Aim assist removed

Well OK, Minecraft is not a shooter, Fortnite is 3rd person and Destiny has an entire different pacing with PvE focus. :wink: I don’t know if cross play in Overwatch was a highly-demanded feature for years, maybe they meant between consoles, which is OK.
Well I am a PC player and I don’t play competitive so I guess I will meet some consoleros sooner or later. I hope in the enemy team only. :sweat_smile:

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Most console players. We’ll been wanting to play against each other for years.

Crossplay with PC? I guess a few people want it, but most console players haven’t asked for it.


I did and I have a ton of posts here in case you didn’t notice. There was almost no demand.

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Mostly likely you will see few console players unless you group up with other console players as friends.

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But aiming with a mouse is inherently easier than with a controller, hence the aim assist. Wouldn’t aim assist even the playing field? Getting rid of it lets PC keep the advantage which isn’t “balanced”


I saw very little requests. Of the requests I did see though, most definitely didn’t want pc involved.

A small minority wanted it and weren’t very vocal about it.


I know you are regular, but I have seen the various threads that pop up. This has been asked for significantly and was responded to in the last two Developer Reddit AMAs.


pc player here. Leave aim assist on for console players. We gotta see what happens, you gotta let them play as they know how to!

Qué pasa si activan el aim assist? dime que pasa po, dime que pasa. Que pasa po, que pasa. Dime que va a pasar.


^ This.

As a PlayStation console player I just wanted to play with Xbox, not pc or switch…


This is correct. And the developers themselves noted that the advantage for mouse players against controller players, even with aim assist, was so high they considered changing their policy to ban it.


Seeing a few threads and highly demanded are two different things. Anyone can search crossplay on this forum before the feature was hinted to be announced and see the posts requesting it were few. There’s like 1 thread a month, if that. That’s not highly demanded.

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This has been known it was gonna happen for a while. The solution is not to play with PC players. Your aim assist will remain in tact so long as you remain in your lane.


I don’t think the changes are anti-console. You only lose aim assist if you are grouped up with a PC player. If you don’t purposefully group up with a PC player then you don’t lose aim assist. The crossplay feature only groups console players together by default. And if a console player groups with a PC player they get put into PC games. The PC players don’t get put into console games even if they group with a console player.

So you have full control on if you even get put into the PC pool. And you can disable crossplay if you want, but you get a bigger player base if you don’t.


To take advantage of the main selling point, you have to nerf yourself drastically.

If you don’t take advantage, you still have to deal with the additon of an unmonitored text chat and parity nerfs designed to appease pc players.


Yes. They first dropped the hint it was coming in February.

Only if you group up with a PC player. If you only group with console players then you only get matched with other console players regardless of what anyone else does. To me that is the main selling point for console players.

For a PC player, there is no selling point. We don’t want this. I want cross progression, but I don’t want cross play on PC. On console, I do want crossplay.

So, I wish I could opt out on PC.

If they put aim assist on cross play between console/PC then it would only be fair to allow PC players to opt out which I guarantee you most of us would.

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Pretty much. Crossplay here is pointless the way it was implemented. Almost nobody will use it.

Xbox to PS4 makes sense at least.

I only play solo arcade/quick match but there are usually many premade teams where I get matched with. The destiny of a lonesome tank/support player I guess. xD

They are still in beta please just give it a try this weeks before complaining.


We’re playing on Playstation right now. And tbh the aim feels so off? Normally I have no problem with tracking and aiming but today it feels so bad not gonna lie. You can’t tell me that nothing got changed… XD

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