Aim never gets better and frustrated with the lack of helpful advice

try playing moira, she has tracking aim but the hitboxes are a little forgiving so she can actually help you improve.

Dont track through adad spam, shoot where they were. Easier said than done.

And you might have just plateaued? Kirby shrug. Not the end of the world.

  • Get a bigger mouse pad
  • Set your sensitivity as low as possible while still being able to do a full 360° by moving your mouse from one end of the mouse pad to the other
  • Record your matches and review them in slow motion. Thats where you see where your issues lie and you can directly try get rid of bad habits
  • Dont practice against bots, they move in predictable patterns
  • Most people are better at tracking than flicking or vice versa.
    Figure out what works better for you and then play the heroes which favor your playstyle.

If you want to invest money

  • get a 144hz monitor and upgrade your PC so you get consistent 144 fps

Moira’s lenient tracking will only form bad habits. I see the reasoning, but it won’t work.

Strafe spam just completely ruins me no matter who I’m playing, even if it’s predictable and I KNOW where they’re going to be. Brain and arm won’t cooperate.

Also I reject the concept of a plateau. That means I’m as good as I can be making whatever mistakes I’m making, and I need help to fix them. SOMEBODY out there has got to be able to help me with this.

it sounds like it’ll form bad habits, but it worked like a charm for me. it’s not extremely forgiving, but forgiving enough that it’ll help you.
my aim used to suck, then i started playing moira a lot bc she’s fun, and it genuinely improved. my tracking is WAY better now.

probably helps that i got a computer that can run the game above 15fps around her release too, but still.

Meanwhile I finished last in a competitive deathmatch against players in low silver and bronze. I really want this to stop.

Your aiming with who? You don’t aim the same with soldier as with McCree, for example. Do you start off each day with a game of headshots only 1v6 against bots that can’t shoot back? You should.

Also your accuracy numbers look fine. Maybe they are not so great playing against bronze/silvers, but they are decent numbers in most brackets.

I used to and started doing so again as part of some training regiment I found online.

I have little trouble maintaining good accuracy in a training/practice environment, everything falls apart against other players, no matter how poor their movement or ability usage is.

Also, I’ve given up on projectile heroes, I’m sticking to hitscan, tracking preferably.

Have you tried to change the style and color of your crosshairs? I know that might sound like a silly suggestion, but I had hella nasty aim problems as Hanzo until I did that and it seemed to help a lot.

I can only really help you with McCree, and for me it really is just practice. That said, your numbers on this account are fine. You are at 39% with soldier in QP, ranked in at least diamond. Is this not really your account? Being ranked in diamond vs losing (or even playing) silver and bronze in comp DM doesn’t make sense to me.


Yes, this is my account and always has been. I hate to say it, but I don’t deserve my diamond rank. That’s especially horrible because that’s where I placed in Season 2. Almost two years ago.

I’ve fiddled with it plenty.

Just wanted to suggest it just in case. Sometimes little things that might be fixes get overlooked.

I have this issue too. I make up for it by flickshotting instead than tracking. Nothing more satisfying than putting an arrow into a nearby tracer’s head. Soldier’s rockets are good for this too.

I thought 180°, side to side was the baseline. I almost never need to turn more than 180° in a single movement.

Then play heroes that can stun the strafe spammer or otherwise lock them down. Alternatively, you could just avoid engagements against people who are strafe spamming until they’re not strafe spamming anymore.

Other than that, I’d say the same thing as some other people here. Adjust your sensitivity to overcome your specific issues. Trailing behind someone you’re tracking? Increase sens a little. Overshooting flickshots? Lower it.

Improve the aim is similar to execute combos in fighting games, that need UTTERLY amounts of hours and devotion to improve.

Some Pro-players devote every day 2 - 3 hours only for aim-practice during 2 years and even so sometimes they miss on the OWL.

I say at least 1 hour of self-imposed aim practice and maybe in 1 month you see the results.

Also the heros do not carry the aim technique. 50 hours of aim practice with widow, will do nothing if you jump to use hanzo for example. Each hero need his individual hours

Is similar to say “Oh cuz im a master doing combos with RYU” now i can do combos with zangief “No” each char is different