Almost all players who prefer mass res are Mercy mains

Wow you really are desperate for this guy to be a Mercy main. Instead of just dropping it you resort to personal attacks on their character and try to shut them down rather than acknowledge you might be wrong. It’s really not a nice thing to do.

Personally, I see plenty of posts that point out issues, inaccuracies, and etc throughout the thread.

I find it telling that many of the anti mercy folks like to point to this thread as the most liked, as if it was possible to mark the thread as anything but liked. I am all but certain that if dislike were available throughout the life of this thread, it might well be the most disliked thread on the forums

I find it even more telling the the OP has said he/she hasn’t played Mercy in a very long time

I find her to be fun and balanced in her current state, and many other Mercy players I know have told me the same

As such, I don’t feel she needs any work/changes

You know bug fixes do not require reworks, right?

Link and why exactly is that? If you’re going to refute someone’s argument, would it not make sense for you to refute it where the argument is originally posted? Not somewhere where the OP can see it…

Because we can use that to compare other posts which have different opinions on the same subject material. In this case, one that supports mass Res is the most popular and liked thread of all time on the forums.

You know that you would need more than 1500 people to do that… I sincerely doubt that would ever happen.

Ok? That doesn’t affect the knowledge they have of the game as a former GM player… That and, coaching and tutorial videos exist. They could easily use that to get up to date with their OW knowledge.

I am myself a mercy player (profile if public btw, so you can confirm) and right now i feel she’d need a bit of tweaking, an hability reworked (let’s face it, even on a 30s cooldown, ress is the most op skill in the game) but other than that, she’s fun and the closer to balanced she’s ever been. I like her, even though Valkrie feels lackluster, I prefer this than having her go through a revert or a rework, wich would honestly… go as bad as this kind of thing always goes with blizzard’s balancing… let’s call it skills not to offend the poor guys, they’re just doing their jobs after all, right?

I am not the one who decided to connect “the most liked thread on the forums” to this thread

I don’t believe we have a valid way to measure popularity. We can measure likes, but given the absence of dislike as an option, this isn’t a fit. We could talk about the number of replies, but many of these are in some degree of opposition to the OP’s stance

So I personally would not see it as valid to claim said thread is the most popular

I know a large number of folks who dislike that thread, but given this is not an option these forums extend to us, we will never know

If he/she is out of touch with the game and the character, I see that as very telling

That would kill it. You know mass rez got invul because Mercy was a troll pick in the higher ranks and she died a lot when casting it right? It needs adjustments but more in the form of just removing invul and giving something like damage reduction so it’s not a suicide rez but doesn’t let you surive enemy ults either.

I’m a Junkrat main and I want it back.

Also i main Genji, Roadhog, and Reaper. I want it back because it’s super easy to get a huge multikill after. McCree’s ult was pretty good back then (its even how I got his cute spray).

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I think the severe limits already placed on rez balance it sufficiently

Profile status doesn’t matter, tho lots of folks here like to act up as if it does

Why can’t we see the poll?

Being honest, rework the skill would require to remove the current penalties to work on ways to properly balance it (I always though ress should not be a permanent reversal of death, but instead a temporary one, sending people back to spawn after a set ammount of time as a way to keep the tempo of fights without punishing the enemy team too hard, but I might be wrong, who knows if they havent tried this already)

Also, talking about profile status cause people tend to drop “you’re a dps main, you have no right to talk about X support!”

I know some people talk about profiles like that. It’s sad, really

But really, I agree with you on the most part, Mercy is fun for the most part and quite ballanced right now, maybe just a bit undertuned, but not unviable as pick.

I dont want a full rework as it feels like it could hurt the character more than help and reverting back to 1.0 could bring back some of the issues that made her unviable back then.

She would need at best minor scale reworks for ress mostly to make it impactful but also a liability, not punishing the enemy so much and undoing the allied mistakes and some tweking to numbers, wich could be more viable than working on the whole ress debacle all over again…

I’m referring to those who supposedly refuted his thread in their other threads… You’re the one who said that after all. You know, that you see a lot of posts that refute Titanium’s.

Comparing likes between posts is a valid way of measuring popularity… Disagreeing doesn’t make you right.

Disagreeing doesn’t mean I’m wrong but ok… I’ll respect your opinion.

You know over 1750 people who all dislike Titanium’s thread and would all be willing to dislike it the chance they get? Sounds like a poor attempt at lying… I’ll just agree to disagree.

Them not playing doesn’t mean they’re out of touch with the game… There’s a reason why statistics, tutorials and coaching videos exist. They all make it so you don’t need to be x to know x.

I mean, I know plenty of people who don’t even play Mercy who would rather see Mass rez back rather than keeping her like that.

As for me, I’d like to have it back because I’m a bit nostalgic BUT I’m part of those people who want it back with a few changes.
But I’d be glad to see other changes made. I guess I just want her to be in a better state?

Now as for the “impact of mass rez”.
First Mass rez was very weak, Tempo Rez really strong (let’s just say that before anything else).

Yes you could wait in Spawn to rez after that but that still meant your team was in a 5v6 fight with only Zen as a Healer so you did NOT HAVE to use ults to get past them. And Even if you did, you had to be smart about it.

The main argument against mass rez was “it’s unfun to play against” because if you did many kills it could be undone. Well first that was just not the case before the Invulnerability buff because it was really easy to counter and then it’s not the only ult in the game that is really frustrating. Doom’s ult is, Sombra’s ult is (I mean you literally cannot do anything about this one), Torb’s ult can be REALLY frustrating especially on 2CP, Junkrat’s tire coming from nowhere etc.

Now the hide mechanic is also not something that only Mercy had.

In fact her “hiding” was not really a thing since you were most of the time taking cover at the critical moment to make sure you could come back. You wouldn’t initiate a fight 5v6 (except in rare occasions like Overtime). If you want to be effective with Pharah’s ult, Reaper’s ult, Junkrat’s ult, McCree’s ult or even Hanzo’s ult (Except in Grav but otherwise you use it behind walls and such to make sure the ennemy doesn’t know where it’s coming from) you HAVE to hide to pull off your ult. There’s no other way around.

Getting Mass rez back with some changes like LOS being the first one, invulnerability replaced by damage reduction and a cast time of let’s say 1s most of the issues would be fixed.

It was not a time killer, it was a strategy and you had to think before going in.

Yeah but at this point if it’s Overtime then it’s a huge thing for your team. If it’s not and they still have at least 1 push --> your team will have to use ults to win the fight because the ennemy team will have the upper hand in terms of positionnement and even if you use just 1 ult (which was rarely the case it was more like at least 2 ults) you’d still have 2 ults that are gone and the ennemy would have the upper hand on the next push. Mass rez did not charge quickly enough to have it every fight. But even then if we had a few changes it could be solved easily.


I have addressed the claims you made about this other thread. There is plenty of material in there speaking against the OP’s points.

Given the absence of a dislike flag, I respectfully disagree

Factually, that’s not what I said, but in the absence of a dislike flag no one can validly say it is the most popular thread.

Oddly, some folks have challenged my knowledge of Mercy on the basis that they claim I haven’t played her. Do you recall folks making such claims? I can quote one, if you’d like.

That said, no, watching someone play does not give you the feel of how the game works as well as playing it does. Factually, You can discern things like “play of the game is possible for Mercy” or “wow, that Mercy player does a lot more than just spectate while in Valkyrie mode” by watching a video But a non player (as I see it) becomes out of touch with the game, and in turn the characters balance within it

The only Mercy tweak I really want is for her to not lose her beam target when triggering the Valk ult animation. It’s a very small quality of life change that would make things a lot less stressful.

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I’d honestly like the GA targeting to be a bit more forgiving so I can get to the widow who just refuses to come to the edge

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I’m confused. Are you saying there is a thread refuting all of Titanium’s thread? If so, can you link it. I rather not believe what could be a false lead.

I disagree.

Factually, you claimed that if there were a dislike button, Titanium’s thread would have more dislikes than likes.

Then I expressed my doubt, saying that you would need over 1500+ for that to happen, to which you responded, saying that you know a lot of people who’d dislike his thread.

Given the context, you were quite literally saying to me that you know over 1500+ who’d dislike Titanium’s thread. Also, I disagree with your whole, “no dislike button argument”. The absence of a dislike button does not mean that the likes are meaningless. Like I said, the amount of likes one has is a great indicator of popularity. You’re inability to understand that is not of my concern and is not a good way of arguing. Might I ask you not to? Thanks in advance.

I genuinely do not care about ad hominem arguments so skip me with this.

I disagree. You don’t need to play x to be knowledgeable of x. This simple concept is why theory exists. Also, you strawmaned my argument with this sentence:

Factually, I’ve never said this. I simply said that you don’t need to play x to know about x.

I disagree with this whole statement. Factually, the fact that I, who still play this game, agree with every point Titanium made disproves your whole argument regarding a player not being knowledgeable because they stopped playing the game.


I’m a Mercy main and I have no desire for old mass res. to be in the game. Maybe with tweaks or linking it to Valk. somehow, but definitely not as it was.

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