Aim assist is a fraud

Reported for trolling.


My favorite part of this is that they thought OW aim assist could close a 3000SR skill gap.

It’s a little known fact that Tac Visor actually lowers your accuracy on console.

And your friend is who? Right, another random so.

First time I’ve seen someone build a strawman from one word.

Except his experience is the same as what was stated by the devs and since you’re making the accusation the burden of proof is on you.
Not only that you’re stating a second hand opinion and if this was a court of law your experience would be ignored as hearsay.

Dev post is here.

It doesn’t. Classic receipts. Patents are a description of an idea nothing more. They don’t indercate use or anything else. Saying a patent says it’s baked in not only is a lie, it shows you don’t know what a patent is.


That blue post doesn’t apply to OW2 beta. There was a TON of cross-play during OW2 beta and the killcams were sus. Not even replay codes lmao. During the beta they could have been trialing the aim-assist tech.

it shows u didn’t even read the patents.
they’re not just about “aim-assist”.

the cross-platform stuff offers all kinds of tech that has neither been confirmed/denied.
Including DDA that scales hitboxes (the pc users hit smaller hitboxes the console users reg larger ones). No matter how you try to spindoctor it, the patents are documentation of intent to rig the game.

No way posts like this still exist in 2022. I’m ded

Its not cheating, its literally a built in function. The hell are you on about?

Good grief - you… you still…

Never mind…

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Filing for a patent doesn’t mean they will use the idea.

It’s just calling dibs on an idea so no one else can use it without paying them.

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Patent doesn’t say it’s baked in. The contents even states pictures are for reference only.

As stated a patent is a description of idea. Not documentation of use.

I’d go on but you randomly thinking I didn’t read something in the patent when I’m talking about what a patent is shows how strong your point is. It also shows you’d rather lie and insult someone over having discussion.