Allow 6stack to que with all stacks and solo

Im not saying that they think they would win, actually the opposite. Most of the player base play solo because they can’t always get 6 friends together to play. Purposefully placing these people against organized 6-stacks is just setting them up to lose. This post suggests that they should do this on purpose to shorten queue times for the 6-stacks. This is just not fun for anyone involved, as the 6 stacks would always win.

What they could do is make a separate ladder for organized teams to compete in, this way people can play anyway they want to, and aren’t forced into loosing games because 6-stacks don’t like long queue times.

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technically any stack on the enemy or your team just raised the bar insanely cuz you know that at least this group has mics an coordinate with each other. For a moment here lets just disregard 6 stacks here. Ik for a fact that when i soloque, an i got a stack of like 2-3 man stack, its just a stupidly high advantage against the soloque. These stacks are actaully able to abuse the system for more constistent wins as oppose to bigger groups of 5-6 stack(4 stacks im iffy about). In the end the stack has a rly high chance to win an the soloque again get rolled cuz they fighting people who play way out of there soloque league.

Now if we officially made a 6v6(dont question me on how it would work, i wouldn’t know) then we can make qp+ a soloque only environment and stacks can all go enjoy a actually competitive mode. But they don’t or can’t due to the time it takes to make it and we have people 2-3stacking to beat the matchmake. 5-6stack getting punished with fighting people way out of their leagues like a bunch of diamonds an masters 2 stack an 3 stack against a plat 6man, long que times+ time to form a group, and it generally being discoraged in mid ranks an non existent in higher ranks. Only time u see a 6stack in masters is if we got some youtubers an streamers hanging out an waiting like 10+m trying to find a game at their lvl, before reaching down to even lower lvls.