I’m not sure who takes his previous lead hero design spot….but im sure it’ll be someone who everybody likes now blames for everything
I’m not sure who takes his previous lead hero design spot….but im sure it’ll be someone who everybody likes now blames for everything
Well done Alec!
Good stuff!
“Assume the position!”
/ready paddle
Heeeeeeey why does an arena shooter need a director, let alone multiple
Hang on, this is a software development company, not a frat house!
I withdraw my objection.
Their hero design and reworks are intelligent and fun! But balance changes kinda lack…
Associate TO the director*
(only fans of the office will get this reference)
Congrats to him, but sadly this likely means they’re going to double down on the direction they’ve been taking the game which gives me even less confidence in the game. I hate pretty much everything they’ve done in OW2.
God I love this community.
As much as I hate Ubisoft, they seem to be going through the same thing at the moment.
In case you haven’t heard, an allegation is simply a claim that something happened. Anyone can make an allegation about anything. We have a system, be it flawed as hell, to prove whether or not it was true.
Soon, in the industry, you know you will have made it when you finally get alleged you did wrongdoing. Like a musician who gets parodied by Al Yankovic.
The ball rework was a complete failure. It made him more fun but it never helped his viability in 5v5.
Is this guy who was game director when Mauga came out?
If he’s behind the kits of Hazard, Venture, Juno, LW, etc. then easily deserved just hope they can find someone as talented to fill his old role
Upstarts rising quickly in the business, way to go!
Any large project like this will have at least one director. This is regardless of genre. A ‘director’ is someone who co-ordinates a project by offering direction to other parts of the team. It is a position that helps everyone work together towards a common goal.
Whether they do that well or not… that remains to be seen.
Why do they need an assistant director? I feel like they’re planning to split the team into two again (hopefully, the right way this time) in order to free up one half to work specifically on the competitive side, while the other does… something else?
Maybe this is the revival of PvE? or something else entirely.
This seems like a reflection of how important Stadium will be going forward.
Either that or Aaron is on the way out and is preparing to pass the torch, just like Jeff did to Aaron.
God I hope not. They’ve already proven they can’t handle it, it’d just be a waste of time again.
Idk, there was a lot of mismanagement and arguing between Jeff and Bobby the last time. They’re both gone now and the team (from the outside) looks pretty unified.
They had one the past too.
Aaron was associate director to jeff back in the days.