Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Online Games

You mustve literally never played a competitive game before now

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Had 74% wr in gm so idk man

You’re using the word “literally” wrong here; illiterately, as it were. Also missed an apostrophe.

Go open up a dictionary

I assure you, you are using the word wrong. It’s meant to delineate between figures of speech and the literal meaning of spoken words. There is no colloquialism like “you’ve never played Competitive Overwatch before,” so the word does not apply here. You are trying to apply emphasis to what you are saying, which you can do with less pretentious word choice.

Once again you should open up a dictionary. Here I’ll help.

adverb: literally

  1. in a literal manner or sense; exactly.
    “the driver took it literally when asked to go straight across the traffic circle”
    used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.
    “I was literally blown away by the response I got”

Honestly though playing semantics like that is a losers game anyways. Maybe you should address how ELO based matchmaking doesn’t result in a 50% winrate to prove me wrong instead of arguing I used literally wrong.

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Why are you telling Microsoft tho lol

I do it all the time, it’s actually part of my job. And I would out of interest if it wasn’t part of my profession.

Overwatch and Activision/Blizzard are owned by Microsoft.

That deal hasn’t even gone through yet.


how is this dumb arguement still going on


The “informal” usage of the adverb is for illiterate people who don’t understand the meaning of the adjective. Here is the primary definition of the word “literal,” from Dictionary .com:

  • in accordance with, involving, or being the primary or strict meaning of the word or words; not figurative or metaphorical

Your use of the word is therefore wrong, because it does not relate to figure of speech or metaphor.

Semantics is a branch of linguistics, and it is actually a really important field of study. It is involved in every discussion of law and civics, which this thread is. To agree on a basis of fact, we must agree on semantics.


Words and their meaning change over time. Dictionaries merely reflect the common usage of words. I used it in a common and easily understood way. Like it or not its such a common way infact that the dictionary has changed to awknowledge it. This is a pointless divergence that adds absolutely nothing of substance to this post.

Not a personal attack, merely a correction. A lot of things you post need to be corrected.

There’s no correction. You’re going against the dictionary and common usage of a word because you don’t like it. You’re literally objectively wrong


There you go, using the word “literally” wrong again. Let’s unpack this.

There is no phrase or colloquialism like “you are objectively wrong,” which means something other than the literal definition of the words. That is something you would only say with an intended literal meaning, so there is no reason to denote it as something you are literally saying. Most everything that you say can be taken literally, unless context indicates otherwise.

Man this is a good post to show how illogical you are.

He’s talking about you misuse of words. If you are wrong about you use of words then you are literally objectively wrong.

Nothing more to it but your use of logic is insane.

You say…

Doesn’t mean that in any sense. Objectively means in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions or to put it simply logically.

If you misuse math you could say

You are mathematically objectively wrong

If you misquote something you could say

You are contextly objectively wrong.

Or if you misinterpret the definition of the terms your using you could say

You are literally objectively wrong.

Considering I’ve shown you misunderstood the term algorithmic hanicapping and the fact the post I’m quoting misunderstands the literal definition of some words.

You are literally objectively wrong. To a point I’d consider artistic though I guess you weren’t intending to be artistic so maybe not.


Oh boy here we go again.

sheesh did you just write a whole book? my gosh.

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65% Winrate all characters gained 300 SR in 3 days exaplain forced 50% winrate.

My SR is going up like crazy at the end of last year I was bronze now Im high plat soon to be diamond yet this season im still climbing even in the average rank which is plat.

I like how from the getgo this post is dumb. From the title. Microsoft doesn’t own blizzard/Activision yet. Lololol.