When I first picked her up witch was in season 17 was what am I suppose to do. What is my mid fight value. And after looking at everything from top 500s to every sombra coaching vod and for what fitzyhere has said. What people havent caught on.
He said you need to know what abilities the enemy are going to want to use before they know they want to use them. Sombra hack is a fight changing ability if used at the right time you seen that alot after her rework and in sombra goats. Who you hack depends on what you want to accomplish this is all from experience I’m not elite level but I’m determined to master this hero.
So I just won a game right now where I was keeping an I on what ults players wants to use and witch ones to priorities. So I stopped reaper ult because we didnt havens defensive ult or a dva to eat it. So their value that dont come up on the board. Or hacking a rein at the right time so you can throw a dva bomb or shatter in their those opportunities they rein going aggressive hack him doom being a hack him all these little opportunities add up to a hero that brings good value when played correctly.
Its this gamesense part of sombra players struggle the most with. And it’s what I’m actively working on. Because as long as I build emp and controle the fight and ults I’ll win. The damage now her damage isnt burst it’s over time that’s why you can stand at about 15meters and still one clip things. You really good at killing all supports ana not so much. And brigg kinda difficult one vs one. But killing supports isnt your job.
The pick rates change drastically depending on what people think is strong. But below master they never play them correctly unless they ranking up on that hero and dominating and I highly doubt mojority are.
We are back to time-limited stealth (Aka its not Infinitely long anymore) I don’t know if you where around back then but you should find clips of it with a google search if not.
but its (Alot) faster (In another way as before tho) This makes her stronger because it reduces her biggest Problem downtime while also allowing enemies to keep better track of her (So they can predict when she is most likely to reappear again after TL’ing away)
So she doesn’t pop out of nowhere, anymore(What alot of people complain about)
I like the Recourcemeter version more tho if you want to try that version ingame here is my Original Thread with a Workshop code in it play it against some bots and test it out.
Then her Free out of Jail card (Translocator) also goes back to bevor 1.26 meaning it now to has a timer that ticks down if it reaches 0 it destroys itself but it can’t be destroyed by the enemies anymore. Should be pretty obvious why this makes her less annoying its a nerf so…
No it doesn’t Try my Workshop mode which I linked above this changes in includet there what this:
Means is basically the speed buff you get from stealth in now applied during the enter end exit cast (So while you go invisible and while you become visible again)
As far as I could tell, OP didn’t make any changes to the rest of her kit. Sombra would still be able to play like now, but also have value in a gunfight without morphing into an obnoxious ganker (which simply increasing her firepower would do). More options is not a bad thing, imo.
I don’t understand the logic of this. So she has less downtime because she’s faster but she is somehow more predictable?
Right, but she’ll be weaker being played as she is right now using Stealth to deal damage and sometimes kill. She can still use Stealth to Hack and hurt, but her targets will need to be more hurt to begin with as far as killing goes. The interesting thing is that Sombra currently is inadequate to get picks generally speaking so you wonder how much is lost.
Yea the logic isn’t hard
Less downtime meaning she is more active.
However because she is forced to reveal herself after a set amount of time after entering Stealth The Enemies can predict how long it should take till she is back in the fight actually shooting/hacking things. Atleast if the sombra has 2 Braincells and uses her mobility instead of waiting around doing nothing while her team dies.
Akimbo is just a way to make her into a Worst Tracer.
We allready have an assassin and we don’t need more of them neither is it Sombra’s intended purpose
Noone said Sombra need to do the same thing everytime its the same as now Sombra isn’t going to do the same thing over and over again she is going to plan and play out her strategy aslong as it works and plan new things as soon as the enemy has found it out.
@Sombramain is litterly on point with most of his replies
I don’t know what Weird playstyle you play her in but you seem to do it quite wrong if its “repetitive”
I play her for over 300h (more then half my overall playtime) So I atleast know somewhat how to play and somewhat what her Current problems are
Her Main Problem Is Downtime
Not Dmg not Hack not anything else but DOWNTIME
This buff gives her a MASSIVE mobility boost Reducing that Downtime quite a lot
And at the same time bringing her back to the point before her Stealth and TL was Infinite a Position both Sombra Players and Haters liked way more then her Current kit.
Widowmaker mcree if your movement is good but it is possible but it’s in mcree favour. You good vs all tanks you kill zen lucio you can kill sym and soilder from a distance. Sombra good vs all dive dps doomfist tracer genji.
Seriosly I don’t get how you come up with this stuff
Sombra is going to go in and out of the fight the same way (Like most Heroes have a basic intendet way of attack and retread) Aka using Stealth to get in and Tl to get out you can do funky stuff with using TL aggresivly but thats a special use-case however how your gonna attack who your gonna hack who you gonna shoot where you go is all depending on your planing the only thing the enemy is able to predict is how long it will take you to get back the the fight now what your gonna do.
You clearly seem to just mix up whatever you like out of what I tell you put stuff in my mouth I never said etc and you seem to have ignored the workshop code I send you (Atleast you havent put more then a minute in it or you would understand) and prob also skipped over my replies considering I had to explain stuff to you multiple times and you still seem to not quite understand such a simple concept.
If you don’t have anything to put forward the discussion other then putting words in my mouth I will head out.
Well atleast half way something forward Sorry I got a bit Angry there my pations kinda gave in.
I explaind this Konzeped quite alot of people some that do and don’t play Sombra and I hadn’t had one which had such problems understand it
Yea but what you quote isn’t contraticting each other
Being able to predict when Sombra will be back is not the same as She needs to do the same thing over and over again.
Every hero has a intendet playstyle which only very littely if you looking at it like that EVERY SINGLE HERO IS REPETITIVE
Rein is only Shielding, hiding Shielding hiding
Soldier is only Running shooting healing Running
Tracer is blinking in shooting Blinking or Recalling out
You can applie that logic to anyone and that weitd Akimbo stuff won’t change that quite the opposit it will make her alot more boring and gives are less things to change.
Them knowing when your comming is the entire point of it. Its a big part of what makes her annoying to play against which is exacetly what im trying to change while giving her massive Mobility in the Progress
Litterly anyone that has 2 Braincells and plays Sombra will tell you old Sombra (Time-Limited(time predictable) but faster Stealth and TL were better than her current unlimited one
This is exactly the reason why Blizz shouldnt use the forums for patch ideas play Sombra first and then work an idea when you understand her role in a comp.
The difference between most of those heroes and Sombra is that they take skill to play and are more active than Sombra even with your idea. Reinhardt is a shield tank so he serves a different function. While with Sombra there is some decision-making involved she doesn’t take much skill as for her weapon to be effective in the slightest she needs to be up close. She can get up close by being invisible, and unlike Tracer, as you point out, as opposed to being reliant on rapid movement for survival she presses one button and teleports out. Running simulator → pop up close to a hero → shoot perhaps one clip → teleport out. Add in the downtime and she is a lame hero. Your reconciliation between downtime and toxicity to play against is that she’ll be on a timer with her Translocator and hence while she’ll be popping out of thin air more often it should at least be more consistently periodic. Maybe Sombra players decide to be less predictable in such circumstances, holding the Translocator for a better time to act. Furthermore you do nothing to alter the basic structure of her lame playstyle.
Amusingly there are pretentious silly people like this person who believe I don’t understand Sombra. I understand her sufficiently, she’s just not a well designed hero and suits a smaller subset of people. That’s what I’m trying to improve. Some of you claim Sombra is fun and well designed but her history in this game indicates the opposite. The reason why Blizzard shouldn’t use the forums for ideas is not me but you. I’m not content with mediocrity whereas you embrace it.
Quite the opposite. You can still do what you do now. Sneak around, get a hack off on someone, fail to kill anything. Except with Akimbo, which has a viscerally satisfying aspect, you can actually be a mid-fight factor. With the increased movement speed, increased damage, and the Translocator you underestimate her feel.
Why was she changed? According to you anyone with two brain cells knew Sombra was both more fun to play with and more fun to play against yet the developers couldn’t muster these brain cells. Maybe it’s the forum posters who have trouble understanding things accurately.
I’ll head into the Game Browser to see how she feels with your code.
I tried the code out. Her Translocator doesn’t appear to be on a timer but I presume that’s because with Stealth being on the short timer it’s on it’s unnecessary. She sure gets around faster at the expense of being in Stealth for a very short period of time. I don’t believe she will get any less annoying to play against, to the contrary. She also isn’t obligated to time her moves predictably, but overall she should have less downtime so there is some significant improvement.
While she may become more fun to play with respect to activity - and probably less fun to play against - I don’t think this addresses her fundamental problem(s). But it may improve her.
Basically, she remains a b**** but a more active one. She’ll probably end up using Stealth during team fights too to target who she wants. She might have to use Hack every time in order to recharge the Stealth meter. I could see her being more fun to play, but I’m not sure she’ll be any different and she will be more toxic. Perhaps this toxicity is why the developers changed her in the first place. Not a lot of counterplay for hounding soft targets and disabling for instance shield tanks.
If anything I wonder if it’s perhaps a good idea to use something from your idea with Akimbo, but your idea alone doesn’t accentuate the positive while control the negative. If this idea actually makes her better mid-fights too she’ll become extraordinarily toxic. The ability to pop up next to anyone out of nowhere frequently is not a good thing, and mid-fights you’ll start killing stuff cheaply. No joking, after the effect becomes apparent you might have a riot on your hands in the broader player population.