Ahem... Orisa, is dead!

The horse at long last has been brought to justice! She has taken the reins of the meta for months now… but she is no more! It is time, for the great monkey and his bunny and time-traveler sidekicks are coming back in full force. Yes, that’s right. Dive is back.

Long live the monkey!


Ptr change. I do believe this is OP’s predictions and expressing their joy over the orisa nerf. If any hero got hit hard by these nerfs its Symmetra and especially Sigma.

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The meta is likely not going to change after this patch hits live.
But hey, we’re making improvements.

Doomfist will at least be a bit less common; that’s something.

Meta won’t change until Sigma is nerfed harder.

Even when Sigma falls out of meta, Orisa + Hog will be meta and we’ll go back to bunker. Orisa’s shield cooldown nerf isn’t enough.

That’s an overall improvement in my books.
But at the same time, that’s still a buff to Orisa/Sigma.

I don’t know if that will still be viable with the 10 second cooldown.
I feel Orisa will likely rely on Sigma a lot more if anything.


lol Dive is not coming back with this patch. Reaper Mei and even Hanzo will still utterly shred Winston and D.Va if they try to dive anything.

This will make Rein comps more viable, but as long as Sigma is still a main tank that does the damage of a DPS and the peel of an off-tank, with his broken as hell 50%+ 50 damage ult, he will literally always be meta. See y’all in 2022 when he finally gets the changes he needs.

woah there -McCree Voice.

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This is wrong, 8 second shield CD Orisa was hot trash until Lucio was nerfed, and this patch undoes that nerf and nerfs her. She’ll only be viable with Sigma, due to how broken Sigma is. You could honestly run any tank apart from Winston with Sigma and be viable on this new patch.

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She wasn’t trash, she was just usually a worse pick and a niche tank. She had her maps.

LMAO. Dive isn’t coming back with this patch.

Orisa was never ‘trash’. She just wasn’t great on non-payload attack due to her lack of mobility. She was always a good high ground tank, she just wasn’t OP so no one played her because she was (and still is) incredibly dull.

but i can still pick her tho

I just hope dive doesn’t last long because it got boring fast. Just as bad as any other “Play these 8 heroes or you’re throwing” meta.

Good we’ll turn her to glue.

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(But Orisa likely isn’t even dead)

Seriously, the meta might just revert to Orisa+Hog.
Now that Sigma can get Yoinked.

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Idk about that.
Orisa will probably rely more on Sigma now than before if anything.