ALERT! Server issues due to DDoS attack (ENDED)

Maybe this is a really on-the-nose Sombra ARG 2.0

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Well they can… it just causes more issues than it solves for the most part. I am sure you’ve seen tons of those “Please wait” pages while viewing a webpage. I think it’s called cloudfire or something the DDoS protection service. They protect a server by routing every thing through something else first.

Blizzard doesn’t want to pony up the money for such a system though.

A few things to note, DDoS attacks that affect Blizzard’s games don’t directly target the game or authentication servers most of the time, they target the final network hubs where most of the traffic to those servers go through and Blizzard has to work with their network partners to identify and mitigate the incoming DDoS traffic. This can, in worst cases, take days to mitigate. I remember a few years ago, there was a DDoS that lasted I think like 4 days.


On a more general note, I am not seeing too many reports across the internet from all of you so my guess the worst of the storm is over. That being said, I am seeing that the DDoS warning is still posted for BattleNet. So anyone playing consider avoiding Comp unless your connection has been perfect and played several games without problem. Sometimes these messages get left up overnight.

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Yeah, this is really bothering me. No message to players to clarify their stance penalties on Battlenet or in game menu where they will read it and competitive is still open when it should be locked until the situation is solved.

I really feel sorry for players who have no idea what was going on as the vast majority don’t visit forums or follow Overwatch news on the net.


Update - 12:20 AM PDT
The messages on the BattleNet app launcher are now taken down. I am presuming the DDoS attack has ended and services for BattleNet have resumed normally.

With that said, I think I am off to bed. I feel bad that communication about tonight’s fiasco came from me mostly and that should not have had to happen. Forum MVPs don’t officially speak for Blizzard, and I only do what I can to help all of us, the player community. Please take care everyone, and be nice to each other.


Yeah it’s a really low effort way to protect the players imo. And it’s not like it’s a new thing. This seems to happen several times a year. For there to be no better plan in place is pretty pathetic. As you say some in game warning or pop up as you select competitive would be nice if just flat out locking the mode is more than they are willing to do.


Lemme get this straight… Despite any shady s**t Blizzard is allegedly doing, They are deserving of someone breaking a federal law to hinder service to people who still use their products?

Sorry fam… 2 wrongs don’t make a right. We learn this early on!

I expect the same happening when the event launches and during Christmas eve

Ofc what did you think. Sombra got mad yall reported her for ‘wallhacking’

The issue is still persistent. My group and I just got kicked out of a QP match and battlenet and cannot log back in.

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the servers are still getting DDoS’d


Seems so…just got kicked out of a comp match.

Not joining another one for the meantime lol

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I want my Sr back :clown_face:

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Yep same :slight_smile:

Thought it was really weird though…cause someone got kicked out of mine within the first minute, if that tbh, and the game didn’t end…then everyone kept leaving and joining until I’m assuming we all got kicked one by one.

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The game is definitely dead now :smiley:

EDIT: even the forums stopped working, rofl.

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Sheesh, another one? Alright, don’t queue for competitive modes :frowning:

Seems to be affecting the forums as well. Or at least something is cause this page was chugging super slow for a while. Yet any other webpage I tried to load was fine…

Yeah, since it’s affecting all of battlenet and we are using battlenet accounts to sign in here, the forums are also affected.

Attacks affect more servers in the rest of the world

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