^Akimbo Sombra^

Saying Sombra needs to be up close is missing the point of her hack has a range of 15m and her one clip potential ranges to up to 20m and lets not forget that her clip is huge and at 8 dmg a shot even going for body shots will kill a target with good enough aim (and being at a safe distance makes it easier to aim so if you need double damage to kill stuff then your aim must be awful).You dont at all need to be upclose with Sombra you can play mid range and still get value. Yes she in the past has had bugs and downtime but with all the buffs/reworks to her kit she is more active in a team fight than people give her credit for. Shes a hero that isnt dependent on your teams comp but the opposing teams comp do they run alot of cc sombra will struggle but not impossible to play around. In short you need to get gud

What’s the highest SR you’ve reached and with what heroes?

ive peaked 3800 with Sombra but low masters with ana and tracer. Also with multiple accounts sitting high to low master as learning accounts where i play heros i dont normally play except genji cause my genji is awful.

I’ve peaked at 3900 with Soldier and 3750 with McCree, having to stop playing due to a medical condition (induced by eating two pounds of cookies on a regular basis but I digress). Suffice it to say you probably can’t aim better than I do. And unlike on PlayStation we the PC master race have mice and high refresh rate monitors. I’ve heard that on gaming systems Pharah and Mercy reign supreme while they get dumpstered on PC. Maybe that’s why your Sombra works. People can’t aim and Sombra doesn’t need to aim. lol

There was a poster yesterday claiming to be killing Soldier 76s “from a distance”. I think you two would hit if off. Just by playing Sombra alone you’re in a small group of people.

youre assuming that i havent played on pc before i had to move due to my pc breaking early 2017 where i was a zen main also in masters (around 3.97k ish )and let us also not forget the use of kbm ports people use on console in high ranks so phara isnt an issue. whilst mechanics are different game sense and positioning isnt. You can also look at other sombra players like fitzy/codey and even some owl player with regards to how sombra works they dont play for mad 1-1 engagments because again its missing the point yes she can duel but with no burst damage or high movement. It sounds to me that you got to masters on aim and positioning alone but youre game sense seems to be lacking

As a side note there has also been many people who move from console to pc and have the same rank and vice versa the game doesnt change at all small micro aim changes.

Ok, it’s only fair however, that while she has akimbo, she is not able to hack or use EMP.

Let me refresh your mind with what you posted 20 minutes ago:

You were posting about aim.

I think your general sense is lacking most of all.

Nope, she can definitely EMP. I’ve kept Hack too. In a live version there will be a slight delay with Hack and Translocator related to her animation.

the first part i posted about aim the other was about how you actualy play her learn but eh i guess someone who only plays aim demanding heros only thinks of aim i guess.

It sounds to me like you have no clue what you’ve been doing over the past 20 minutes.

I don’t really get the point of giving her more damage.
Personally I do agree that Sombra is lacking in terms of damage and have been leaning towards her as a support but just adding another weapon to increase her fire rate is really not an answer.
Because here’s where the problem arises: If you do not cut back on how fast she charges her EMP, the Akimbo gun increases her ult charge drastically, and considering how powerful we all know her ult to be, that’s pretty game breaking.
Furthermore, it changes up Sombra’s play style completely, from a flanking hero that normally takes high ground to charge her high value ult while dishing in minimal amounts of damage to a front line warlord that is a juggernaut of unstoppable due to the fact that she can run away easily right after dishing a high amount of damage.

the point was you dont have to play “close” with her aim is affected by how “close” a target is to you. like i said she is a mid range hero so play her that way.

The point is she sucks, she’s boring, and she’s so terribly designed you can’t even buff her. The ult points can be adjusted if necessary, that’s not much of a problem.

You should contemplate your vision some more. But yes, her playstyle gets enriched.

if people maintain top 500 with her then she doesnt suck does she?

Isn’t she one of the lowest picked heroes with the worst win rates? lol

People in top 500 are picking soldier, torb and tracer.
All they’re doing is deviating from the Meta because they’re bored of it, not everyone wants to play hanzo reaper doom.

I’ve heard that people broke t500 with Sym 1.0. I also vaguely recall a guy with one hand making it to EVO in a fighting game (might have been Street Fight 4 or Marvel vs. Capcom 3). Sombras getting to the top is a testament to those players’ skill, patience and determination; it doesn’t necessarily mean the character has potential.

I think you might be getting hung up on the aesthetics and not the spirit of the suggestion. The idea isn’t to give Sombra a handheld minigun, it’s to open up another playstyle - choice is interesting, and giving a Sombra player the decision to optimise placement or forgo better placement in favour of doing better damage is surely a good thing.

The ult charge concern’s fair enough, though.

I’m definitely excited about a second Machine Pistol, some more bullets, and a meaner sound.

I mean, I wouldn’t say no, but people seem to be getting hung up on that aspect of it for some reason. :man_shrugging:

God I love these kinds of blanket assessments… it’s cheap