Aim is only a tiny part

aim is very important and a good skill to develope.

sure u can say… “positioning is also skill”… but if you play heroes like widow, soldier, mccree… you also need to position yourself correctly, every hero needs to track ultimates.

having good aiming skills will make you a better player.

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Get score by just holding down your mouse click is that what you called skill ?
hahah funny

but what skill is it really if a button masher can just easily destroy you.

i mean in all your time playing your should know how to handle every situation for the characters you play.

That is true, but Moira’s goal is not to do damage. She does little damage, but a lot of healing. If one were to play a high damage support, they would pick Zen. I would also like to point out that in the OWL there are many people who main Main tank. And the tanks that are in the Main Tank category are Reinhardt, Winston, and Orisa. Orisa takes aim and tracking, but she is not used as often as Reinhardt, and Winston especially. For this reason, you cannot say that aim is everything and everything else is minimal, as there is something that makes these OWL players special.

No, a hero that requires you to spend time in training room/custom games every day to maintain your muscle memory should be more effective than login and play heroes.

tbh all OWL players are great players and can play all heroes on a very high level.

neptuno played ton of mercy in OWL, he can also play a good soldier, mccree, sombra on ladder games.
they just build a team as strong as possible… being a winston player in OWL doesnt mean you dont have aiming skills.


“Someone kill that Pharah”
“Aim doesn’t matter, so I’m not going to go hitscan, so I’m going to continue playing Symmetra”
“Understandable have a nice day”

The caps lock makes it look like i am yelling lol.

problem with non aim heroes in this game is that they are so easy to break the game, cause they are not hinged on something that is super difficult to get a grasp on. All should be powerful but its the degree to which that should be taken note of.

The other non-mechanical aspects of OW are very difficult to measure and you notice more times the non-aim heroes are either very powerful and everyone complains or they are troll picks.

Its a difficult aspect to manage really.

I didn’t say that aim is everything. I said that it is not a tiny part.

Nevertheless, all of those OWL level main tanks have better aim than the average Diamond player. xQc mains 2 no aim heroes (Winston, Rein) and some Orisa. There are youtube videos where he does Tracer V Tracer duels against Dafran and Sinatraa. Of course he loses, but he is not in any way that far from being a decent master main Tracer.

Being a support or tank main does not mean that you do not have aim (see Zen mains in OWL). The exact opposite; those who do not have aim and have climbed abusing one tricking , do not really deserve to be called Masters. They are Master on “X” hero and Wood on the rest.

I just copy pasted lol!

Most of the “aim reliant heroes players” admit that Rein or Winston require a toon of skill…

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The basic principle of effort versus reward stands. I used this example because it is uncontestable and forces you to face the truth.

The natural order of everything is: the bigger the effort, the higher the rewards. When you are in an environnement that punishes effort you create chaos. The simplest way to understand is to compare with real life.

Imagine a society in which the more effort you put in school the harder you get punished.

Completely irrelevant, but chaos is the natural order of things. Just saying.

Ofcourse aim is not the only skill in this game.
BUT an aim-dependend hero needs gamesense, positioning, knowledge of gamemechanics, map awareness, team awareness and ultimate tracking just as much as an non aim-dependend hero does.

Heroes like McCree and Ana should be more effective than their non-aim counterparts. Yet they are not. There is no reason ever to pick Ana over Mercy or Moira. There is no reason to pick McCree over Brigitte, Junkrat or Pharah in the current meta, they all do a better Job at anti-flanking, CC’ing and damaging than him.

Let’s take the Ana example here.

  • Positioning/ awareness
    Ana needs exceptional positioning/awareness. She has 0 escape mechanism to get away when being dived. If she is just a tiny bit out of position she either dies or is not able to heal teammates anymore.
    Mercy has a great get-away tool available all 2s, yet she needs a teammate to fly to. Mercy still needs good positioning and movement since she is always hunted, it’s not comparable to Ana tho. If Mercy overextends she usually dies.
    Moira has THE BEST escape tool in the whole game. She can turn invul/invis and escape EVERY SINGLE ultimate in this game. If she overextends, she can get away unpunished.
  • Target priority
    Ana needs great target priority. She needs to evaluate if she needs to pre-heal teammates that might get dived, if it’s worth wasting a shot to heal 20hp chip damage and maybe need to reload at a critical time and she needs to manage reloading as well as clipsize.
    Mercy still has to do target priority since she can only heal 1 person at a time. She doesn’t have to worry about resource or ammo, she can just easily heal 20hp chip dmg away and continue healing someone else up.
    Moira well she sprays on her team, heals them up with 0 target priority since they all get healed. The only thing she has to manage is resource, which is not that hard after you’ve played her for a couple of hours. In case you have 0 resource anymore there is still an Orb you can throw and if you messed that up too, you have your Ult ready all 30-45s, so you can use this to heal your team if you get low on resource.
  • Ultimate management
    Ana needs to constantly monitor which ultimates are coming up from the enemy and the teammates. She needs to know that for potential anti-nades and sleep darts for the enemy and for the nano-boost for teammates.
    Mercy needs that too, since she also has to know when and if to use rez and if it’s worth using Valk or not.
    Moira literally has not to worry about that to the same extent Ana and Mercy do. She can escape any ultimate, even grav. She builds her ult so quickly, she can use it at will and have it again next teamfight. She doesn’t need to look out for combos from friendlies and only for some enemy ultimates (Visor, Grav, Shatter).
  • Aim
    Ana needs great aim to be effective. Yes the hitboxes are quite generous, still you can miss a cruicial shot or 2 on a squishy, if she misses, they die. Her shots can be eaten/blocked by shields/DM and by friendly teammates. Her only self-defense tools also need great aim. Hitting a sleep dart on a Genji or Tracer is quite hard, yet if you miss, you die.
    Mercy requires 0 aim for the healing beam, she can attach it and look in any direction. She does need aim for her pistol, but her hitboxes are VERY big and is also not used very often.
    Moira needs a bit of tracking, hitbox is quite forgiving. The healing has to be aimed in general direction.

So with all of this listed, in which world does it even justify that Mercy and Moira outshine Ana in every aspect. Shouldn’t someone who has invested 100hrs into Ana be more effective as a healer than someone who has played 5hrs of Moira? Yet here we are, where the opposite is the case.
Ana should have a bigger impact than Moira or Mercy if mastered. But she doesn’t. Yet she requires all of the “skills” Moira and Mercy need to and even more.

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In other words, the Soviet Union. People with University degree had lower salaries than regular factory or construction workers.

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Is 50% gamesense 50% mechanical skils in every hero. Even Mercy for example she have mechanical-skills. Timing correctly guardian-angel, survive while being attacked by 2 - 3 characters, timing the Ult to allow the team survive an enemy push etc.

In heros like Winston, Mercy, Moira the gamesense is more important but i repeat mechanical skills still necessary.

Please tell me, why do you feel like you need to lie?

So communism?

maybe so i’m no communism expert. It seems to have fail though. All because of the simple law of effort versus rewards.