Aim is only a tiny part

It’s funny how people like to act as if raw aim is the only thing that matters in a game and if a hero doesn’t require it they are immediately no skill. Mechanically intensive heros were made to attract fps players, only a small part of the game when overwatch is meant to attract everybody. Non aim reliant heros should be just as powerful as aim reliant heros. So get off of your aim high horse and realize you are only a small part of the game.


“Aim is the only skill that matters”

Sombra buff shuts down all abilites and movement passives making her a must pick

“Nerf Sombra, She takes away my abilities and makes me solely rely on aiming”


They should be only if they require more skills to be played effectively which currently they don’t.


actually raw aim gets you 4300 sr, check all widow and mccree aimbotters from the past


aim is pretty big part. Not only, but pretty massive. Unless you’re playing heroes that doesn’t require aim ofcourse.


This is as stupid as saying that a job that requires high qualification should pay as much a job that required none.
Stating that a cleaner should be paid the same as an architect.


You Need much more to get better in Overwatch, but i think aim is the hardest to learn.

What? This is a game not a career.
Interesting how people say aim is the most important but then whine the moment they see a widow picked on the team. Every hero is important. No one should be given grief for playing less aim reliant heroes.


The results of having poor aim

You can’t play:
2 tanks, 6 offense, 3 defense, 2 supports
Sum: 13 heroes

You are mediocre with:
2 tanks, 2 offense, 3 defense, 2 supports
Sum: 8 heroes

Heroes that need zero to minimal aim:
2 tanks, 0 offense, 0 defense, 3 supports
sum: 5 heroes

From those 5 heroes, Winston and Symmetra are out of meta, so you can effectively play only:
Brigitte, Mercy, Reinhardt…


Aim does not matter at all

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Nobody complained about a widow pick since 2017 in plat or higher

On the contrary, high skill should have high rewards.
By the way, aim isn’t the only skill in Overwatch.


Winston is out of the meta?!?!?!

From this

to this

Do you see the difference?

Have you ever heard of skillshot abilities?

Aim is definitely not a small part of the game, unless you only play easy heroes.
Everybody has to do everything else, the only that you can skip is learning to aim.
Which is a massive thing, that you need to practice endlessly.
Setting the baseline to no aim heroes isn’t that big of an error.

Highskill heroes should have high rewards

High skilled player build up countless hours of skill and a 5 hour brigitte main bullies them.
Its like one character negates any and all skill they thought they had

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Also, Moira requires the same amount of aim as Symmetra.

A player with 40% accuracy on soldier will be much better with Moira than one with 20%. She is forgiving, but still she needs some tracking.

Exactly this. I dedicated myself to getting good mechanics on Genji (This account), Tracer, Widow etc. (Alts) and some button masher comes in and deletes me. Fun experience.

The best is "Can Someone TAKE THAT PHARAH OUT ALREADY!!! " I can’t aim so maybe if I whine louder it will help