Allow 6stack to que with all stacks and solo

i think that your suggestion stems from frustration from having to wait too long for a game and then after all that waiting, you may have had games which were not much fun.

Personally, and i think that many think the same way as i do, there is a distinct advantage that a 4-6 stack has over a team of solo q players or even 2-3 stacks + solo q. If we are going to be fair, then 6-stacks could face off stack + solo q whom are 200-500 SR higher than the 6-stack because you did mention that it should be a test of skill (solo q + non-6-stack) vs teamwork & coordination (6-stack). That would probably even out the playing field a little.

That said, i faced off a 5-stack + 1 solo vs all solo q (my team) yesterday and yes, my team of randoms won on Junker Town map into overtime with a score of 6-3.
It took co-ordination from us and my team mates taking my strategic suggestions to mind in Overtime to win as well as me playing smart + good heals from my healers.

However, this occurrence is super rare. Even a duo or triple-stack can win a game effortlessly.

Ultimately, i can understand your angst at the wait time and yes, Blizzard should consider reducing the wait time for 6-stacks, so long as the playing field is even i.e. higher SR on the side of the solo q + non-6 stack.

Cant win against teams with teams who also have coordination in 6-stack and now you want to use that adventage(6 stack) against solo q players becuse u arent good enaugh to climb solo vs solo

Then the players from the 6 stack try to solo Q and drop 2 tiers, because 6 stacking gave them an unfair advantage and they don’t deserve their rank.

pls explain to me how i contradicted myself, don’t just tell me i did an not explain it. And yes it is because 6 stack gets longer que times, harder opp, also taking in the time to usually make a 6stack unless u got friends i say around 10-25m to get a squad and get in game. High ranked players have pointed this out and its partly why they themselves don’t do lfg at higher lvl despite it getting u better games. They want to climb an they know that 6stack just makes it stupidly harder to due so, hence 2 stacks and 3-stacks being so prevelent cuz they still have a higher chance to get soloquers to roll on.

Has that been confirmed? I definitely seem to have harder games when I trio - even if I trio with people similar to me. Like if I solo and I get one guy that dc’s immediately and another guy that finishes a 20 minute game with 300 damage… I still end up beating more squads on average. When I solo I find the enemies a lot weaker. I kinda assumed there were duo solo lobbies and full trio lobbies. Is this not the case?

it’s meant to be unfair, its competitive. U play a fighting game an some characters are designed by nature to be weaker to the rest of the cast. If u pick this character u accept said disadvantage you will have fighting everyone else, which u then put on your tryhard panties an get rdy. If someone choose’s to do the badder method to play then they should have to deal with it. Stackers shouldn’t be getting punished for simply trying to play is the best form to have good games.

6stacks have way harder games that take out the rng of human behavior by matchmaker(throwers,leavers, no mics) mostly. Meaning we are very much less likely to get any free wins as we need to communicate an coordinate our strategy to secure the win. When we go back to soloque an drop rank its not becuz we got free wins, its because its 2 entirely different forms of play at work here. 60% rng of free win/lose(cuz toxicity,throwers,leavers,no mics) and 40% prove yourself(soloque). 6stack 100% team based skill and if something goes wrong, u can honestly say it was a teams fualt(this is my own opinion here). If anything, if u play both sides and u look at the difference between sr gain an loss, u see we have 2 different mmr and SR depending on if u stack or soloque.

That is not my problem. I Usually have the best experience doing 6v6, Winning or losing, especially back in season 5 when i was on console an i had 5 people to play with. We fought our way up the ladder against other 6stack an it was amazing(i can’t name my acc cuz it has curse words, if u want the name to it then give me like an email or discord i can chat with an I will show u). And when I go back to soloque it was just a shock to my system when i realize i can’t coordinate or act like a team anymore. Soloque rly does try to put the individual before the team. instead i got hard stuck at the tip of masters then abandoned overwatch for a few month’s cuz It went from a enjoyment to a chore having to deal with these randoms crap. My teammates eventually abandon cuz life.

on the contrary, win or lose, playing 6 stack is just an amazing feeling cuz its so well coordinated, u got mics, people willing to chat with u, an no throwers. Yes i hate the que times, but i also hate that someone who did soloque all the way up to say masters, would not nearly come to the skill of a full 6stack(that one player skill respectively vs. a full 6man). There’s entirely 2 different matchmaking going on and 2 different sr everyone has; the soloque sr, then the stacked sr.

(not to any of the quotes above) If i want to climb, I do soloque and try to work with my team, or straight up turn off mic and lock my pic cuz no one listening to me, getting mad in the mic, or we got several leavers). 6stack is when i actually feel competitive an want a good experience. I can confidently say that i climb ladder a lot cuz of enemy throwers and leavers, an on the very rare occasion i actually had to put in skill with a well matched opp, with a well coordinated team.

On a sidenote, i believe that people should be able to cue with friends inspite of sr, an the matchmaking goes by the highest ranking player. You wanted to play with your friends, so u deal with having harder games cuz your friend was not up to the task.

Then what is the problem you just said you like 6 stac v 6 stack more than 6solov 6 solo
Shouldnt you be happy that game tries to find you 6 stack to play against insted of putting you with 6 solo players ?

Agree with the OP, I don’t understand the counter argument which essentially boils down to:
“I don’t want to go against people playing the game the way it was meant to be played”

You literally said that stacks v stacks is fair.

Only reason you would want it to be different is if you just want your friends to carry you trough easy wins.

Cuz thing is 6 vs.6 isn’t very popular, finding these groups is long and hard. an once u get to usually diamond an above 6man is no longer an actual option cuz no one wants to take those harder games cuz they love their SR. Another thing is that in a competitive gamemode why is it someone is given an advantage for being less skilled. This isn’t a matter of character tier list or anything, its a clear advantage to soloque over the tryhards. This in an of itself is unfair, but not in the way a competitive mode should be.

For comp to be fair it should only have people of similar rank fight against each other, rng kept to a minumum if any rng factor, an the skills of said player should outright win the players the match. Everyone shouldn’t be able to easily rank up in soloque cuz skill isn’t is a highly less determining factor to winning. 6-stack shouldn’t be punished with games way above the level like 4 and 2 stack full of diamonds an masters against a 6man plat. The whole problem in this is that the game rewards low skill(soloque) over high skill(6 stack). This game wants u to take the easier route to climb the rank with the least amount of effort possible over going maximum effort to beat these 6 stacks.

yes stack vs stack is fair, but it’s because its the highest optimal form to win an rewards higher skilled teams. If your stack is weaker than the other, purely your fualt(unless matchmaking gives u a stack way above your lvl). But overwatch goes over our heads to reward low skilled base matchmaking(soloque) over high skilled. An as i stated above the fairness of rank should lie only in playing of the similar rank, rng minimal factor if any at all, and the skills of the players should highly determing factor of winning. If soloquers can beat the 6stack in spite of matchmaking disadvantages then keep doing solo, power to u. But if u keep getting wrecked by 6stack cuz u can’t make soloque work, then time for a change of pace.

Trust me, my old group back in season 5 has long since disbanded, and 6stacking doesn’t mean your just getting carried. Anyone who says that playing in a much harder mode means getting carried by friends and teammates is an idiot. Same logic can apply to soloque, where u can get carried by teammates or enemies can throw so much skill be completely irrelevant. If I wanted to get carried then I would just buy a booster or get a smurph. I stoped carring about SR when i realise that skill isn’t a highly important factor that helps u climb. I want to to play in a environment that rewards skill most of all and ik that other people aren’t getting by with way less skill cuz of how they choose to que.

I remember one game of soloers I had against a 6 stack. Nobody said anything but our synergy was amazing. Comboing ults perfectly. Rotating them perfectly so we never wasted any. We rolled the 6 stack, we were completely organized and they were scattered.

It was very funny but strange.

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No. This is horrible. All the matches that the enemy team has had stacks and mine were all solo q has been loses. No thanks.

Same applies to free losses.

6 stacking only seems “hard” because by playing against 6 stacks you don’t get games that are impossible to lose as often, but the same applies to games that aren’t impossible to win.

By forcing 6 stacks versus solo Q you are basically guaranteed that unless you royally screw up, a lot of your games are un-loseable. Given your 60% RNG example, you’re basically giving away 50% of those games to 6 stacks, because they don’t have to deal with risk of of RNG being against their favor. So 30% of games between 6 stacks and solo Q would be guaranteed wins for the 6 stack, while with the rest they still have an advantage.

The naysayers in this thread:

“I want to win competitive matches in a team game but not play as a team”

I agree, if same SR than premade group or not shouldn’t matter, if it did than its evidence the SR system is broken

It’s really not. The matchmaker tires very hard to make a fair match. 6 stacks playing against solo players is just insanely unbalanced and not enjoyable for anyone involved.

Also I don’t think purposefully placing a team of solo players against a organized 6-stack is competitive at all, its not even a competition. 6 players that are well coordinated will win against 6 randoms at the same skill level that have never played together every single time.

an which in turn makes people 6-stack, or if they want to keep doing soloque. As i said, its there option of how they want to play, just live with the consequences when u do. Of course the 6 stack gonna have a higher chance to win, they actually play like a team unlike soloque most times, and don’t have much of the rng factor in soloque. And should be getting games where its not impossible to win or lose what we should strive for. That just means there are way less one sided matches and everyone is forced to try harder to win.

But why should the 6 randoms think that they could win against organized competition?

If I went into the local beach volleyball tournament with a bunch of randoms, of course we’re likely to get rekt.

What should make Overwatch any different?

and thats one of overwatch many problems. A Matchmaker should only group people together by rank, skills of the players is less important cuz every person will vary, and promote people to use the most optimal form to win.

If a football team QB went down so they gotta use the crappy backup and the enemy keeps their all star QB is that fair? In FG there are characters with insanely better skills then other, its why they have tier list, is that fair? Point is that comp was not meant to be fair, it was meant to challenge u as a player to be better then your opp no matter the cost.

Yes, but putting people into an almost guaranteed loss because they don’t have 5 friends to always play with doesn’t make any sense at all. They should make a separate team ladder, not purposefully place solo players into loosing games just to shorten queue times for 6-stacks.

By the way, I too play in a 6 stack all the time, but hate when we end up going against a full solo team because they just can’t compete with the coordination. It’s literally always a complete stomp and not enjoyable/fulfilling at all even if we get a free win.