Almost 30 heroes, and we still get hero stacking regularly in Mystery heroes

I like not having the pressure of picking my hero, and also a free chance to test out heroes I’m no good at without being pestered to switch. I also enjoy winning when the odds are totally out of your favor. And the totally stupid ult usage because nobody wants to chance it being lost by a death so it’s just Chaos.

most of arcade is crap and if i need to grind out boxes, its one of the lesser evils. its still crap but better crap than mayhem or ctf. dont get me wrong, i love ctf and would play the crap outta that all day, but most OW players have no clue how to play it and i almost never finish a round with the same team i started with 99% of the time. yes, arcade is crap or they wouldnt have to bribe people to play it …

I get the feeling from your response that you aren’t one of the folks I was referring to, the ones who dislike MH yet play it specifically for the weekly loot box rewards. Your response suggests that you DO play MH for fun. Hopefully we’ll meet in a match one day, it’s far more enjoyable playing with folks who are having a good time than it is playing with folks who are simply doing a chore.

Respect your opinion, but I disagree. I love MH, it’s the only mode I ever play anymore. Spent a week building up endorsement level to 4 in QP a few months back, and haven’t played a single round of any mode outside of MH since.

Part of the reason I’m so passionate about this topic is that I find those who only come to MH do to their weekly housekeeping duties tend to ruin the mode for those of us who actually do play solely for enjoyment through their incessant whining about RNG and hero stacking. So I feel as though they should simply remove the loot box rewards from the mode altogether.

Mmm sorry my bad at reading comprehension. I should be asleep lol.

Catch ya in MH one day maybe. :+1:t4:

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Supposedly when you have 23 random people in a room together, there’s a 50% chance that two people will share a birthday.

Right now its like we have 30 people in a room so hero stacking is more than a 50% chance.

Its kinda like 3 people playing rock paper scissors; the odds of two people choosing the same object (such as paper, paper, rock) are higher than everyone choosing the exact same object (such as all rock), or everyone choosing a different object.

You have 6 people in a game mode with randomizing hero selection. With 30 heroes eventual you’re going to duplicate. I don’t see the issue.

I guess dupe heroes is really really noticeable and memorable aswell, since they’re usually really powerful together.

Hero stacking leads to weird stuff happening, which is kinda the point of MH.
With that being said, i think hero stacking is already a mode (No limits) so … theres no reason why it should be in MH.

I think MH without hero stacking would be a bit less random, a bit less weird but overall a bit more enjoyable and fun.

It’s the only mode I play and it doesn’t happen that often.

Also I kinda like when it randomly happens. It’s kinda fun to try and break past whatever the other team was lucky enough to get. Before you go and tell me to play No Limits, there is a difference here. When you DO get past whatever lucky stack they got, then they will have a random mix next. It’s not like they will choose some other stacked team.

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I hate Mystery Heroes so much. It makes no sense that there is still unlimited heroes. There should now be 2 or 3 of the same heroes in that mode. I hear a Soldier 76 ult and naturally hide from it. Guess what? Another Soldier 76 finds and kills me. Pure bull.

Also, stop give one team only supports. One time we had 3 Mercys and 3 other supports. Defense vs Attack, yeah. We got steamrolled because you can’t do anything,



of course, its the same argument everyone that plays comp has about golden guns. the answer is the same : not gonna happen.

[quote=“stormlord199-1672, post:30, topic:257128, full:true”]
You have 6 people in a game mode with randomizing hero selection. With 30 heroes eventual you’re going to duplicate. I don’t see the issue.[/quote]

you are aware there is no such thing as randomness in code. the base algorithm is the problem, but expecting OW to actually change it is similar to those that want Noire widow to be in drop boxes.

Probably not, no. And the folks who keep whining about RNG and hero stacks are going to keep coming in and ruining the mode for the rest of us. And they’ll never get their hero limits either. Nothing will change.

I guess it’s a good thing for those of us who enjoy it as is.

Cannot they just set up the code to be completely random? Also what is a base algorithm is it some type of computer math equation.

It should be in the main screen honestly given that it is a permanent fixture anyway

But the hero stacking NEEDS to go…it literally breaks the game mode…if you play the mode enough you know that it pretty much decides who wins and who loses

I’m going on 500 hours in MH now. And no, it influences the outcome but it isn’t always the deciding factor. The alternative is limiting the heroes one could respawn as following a death in a mode which promises you can respawn as any hero on the roster following a death. No thanks.

In any case, it doesn’t bother me anyway. I don’t go in with the expectation to win, because I realize the outcome is to a large degree out of my control. I just play. If we win, great! If we lose, oh well. Not like there’s any difference anyway. I love the mode, so it’s the mode I play.

No. No it’s not. Track the next 10,000 heroes you get in Mystery Heroes and you’ll see it’s random. The human brain is great at “identifying” patterns, even when they don’t exist.

Its pre programmed, one game you might get all the stacks of dps and tanks but no healers, while your next game you get all the healers but no tanks. Its supposed to be fun but its not when its pre determined.

If you are wondering, look up Birthday Paradox on google. It’s more unlikely for set of 6 heroes to not have duplicates than you might think. I think it’s close to 50% probability to have twins.

Human brains just don’t estimate probabilities very well.