Almost 30 heroes, and we still get hero stacking regularly in Mystery heroes

Can we all just take a moment and just laugh at the ridiculousness of this? LOL


mystery heroes would be a ridiculous game mode with or without the stacking. it’s meant to be fun to an almost comical degree.


It’s been known since the mode launched…it’s about a 30% chance a team will get two stacks of two heroes then #5 and 6 will be randoms. The randomization variable sure makes double two stacks WAY too often

Mystery Hero’s should be how comp is done XD

It’s meant to be bonkers to an almost comical degree. For many, the fun part will depend entirely on the rng and the outcomes.

The stacking is the best part. It’s instant comradery with your teammate when your both the same


these one time my team got 4 bastions and enemy got 5 Genji…


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And what’s wrong with the game mode being fun(nier) this way?

Randomness of this mode isn’t that random. I usually end up on same 4 heroes.

I started as Symmetra - died, become Widow, died - become Symmetra again. Then Hanzo, then Mercy, then Symmetra.

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It’s almost 2019, hero 30 is on the horizon, and people are still complaining about AN ARCADE MODE.
Can we just LOL at this?


I mean it’s like 20% chance that you have 2 players be the same hero at the start of each game alone so it’s nothing rare. I would probably never play mystery heroes again if they suddenly decided to make any forced changes to it because full random teams is the true mystery heroes :slight_smile:

Once in MH we started the match with 5 Soldiers and 1 Reinhardt. 5 AoE healing hitscans behind a Rein barrier, best fun I’ve ever had in the mode!

On a serious note, being that the mode is advertised as one where you have the possibility of spawning as any hero on the roster following a death, I don’t think the hero limit could be reduced to anything lower than 2. The reason is simple, if you have a friendly Dva or Roadhog or what have you that is perfectly competent at that hero and isn’t dying all match, then any of that Dva’s or Roadhog’s teammates could never have the possibility of spawning as Dva or Roadhog following a death for the entire duration of the match if the hero limit were reduced to 1. That wouldn’t sit well with me, it eliminates that which draws me to that mode in the first place.

I think actualy its stack because random generator they use dont actualy pick from all heroes for everyone, after all how many times you get feeling you just play only 5 heroes over and over in one match even if you die a lot?
Im agains stacking too, because usualy is so stupid when other team stack at the same time phara and mercy, or tanks with bastions.

It’s because of the weekly reward boxes. I often times get into an “arcade” argument with posters here where it’s becomes clear that the poster I’m arguing with equates MH alone with arcade, as if there were no other arcade modes to choose from. So to them, MH is the only way to get those weekly boxes, and thus needs to be balanced in a way that allows them to get those boxes quickly.

Wish ppl would just play MH for fun, and DM or what have you for boxes. The entire hero stacking argument would disappear forever if folks didn’t play MH specifically for prizes.

I dont play MH for boxes, i have nightmares from normal FFA for that. Myster FFA best arcade mode!

<3 Hero-Stacking <3

I guess I just don’t understand why some of these folks play MH then.

If you aren’t playing for prizes then the only thing left to play for is fun. If you aren’t having fun due to the hero stacking, and you aren’t playing for prizes, then it’s a reasonable assumption that you wouldn’t play the mode at all anyways. For those that fall into this catagory, I’d assume that since they don’t play the mode in the first place they wouldn’t have the urge to come onto the forums to complain about hero stacking.

Yet here we are, every few days/weeks seeing another topic created pushing for the removal of hero stacks in MH. Who are these people, and why do they play MH in the first place?

I have fun until they have what i writed before. Especialy because its not just single games i got those duos together but more than one of bouth heroes copies flying around or tanking 2/3 bastions at the same time :confused:
Sorry i dont know how to say it right XD, i just dont like when there are 2 or more pharas with 2 or more mercys, or 3 bastions with 2 reinhardts/orisa and healer.

3 torbs, orissa, bastion and ana. No thx.

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I understand what you’re saying. And I understand how that would be unfun for folks.

I just don’t understand why folks would keep coming back to this mode if they kept running into scenarios they find unfun all the time, provided they aren’t coming to this mode for prizes.