by pressing E again.
And give her a passive selfheal goddang.

Thoughts? Good? Yeah? Nice!

Here have some :cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie:


yeah yeah thats why i wrote that bud :slight_smile:


They’re not giving her a self-heal or mobility. Come up with something else.

Give Ana a wheelchair! Shes old. She needs it. Poor old lady :frowning:


May I ask where you got official word that Ana isn’t going to get a self-heal or a mobility move?


Self heal per shot on Friendly Teammates. tadaa.


I’d rather they buff her somewhere else, like make her cooldowns shorter

Of course, self healing would be really nice, but I feel like Ana’s role is to pump out an insane amount of consistant heals, so I’d rather they make her even stronger at that than get rid of her weaknesses

Anyways, all you need is a second healer

No she doesn’t. She’s pretty good. She has so much in her kit. Range burst heals, damage, hitscan, long cc, heal boost and heal prevention.

I would really love the ability to have to confirm my Nano target. Like Q to select the target, and Q again to confirm and Nano. I can’t tell you how many times I go to Ult that Whole-Hog Roadhog and Lucio’s face pops up last second just to take the dart to the eyeball.

And then he has to scream “BOOOSTTTIIOOOO”


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But it does anti heal. So that’s irrelevant. I’m sure if she didn’t heal, she wouldn’t be picked as a healer either lol

Of course that is why Ana would be picked. Moira has the highest healing output, but gets it by having no utility. Ana has utility to compensate for a little less healing. You wouldn’t pick Mercy if she couldn’t rez or damage boost, because you would want Moira’s better heals then too.
The healers are all on a spectrum from high heals to high utility with relatively similar overall value provided.
For healing you have Moira>Ana>Mercy>Lucio>Brigitte>Zen, and you notice the utility ranking would be the exact opposite.
Saying Ana wouldn’t be picked is without nade is like saying Lucio wouldn’t get picked if he had no heals. Of course they would be bad when you take away a major portion of their kit.

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You really think a self heal will instantly make her meta? But the fact that her weaknesses outweigh her strengths, like shields, dive, and her immobility, and unless they fix those, she’ll remain trash tier.

Wait they said they are never gonna give her a self heal? Can you redirect me to the post?

No she won’t. She’s not trash tier. Learn to protect your healer. She needs teamwork to keep alive.

She won’t what?

I’m saying she’ll never be meta and she isn’t as trash tier as everyone makes her out to be. She just has more counters than she does strengths. That’s what’s holding her back, unless they choose to fix her weaknesses, she’ll remain trash tier.

For example, giving her some kind of mobility will help her a lot. Giving ana some sort of buff to her survivability against being dived would be better and even help her be more viable???

nope she wont be meta as long as mercy has rez and as long as moira is just a better healer

tbh in the current meta she isnt that bad. but still bad

the current meta is Rein,Zarya,Zen,Mercy,Brig,Hanzo everything else is basically useless

i would actually argue that ana can replace mercy in this meta

a nade with brigitte passive must be very op and keeps teammates more alive than mercy would

anti is a big counter to brigitte too and counters their zen ult when zarya gravs

a team with ana is most likely gonna win more team fights againts a team with mercy

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you know that mercy is primarily picked for rez and damage boost ?