the current meta is Rein,Zarya,Zen,Mercy,Brig,Hanzo everything else is basically useless

i would actually argue that ana can replace mercy in this meta

a nade with brigitte passive must be very op and keeps teammates more alive than mercy would

anti is a big counter to brigitte too and counters their zen ult when zarya gravs

a team with ana is most likely gonna win more team fights againts a team with mercy

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you know that mercy is primarily picked for rez and damage boost ?

she was meta because of dive not for her rez

she could follow up on a dive very easily unlike ana and moira

ana is better than mercy on deathball comps with zarya and rein

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but mercy is picked NOW because of her rez and damage boost instead of moira and ana

again why would mercy be more meta than ana when ana works best with zarya and rein?

you’re looking at pickrate which does not show that she is more meta, mercy is just a hero like genji, she is always gonna have high pickrate

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I really liked someone else’s suggestion on her getting a Heal-over-time for successfully landing heals (or maybe even all shots including damage)

the entire comp makes mercy nearly invincible while rezzing which is really strong and a good rein will probably just block the anti heal grenade which makes ana basically useless on the grav

invincible ana is better than invincible mercy because ana is more vulnerable than mercy

charging enemy rein after a grav is like one of the first rules as rein lol or breaking shield then graving

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but i mean a nano dragon strike could outdamage transcendence so ana definately isnt as useless as she was before but i think just the rez part makes mercy more attractive for the most people

Yeah, and how does that work? The happy nanites fly through the air back to her and heal her? It has to make sense lore-wise or blizz won’t do it.

Honestly a small climbing type mobility tool would fit her perfectly and give her exactly what she needs.

mercy does nothing aside from healing and rezing

imagine a big fight between the two teams, you throw anti right in the middle healing your team and anti’s their tanks

you’re most likely gonna win that fight all the time, i’ve won several games againts even dive by throwing a good anti

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This is a game. What are you telling about Hanzo? Is that normal that someone on the world can shoots dragons?
Infinity Arrows?

Who said anything about realism? We’re talking about Lore here. In order to create a proper world for characters to live in, the rules that are established have to be followed.

Ana’s Nanites are loaded directly into the syringe and then fired. To gain healing from nothing after that completely goes against the worlds consistency.

ALSO: Before we talk about buffs for her we should wait and see what the current buffs do. TBH healing shots traveling through full HP teammates might be a massive help.

Blizzard has already an answer (from “Heroes of the storm”)

Shrike [Trait]
Basic attacks apply a Dose to non-Structure enemies, dealing an additional 44 (+4% per level) damage over 5 seconds, and stacking up to 5 times.

Every 0.5 seconds, Ana is healed for 50% of the damage dealt to Heroes by Shrike.

Just let her apply one small dose for short time and heal her a bit for it.
Even small numbers would be already a huge change

It fits her her high skill floor and ceiling.

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Here ya go. He says that those weaknesses are part of her kit.

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I love the contradiction:

this gives you certain advantages such as being able to be healed from very long range

A team may opt to run Brigitte or Lucio with Ana to help peel attackers off of her, for example.

How do you peel or protect Ana if you want to utilize her long range?

You could argue that long range healing is so strong it needs a big downside. Being a free kill (yeah you can land a sleepdart but come on how comon is it?) is too much


She is literally the only healer without it :confused:

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So redesign it so it as a pin on it

Yes pls