’t do that.), and will be focusing primarily on the OWL because that’s what brings cash and keep OW afloat.

The top-down balance is also the way balance should be done, you don’t listen to the players who don’t know what they’re doing or are unable to use the heroes to the fullest, you listen to the players who knows the in and outs of the heroes completely at the professional level.

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I’m not playing as much anymore for this same reason. Yes reinhardt isn’t picked every matching in GM, but for me and everyone else I play with we aren’t GM. So Reinhardt is a tremendous problem. Either we have one and we win, or the enemy team has one and they win. Sick and tired of matches being decided by one single hero.

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DVA ia Meta with Rein rn in pro play. If she was buffed any at all she would immediately become the most powerful character in game. What you are really complaining about is bad players, which come in all shapes and sizes. And there is no such thing as meta below GM. Any and everything works if you are good.

You should change to being a Rein one trick then. Rein one tricks are DESPERATELY needed by ladder, and you can climb SR by playing him (I climbed 500SR myself doing it). It means I don’t enjoy the game any more but that’s a small price to pay for keeping your random ladder teammates happy. Sometimes I like to have a break and play other tanks in QP, but even there your teammates feel entitled to have a Reinhardt every game or you are “throwing”.

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I can completely sympathize with the OP. I understand its a game and people want to have fun with their favorite hero. However, they have to realize that sometimes that means ruining the fun of the other 5 people on their team since it caused a futile situation.

Have you ever tried to keep a Dva alive that is playing into a Rein/Zarya frontline? I’ve tried it as Mercy, Bapt, Anna, and Moria for pure output on her; Brig and Lucio to keep Rein off her. It is insanely hard to manage. At some point I have to cut my losses and focus on someone else that is producing some results to try to improve the situation, but then Dva whines about not getting enough heals. Just can’t win.

My point is that I respect your want to have fun, but don’t expect me, or the rest of the team, to cosign your decision to play into counters.


It’s insane how better and above every other tank Rein and Zarya are currently. Especially Rein. They are clearly blind to not see that Rein and McCree need nerfs ASAP. Or they are just pretending to not see it.

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Yeah but thats a individual player issue more than a dva issue. Youre essentially complaining about bad players which can describe any character or class in game.

Have you ever played with a mercy in a duo with a trash genji or soldier that continues to lead them both to their death and the rest of us are playing 4 on 6…

See I can change the narrative to fit however i want it too

I have long accepted the fact that I play selfishly and wouldn’t mind if others play selfishly as well because of that. I don’t expect the team to adapt to my choices, just so long you keep playing and don’t throw.

Pick whatever heroes you want to play so long you’re comfortable and having fun with it. If anything, I prefer someone to be on their best heroes rather than one they’re not as good but just trying to accommodate.

I found out that being a one-trick just makes my enjoyment of the game much better, despite the risk of getting countered or pushed down by the meta.

If others have problem with that, there’s always duo/group option.

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Also rein zarya actually takes coordination. Just picking those two heroes in and of itself does not guarantee squat. You have to communicate your bubbles and shields to get value, and that is assuming you have a lucio to speed you in to capitalize on your gains. Otherwise poke will melt you before get going anywhere. I really think people just parrot whatever their favorite streamers say on twitch.

I didn’t change the narrative at all. Go read the OP; they were talking in generalities, but were clearly talking about situations similar to what I explicitly described.

Playing into counters is simultaneously an individual player issue and a balance issue. Every hero has an effective range and types of damage they can’t really deal with. Dva is weak against beam-based and melee weapons which is exactly what Zarya and Rein bring to the table. The individual needs to recognize when they are playing into counters, and ideally adjust either which character they are using or alter their behavior to not be feeding. The balance issue comes into play since maybe the character’s counters might be too strong. However, if you are playing into two counters you are borderline soft throwing in my book.