Aim assist is a fraud

Hate to say this, but whomever uses Aim assist is definitely cheating. There is no doubt about it. Also, Aim assist was removed from the game long time ago. IDK how anyone can still have access to it, but nobody knows how to aim assist. Those who say they did apparently cheated.

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And the meteor crashes down from the bait
And i thought this would be more funny… damn


~2500 posts and you don’t know what aim-assist is?

it’s part of the rigging ™ tech/patents etc to keep up engagement1

it’s particularly oppressive viz. console, and especially disgusting during ow2 beta cross-play where console hitscans could just thumb people down 3k sr above their rank. the killcams were a complete joke and they disabled replay codes (i wonder why - testing ttk breakpoints for/against the assist/resist lol).

using any kind of data to tailor the experience down to an individual level is certfified fraud and turns the ecosystem into a sham that is 100% anti-competitive and not in the spirit of esports, despite being marketed as such.

u find randoms around the pixels you’re ranking around (SR) and ship. they win or lose and go up or down and that’s that.

data-collect exists only to monetize or rig.

I play on console though

For console to be with PC, the console player has to queue with a PC player, and the console player’s aim assist gets disabled

OW’s aim assist isn’t even that good


OW2 beta had full blown aim-assist and we are psure it is in non-comp OW1.
The patents provide for all kinds of rigging tech and we have no dev statements to confirm/deny.

I’d stay away from taking anything seriously from this studio. They monetize for engagement and have patented a literal scam in CoD, who knows what has made/making it’s way into OW/2.

I can confirm that aim assist doesn’t work in PC lobbies, as I’ve queued with a PC player before

And it didn’t work in the OW2 beta PC lobbies either


My friend confirmed it did and the killcams showed that. I guess your experience cancels out my own. We’ll need an official statement. Until then, the official documented evidence (patents) says it’s baked in. In fact their entire push for cross-play is backed by dynamic-difficulty-adjustment (dda) + mmr/sbmm/eomm rigging. They wouldn’t be able to make things work otherwise.



It’s not cheating. Blizzard put it in the game for console players to use since thumb sticks are so inferior to a mouse for aim.

I wouldn’t necessarily be proud of my performance if I was using it though. How could you ever know if a kill was you or the assistance?

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As a person who plays on console and plays with pc friends from time to time I can safetly say this is false.

While playing OW2 on my own I only queued into console pools with my aim being with my normal accurancies. I played a few games with my pc friends once they got beta access and that accuracy dropped by 20-25% due to no longer having aim assist.

You should refrain from spreading misinformation.


No, you can’t say it’s false. You’re NOT an official source and you’re NOT authoritative.
The written documentation says it’s a possibility. All the patents seek with intent to rig the experience for the sake of accessibility, inclusivity, and diversity. They use tech like DDA for hitbox scaling and aim-assist/resist to favour the over/under performers to keep things close and engaging.

Disagree? Read the patents. Until then, everyone of rational mind should trust the documented evidence, not the “I didn’t feel it so it’s not there”.

But you provide no evidence so it’s you who is spreading misinfo.

Sorry but your experience counts for nothing.
Read the patents, and refute how any of that tech could possibly be in-game.

Will console aim-assist be enabled when I match up with a PC player?
No. Console aim-assist will be disabled by default if you group up with a PC player to equalize play during the match.

Took me 1 min to find this.

Also considering there are multiple people here saying that when they play cross platform it is turned off maybe I would have listened to them and then googled it myself rather than hoping for a blue post to confirm what they have said


Just keep it away from PC comp. It’ll ruin the game just like apex is being ruined by it

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There is a difference between people that look for information to learn and people that only look for information to win an argument.

You are clearly the former.

It is obvious that cross-play doesn’t exist for the PC pool. There are many examples where Blizzard have confirmed this.

Imagine how far down the rabbit hole of your own “rigged” conspiracy theory you have to be to see this any other way.

Look at the state of this…

Lol… killcams “confirmed” aim assist… I… how…?


And then afterwards he goes

Its him being a hypocrit as per usual, his “friend’s” experience is true whilst someone elses isnt worth anything


It’s not even hypocrisy… I don’t even know what to call it…

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There is also this comment from the AMA they had over a month ago where they had no current plans to enable aim-assist for crossplay.

Least “master race elitist” pc player

You are also not an authority, so again refrain from spreading misinformation.

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