Aim never gets better and frustrated with the lack of helpful advice

I’ve made threads like this a handful of times, hoping one of these days someone can point out where I’m going wrong.

My main account is level 900 roughly. I’m not new. My sensitivity is 4.5 @ 900 DPI. I have a gaming mouse, I play at 100 FPS. I have practiced through: Aim hero, deathmatch, competitive, quick play, other games. I have taken breaks from the game and come back. I have a reaction time of about 200ms and no medical conditions.

Why does my aim never improve? What am I doing wrong? Common problems of mine include accurately tracking someone but trailing behind them and missing everything, getting completely screwed by strafe spam, shooting too late, shooting too soon.

This has been hindering my enjoyment of the game for months now, and it’s not the game’s fault, it’s mine.

I don’t want groundless positivity, I don’t want to be told to do the things I’ve just said I’ve done. Please just… help me, or point me to someone who can.

Thanks for the read, it gets a bit tiring typing this out every time.

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I think you’d find better advice on r/OverwatchUniversity

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Have you tried multiple different combinations of sensitivity/dpi?
I gained 10-15% by just tuning to my own preference and ignoring the “pro” aim setups.

Also, you gotta give yourself time to adjust to each change. It’s a ton of trial and error to find your sweet spot.

OH another thing i did, and it sounds dumb,… but i moved closer to my monitor and focused on the the crosshairs. Like nearly uncomfortably close/sort of leaning in as well, and in 2-3 days i saw an improvement. Then after that it was kind of more muscle memory and i could sit comfortably again.
Bouncing back and forth between MCree and Soldier(tap bursts only) helped alot as well.

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try either higher or lower sensativity. this iwll be the easiest thign to adjust to fix “trailing behind” (higheri f u cant get to em and lwoer if you are goign past em)

also use widow for a week straight.
I still cant aim as good as some people, but compared to when i started? im multipel tiems better. (use to not be able to get more than 5 kills as widow in a junkertown defending whereas now i can get 27+)

her beign a sniper means your aim is your life/contribution. you will over time get better since she relies on precise aiming and slihgtest mistake can make u do no damage at all.

also iirc in windows they have a mouse setting [enhance pointer precision]…uncheck it if its checked.

  • Try different sensibility settings

  • Try different heroes

  • Try heroes that arent so much aim based until you develop other skills, and then try again

You say you’re trailing behind them, it sounds like your sensitivity is too low. Put it up to 5 or 6 maybe (since you said yours is 4.5) and see if that helps.

First off, you sure you’re playing at your natural sensitivity? Check this out: ://

It’s really easy to do, takes about an hour or so but go into practice range and just strafe, move around, while tracking a target with the higher and lower. Go with what feels right to YOU, not what you THINK you should have, yea? Then select which one you preferred and run through the drill again. I recommend tracking for at LEAST 3 minutes at each sensitivity, swapping back and forth if you’re having a hard time deciding. That alone helped me, since I didn’t need ‘warm up’ games as much anymore.

And how are you practicing? Practice doesn’t matter. It’s GOOD practice that improves your aim. The practice range we have now sucks, but Aim Hero is a great program. I have no idea how you can claim you’ve had /zero/ improvement if you’re actually using Aim Hero.

Find someone willing to go into custom games and be a target for you. It seriously helped me improve my aim. Here’s what we did:

Me on McCree or Widow, them on Tracer. I deal 10% damage, with them at 500% health and 1 second cooldown on blink. They move and blink and I merely sit there an try to hit them. Yeah, it can get boring but if you have a good conversation running with the person it isn’t that bad. Be sure to swap roles so they can get a chance to practice as well. Learning to headshot a blinking Tracer after she blinks will help you improve your aim.

Honestly, giving tips on how to improve aim is the most difficult thing you can ask for. Everyone plays with different settings, and people have different methods of playing. Did you know there are three common ways to hold a mouse? Each one has pros and cons, but each of the three will drastically change how you aim. Perhaps you’re holding the mouse wrong? Google Mouse Grip Styles to see what I’m talking about. I used to Palm grip, but changed to a claw. While it’s more uncomfortable for long sessions, that seriously helped with my aim a LOT, especially when it came to flick shots.

And going back to Aim Hero, the tracking course is your best shot. Seriously, that thing is amazing. That target is so unfair it’ll frustrate you, but it WILL help if you keep at it. And I’m talking dozens of hours of it. Building the skills to track is NOT easy. Flicking is actually easier to do than tracking.

He says he is playing @ 100fps as well. That doesn’t seem like a common refresh rate for monitors.

I wonder what his actual monitor’s refresh rate is…
If he’s @ 100fps and only has a 60hz monitor then he is basically sitting @ 60

My monitor is 60Hz factory, but I overclocked it to 100.

Take your sensitivity to the practice range, first thing every day, and practice for 3-5 minutes tracking the moving bots – from different angles to different ranges as well. Adjust your sensitivity after a week of this if you think it is too fast/slow to track consistently.

Also train yourself not to fire at random; shoot only when your reticle meets the intended target. What reticle you prefer is entirely up to you. Train yourself using that specific reticle.

No amount of out-of-game experience will help you in the case where you need to get better in the game. This is not an overnight thing.

I used quake as a platform to improve my pharah and 76 skills specifically. I hit top 500 this season as a pharah main. In Quake 3 arena it is easy to hop in to a bot match of your making and train. The increased momentum of gameplay demands you aim faster, calculate faster, move smarter. The machine gun and rocket launcher directly translate into you ability to track targets as soldier or aim rockets correctly as pharah.

There are of course other games you can train with, i use it as an example as its what im comfortable with. You could also try emulating this same increasing difficulty by increasing game speed idea in custom matches as suggested. Just keep in mind specifically what you are trying to practice and stick to working on that. The dps characters require quite different types of play and aim.

First of all, find the sensitivity that works for you.
I’m running Cree on 16 sens and dpi somewhere between 400-800, can’t remember the exact number. It works for me and I can still land the shots I need to.
And just curious, what hero do you normally play since Cree, Widow and Hanzo all have significantly different aiming styles even though they play similar roles?

In general though, osu! is a great way to get rhythm and accuracy with your shots if you don’t want to solely train in Overwatch, same as CS:GO (though deagle should be your go to there, the rifles have predictable recoil and shouldn’t be used to train for OW).

I never expected improvement to be overnight, that’s why I said my main account is over level 900.

I used to use the practice range, it never did anything for me. The bots are too big and too predictable to be of any use. I have 0 trouble hitting them.

Also, I’ve been a long time player of Unreal Tournament 2004. I can aim better in that game than Overwatch, it’s anyone’s guess why.

The two heroes I want to be good with are Soldier: 76 and Tracer. It’d be nice to be good with hitscan in general, but one thing at a time.

Osu is good for warming your hands up, but not much else.

Replying to like 4 comments at once since I can’t double reply anymore and I’m still figuring the new reply system out.

This probably wont be all that helpful but for me my aim has always been better in a game when I have been able to get it down to muscle reflex. Now there isnt really a perfect way to do this but grinding it out could help.

Maybe alternating between practice mode and then trying to do the same with an audio distraction so that its not first and foremost in your mind might give you some idea of how you are progressing, hold a conversation with someone while playing etc.

good luck all the same. I feel your pain as I am a terrible shot when I have to think about what I am doing.

Post a video of you in FFA, let’s see your technique.

You can quote multiple people at once ,and everyone you quoted gets a notification ,that’s the only real way to reply to multiple people.

Edit : you quote people by highlighting their text ,then a “quote” button should appear.

You should probably edit your comment and do that ,as I don’t think anyone you replied to knows that you did.

Might be due to old age or reaction time? Because certainly from the sound of things you can hit a stationary target? But once it’ moves or fights back it’s a different story.


I use to aim really good in Quake/ Unreal, hit a tic tac size target and flick. Now that I’m older my eyes aren’t as good and reaction time slower. I use to love the old fashion cross hair. Now I use a dot and circle to compensate. I can’t game all nighters like I use to either. The talent pool in Overwatch is also pretty saturated. Video, guides, OWL league for tips can only do so much.

By the time I improved my accuracy on some characters by measly +2-3% I was able to learn how to shot a slingshot with my off hand in a year’s time frame with less effort. Hit a coffee can size target consistently from 75 feet away while walking/using off hand. That’s not easy. But I found that easier than being super accurate in Overwatch using my right hand.

Best advice I can give you is the simplest. Is to get up closer. Fight in your optimal zone. Fight on your terms, know your drop off. That’s just my two cents.

I’m 22, reaction time of about 200ms. Someone took some data of how SR and reaction time are related, and basically, if you don’t have a 300ms reaction time, you’re capable of at least 3500 by that metric alone.

Also, up close is where my aim is at its absolute worst. I can’t keep track of someone who constantly leaves the screen in fractions of a second. Lucios and Tracers get away with it all the time on me, and it’s humiliating.

Edit: Couldn’t record a deathmatch because my game crashed. Since I already took this for someone else, here’s a competitive match where I played Soldier. I’m sure there’s plenty else I did wrong but this thread’s just about aim.

youtube com/watch?v=BWeZBQ0Szbc

Go play osu! dooo de

Like I and others have said, Osu isn’t useful as a tool for improving aim in shooters. It’s good for warming your hands up and maybe getting used to a mouse if you aren’t already. Granted, I have it already, fun game but that’s beside the point.