Almost all players who prefer mass res are Mercy mains


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Changed the title as people were taking my hook to literally.

The evidence is showing in this argument, as the vast majority of players opposing me are in fact, Mercy mains.

Again, only insult was “gold Mercy main”, and it was in retaliation.

Which was after you main ranked others in the thread first. Was it right of me to follow up your toxicity disguised as high IQ debating? No. But if I’m hypocritical you’re mega-hypocritical. :ok_hand:


yeah fr tho op, I don’t play mercy

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Really don’t know what you were expecting when you said this:



Generally speaking, roughly 40% of players want Mass Res back, regardless of who they main.

Just because it’s Mercy mains making the threads doesn’t mean that it’s only Mercy mains supporting the idea.


Not a Mercy main, but she honestly needs it back.

Its easy to balance. Just add LoS, 20% of their health back if insta rez, and full health if rez is held down enough like McCrees dead eye.

Ez fix


I’ve already dropped that. You are the one exception so far.

:spider_web: btw OP has 14 hours on Mercy. By forum law, they are a Mercy main. I don’t make the rules, I just point them out.


Why do people keep making tiresome Mercy threads? You’re just giving them more attention.

Just let these threads go unnoticed by not posting in them and put your time to better use.


I’m not the only one

slyther literally has thousands of responses from all players about mercy.

try disregarding those stats

You, my dear, were either being literal or a hypocrite.


You insulted my username.

I’m pretty sure you didn’t type this for it to be taken as a compliment. :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


That’s an exaggeration.

Didn’t bother going through your results, but considering this forum is composed of 50% Mercy mains, that’s probably a bit bias.

aaaand that’s my last straw

nicely get out please


An hyperbole which invalidates your entire argument since said sentence is what your argument revolves around.

Please :clap:t2: Stop.


To be fair i would imagine the % of Mercy mains on this forum trumps any other hero based on the amount of threads.
Not necessarily that high though lol

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I would just like to reiterate that every single person who has been vouching for mass res has been a Mercy main (aside from one Rein main).
You guys are literally just proving the point stated in my title and originial post.


I wish blizz would put out accurate stats of who’s played the most in each rank

for the forums, you may be right

so then you admit that there are two people who invalidate your claim

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