Almost all players who prefer mass res are Mercy mains

Not a Mercy main, but she honestly needs it back.

Its easy to balance. Just add LoS, 20% of their health back if insta rez, and full health if rez is held down enough like McCrees dead eye.

Ez fix


Iā€™ve already dropped that. You are the one exception so far.

:spider_web: btw OP has 14 hours on Mercy. By forum law, they are a Mercy main. I donā€™t make the rules, I just point them out.


Why do people keep making tiresome Mercy threads? Youā€™re just giving them more attention.

Just let these threads go unnoticed by not posting in them and put your time to better use.


Iā€™m not the only one

slyther literally has thousands of responses from all players about mercy.

try disregarding those stats

You, my dear, were either being literal or a hypocrite.


You insulted my username.

Iā€™m pretty sure you didnā€™t type this for it to be taken as a compliment. :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Thatā€™s an exaggeration.

Didnā€™t bother going through your results, but considering this forum is composed of 50% Mercy mains, thatā€™s probably a bit bias.

aaaand thatā€™s my last straw

nicely get out please


An hyperbole which invalidates your entire argument since said sentence is what your argument revolves around.

Please :clap:t2: Stop.


To be fair i would imagine the % of Mercy mains on this forum trumps any other hero based on the amount of threads.
Not necessarily that high though lol

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I would just like to reiterate that every single person who has been vouching for mass res has been a Mercy main (aside from one Rein main).
You guys are literally just proving the point stated in my title and originial post.


I wish blizz would put out accurate stats of whoā€™s played the most in each rank

for the forums, you may be right

so then you admit that there are two people who invalidate your claim

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Almost all players who argue AGAINST Tracer and Genji nerfs are Tracer/Genji mains.


After you just admitted it to be an hyperboleā€¦


Did you even look at Slytherā€™s survey which consists of thousands of entries?

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just admit your mistakes 4head

Thatā€™s just false. Iā€™m a Winston main and I strongly believe neither Genji nor Tracer needs nerfs.

If you wanna write it off without even a glance, then thereā€™s nothing I can say or do to fix the willfully ignorant.

If you change your mind, though, just know I did split groups up by main specifically to avoid the bias youā€™re talking about.


he doesnā€™t want to look at facts, just his opinions