Aight Mercy Players, Would you rather

55 HPS personally. Though, I wouldn’t mind the weapon switch time cut in half.

I think rez is fine as is, and while I know a lot of others disagree, I also enjoy Valkyrie as is. It may not have the most obvious impact, but it can still swing a team fight.

I think this is the most potentially healthy while making her more viable compared to the other changes. something like reducing the ult charge cost would make her more viable. the duration is fine imo.

that would probably be broken. imagine getting dove by 2-3 heroes with 30% dmg boost and 60 healing constantly chained on to them.

Maybe but it’d be a lot shorter reduction in that case. Maybe 5-6 seconds tops. I just see it as a simple solution that doesn’t require her to get fully reworked again while increasing its impact.

There’s also counters in Immortality Field, Bionade, and Orisa Supercharger, among others.

understandable. (keystrokes)

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Better Valkyrie.

It needs serious adjustments, and could probably also allow for those Valkyrie changes to rez too. Not moth level rez changes, but at least actually do as Valkyrie says and let it enhance her whole kit.


Definitely 2, all of these sound nice though. I’d be careful with Rez though.

If I had to choose amongst those: have 55 hps

Weapon switch time doesn’t matter as you really shouldn’t be pistoling all that often. Valk is fine imo as long as you know when to use it. Rez is also fine imo if you know whether a rez is worth the risk or not.

I pick 1.

I like Mercy as she is, I just want to be able to frag more and then get back to healing ASAP.

Can I cheat and say what I’d like to see in a teammate Mercy? (not really a Mercy player)

Because it’d probably be 3, among these

55hps, without question. There’s a reason Mercy hasn’t been played all but two seconds in OWL yet, and it’s because she can’t keep up anymore, and that’s just sad.

So a second ultimate. No thx, sounds garbo.

I think I will go for option
5) when ulting mercy throw away the staff and takes out a second gun, goes into full crazy yandere mode and can avenging angel towars the enemy rather then guardian angel towards allies… allowing her to dopler her shoots into one deadly burst along the way…

oh and when she throws away her staff she can throw it at someone stunning them…

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2 or 4 or both. By adjustment to rez I mean get rid of it lmao

I don’t mind Mercy’s current state, but if I were to choose, #3 would be much appreciated.

Approved, 5 stars. :star::star::star::star::star:

Would rather Rez get removed entirely and replaced with a new ability + the buffs that rez was holding the rest of the kit back.

Weapon switch! Weapon switch! Weapon switch!

…and maybe by more than half! Oorah!

Go eat some crayons, what in the hell is a jarhead doing on my forums