Aight Mercy Players, Would you rather

Would you rather

  1. Have weapon switch time cut in half
  2. Have 55 HPS
  3. Have Valkyrie more impactful with shorter duration
  4. Have rez adjusted or changed

Which would your personally want and which would you think is best for the character.

For me, I wouldn’t mind any of these even being considered :slight_smile:
Hope everyone is having a good day!


I wouldn’t mind any of these changes, but would prefer the weapon switch time cut.

That, and/or a hybrid guardian angel beam preference, but I posted a topic on that a while back.


If i had to pick only one? Probably 3. Maybe 2.

But some combination of them all would be ideal.


It would be nice to have all of them lmao. I think the forums would literally explode though :rofl:


Maybe, but i’m happy to take concessions to make it work.

I wouldn’t want a straight buff to all 4, but a redistribution of effectiveness with a slight buff to one would seem reasonable.

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I don’t mind Mercy’s current state. The only Mercy buff I would really want is for Valk to make rez time shorter.

So a combination of 3 and 4 I suppose.


1 and 2

i dont want much else changed but also wouldnt mind e rez being on a resource meter instead of cooldown, that way mercys who are making plays instead of healbotting are rewarded, plus this would make her ult more meaningful.

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Ranked from what I feel would be better for the hero
Rez could use a tweak
Being able to provide more healing would really help
Valk is an OK ult right now but it isn’t the most impactful soley based on follow up
Battle mercy is great for certain scenarios but that buff wouldn’t help her too much


Could you explain how you would like the meter for rez to fill up???

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Depends how. But, assuming it was in a way that I wanted, this would be my first choice.

(The “How” for me is just to make the CD shorter. That’s it. Maybe 20 seconds or something)

This would be my second choice

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  • No. 1 because the switch time is deplorable for what the weapon actually can do.

  • No.4 I would like less movement reduction while casting the rez because her speed is reduced by 50% maybe make it 35% speed decrease instead.


I’d vibe with these changes


I don’t like mercy but I would add a “charge”
Mechanic to Rez that depletes all charges upon use, charges are also lost upon death, healing beam builds up charges at a slow rate, damage boost also doesn’t build charges.

Valkyrie increases rate at which charges are built.

I think that would add more fun. Mercy’s get rewarded for winning team fights, but are punished heavily for misplays.


i forget which streamer (or thread) i saw this from but basically rez needs to be earned and putting it on a resource meter that fills up as you damage/dboost/heal will reward decent mercy players and give more plays for mercy as a hero, esp with how valk is designed right now imo.

i wouldnt know the numbers, but obviously the better at GA and beam juggling you are, the faster rez would be available, and it isnt just “free” as it feels rn.


60 hps

Remove rez entirely


What would you replace it with?



For 60 hps, I’d let them remove it without a compensating ability.

I simply do not agree with the statements of rez being this “ultra impact” ability that deserves a stupidly long cooldown.

The simple fact is that it is unhealthy for the game as an ability as we can never see it in a light without being op or pathetic.

I could go on for days about the changes I could test for Mercy. But for 60 hps, I’d let them have rez. It’s not like it’s fun to be screamed at to rez someone in the enemy’s spawn and die immediately after and be called homophobic slurs for dying.

If I had to replace it with something to please these fake Mercy mains, it’d be a burst heal. Something small like 100 health over 2 seconds or something. I’m intentionally not putting much thought into it because I’d rather just have 60 hps, but a burst heal would make her competitive as a main healer.

definitely a more impactful but shorter duration valkyrie, valkyrie doesnt even feel like an ultimate.
but if they don’t want valk to be stronger or impactful, she should just have mass rez (no, not the 2017 version) with valkyrie as an E ability


isnt that… 50 hps? lol


Someone had a good idea I saw

15m range, insta rezes ally if they die 2 seconds after cast

While I’m not particularly advocating for anything that isn’t 60 hps, it’d be worlds better than live rez