Alec Dawson now Assoc Director

Wasn’t Jeff the one spearheading PVE in the first place though and then hung it up when he realized he couldn’t do it?

Might be misremembering but to my recollection Jeff WAS the PVE guy. With him being gone that just means to me like, it’s definitely joever

I get that, but like for what purpose? What is their intended goal with a restructuring of this kind? I feel like there’s some big moves being planned/set in motion with a choice like this.

I don’t remember if he, specifically, was spearheading it, but it wasn’t because he couldn’t do it. It was because they (him and bobby) were constantly arguing about how to handle it and the results were a Frankenstein “solution” that eventually caused the whole thing to collapse.

Jeff didn’t want a bigger team because he felt it would lose the focus that a small team has and Bobby wanted to stack a bunch of people on it as well as a bunch of useless monetization in it.

We got the combination of that, which is a nothing burger with more price tags than features.

I don’t like what he does with balance, but he knows what he’s doing (if that makes sense). He’s also good at presenting changes and sharing information in interviews. Like, the way he talks about them is informative, detailed, and concise.

I can see why he got promoted, honestly. And hey, good for him. I don’t envy balance devs, they get the ire of every community and I would not survive it.

I’m just…really hoping whoever takes the lead will persuade him to balance differently (i.e., don’t buff the heroes who are statistically underperforming if they’re willing to do 3 reworks + nerf the same hero because of complaints despite statistically sucking).

Another matchmaker defender. Not a fan.

I don’t know. Maybe it’s got something to do with Stadium. Or something new.
We will have to wait and see.

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Good riddance, balancing team may actually hire someone with brains now.

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I mean, i blame him for all his balance blunders all the time
How tf do we still have mircowave zarya melting everyone around, and he gets promoted over doing a bad job? What a joke

Amazing. Now he will be contractually providing untruths.

Revival of PVE? One can hope.

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Did you think he was working for free before?

5vs5, passives, perks, hazard, clash, flashpoint, push, op tanks. this is all alec dawson fault, now he has more power to make more importat choices? this game cant never get one good thing for once

jeff never give anything to this incompetent dude, he left when was seeing how bad ow2 was gonig to be and didnt let him do what he wanted and what we wanted, if aaron keller lefts for the guy who is responsible for the bad ow2 gameplay, we are i even more trouble

it’s an already existing position he’s just filling it since the old one left

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Super awesome. He deserves everything good. I hope they give him a delicious salary. illari perks are good and perks in general have made Overwatch 2 better.

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Terrible news for OW as it continues to plummet to the bottom of the ocean.

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They actually already have. The Stadium mode has it’s own separate team apparently.

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Good for him! I hope he can make a positive outcome for the game


Isn’t that kind of a kick in the groin?

-PvE / PvP OW2. Blizzard says, “Nah, we can’t have two teams.”

-Stadium and regular OW2? Blizzard says, “What if we have TWO teams?” :rage:

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He already was, though?

I mean he has a part, sure, but he’s not been the one in charge. Much as I’ve found the way he’s conducted himself really irritating in the past.